PPSC ASI Past Solved Paper MCQs sourced from Punjab Police past test conducted by Punjab Public Service Commission.
PPSC ASI Past Solved Paper MCQs
Florence city is located in which country?
A) Germany
B) France
C) Italy
D) None of these
Who is the current Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan?
A) Malina MartB) Androulla Kaminara
C) Tim Torlout
D) None of these
Explanation: Current Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan Dr Riina Kionka. (updated November 2024)
The gas commonly known as “Laughing gas” is:
A) Carbon dioxide
B) Methane
C) Nitrogen
D) Nitrous oxide
Which pass is known as “Roof of the world”?
A) Khunjerab Pass
B) Shandur Pass
C) Karakoram Pass
D) None of these
Which celebrity was awarded Pride of Performance in 2005?
A) Nusrat Mumtaz
B) Abrar ul Haq
C) Arif Lohar
D) None of these
Hemisphere is warmer according to
A) Northern to Southern
B) Southern to Northern
C) Same Rate
D) None of these
When was Quaid-e-Azam first appointed as Third Presidency Magistrate in Bombay?
A) 1900
B) 1902
C) 1903
D) None of these
T-20 World Cup 2022 will be held in which country?
A) Australia
B) India
D) None of these
Chaj Doab lies between which two rivers?
A) Indus-Jhelum
B) Chenab-Jhelum
C) Ravi-Chenab
D) None of these
Who the current Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)?
A) Iyad Amin
B) Dr Hamid Algabid
C) Habib Chatty
D) None of these
Note: Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha is the current Secretary General of the OIC. (Updated November 2024)
What is the share of forest covered area of the total geographical area of the World?
A) 15%
B) 20%
C) 25%
D) None of these
The focal point of Human Rights Organization is:
A) Human Rights Department
B) UN Human Rights Council
C) Human Rights Commission
D) None of these
Dr. Arif Alvi is the ……. president of Pakistan?
A) 13th
B) 12th
C) 11th
D) None of these
The first-ever nuclear bomb was detonated in:
B) France
C) New Mexico
D) None of these
Who was the last ruler of Lodi dynasty?
A) Bahlol Lodhi
B) Ibrahim Lodhi
C) Akbar Lodhi
D) None of these
Name the acid which is present in the sting of ants?
A) Formic Acid
B) Oxalic Acid
C) Tartaric Acid
D) None of these
In the interim government of 1946 the Ministry of Finance was placed under:
A) Liaquat Ali Khan
B) J.N. Mandal
C) Raja Ghazanfar Ali
D) None of These
When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed?
A) 1948
B) 1949
C) 1947
D) 1950
What is the old name of Myanmar?
A) Helsinki
B) Edo
C) Burma
D) None of these
اردو کازیریں دور کہلاتا ہے؟
A) غالب ذوق
B) میروسودا
C) میروذوق
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
Pakistan officially joined the United Nations (UN) in:
A) 1949
B) 1947
C) 1946
D) None of these
Pakistan is expected to harvest wheat crop. with the first month of which Mela?
A) Mela Maveshiyan
B) Jashan-e-Baharan
C) Maghi Mela
D) Baisakhi Mela
Which of the following countries has recently declared 2019 as the ‘Year of Tolerance’?
A) Germany
B) France
D) None of these
Faiz Ahmed Faiz was arrested in Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case in:
A) 1951
B) 1952
C) 1953
D) None of these
Which of the following is not a social issue in Pakistan?
A) Illiteracy
B) Poverty
C) Constitutional Crisis
D) None of these
When the wicket-keeper bails out the wickets and Batsman did not go for a run then what type of out?
B) Bowled
C) Stump
C) Run Out
Dr. Abdus Salam was awarded Nobel Prize for having work on which basic forces?
A) Electromagnetic and Molecular
B) Electromagnetic and Electromotive
C) Weak and Electro Magnetic
D) None of these
To make an uncharged object have a negative charge we must:
A) Remove some proton
B) Add some atoms
C) Add some Electrons
D) None of these
In 1946 which Organization proposed the elimination of nuclear weapons:
A) UN General Assembly
B) UN Secretariat
C) World Bank
D) None of these
Where is “Qadam Gah of Mola Ali (R.A)” located?
A) Hyderabad, Sindh
B) Bibi Pak Daman, Lahore
C) Peshawar
D) None of these
Famous love story of “Sohni Mahiwal” is associated with which river?
A) Chenab
B) Indus
C) Ravi
D) None of these
In which city Hiran Minar is located?
A) Sheikhupura
B) Multan
C) Faislabad
D) None of these
The longest river in Pakistan is:
A) Ravi
B) Sutlej
C) Chenab
D) Indus
The least polluted gas is:
A) Carbon
B) Nitrogen
C) Chlorine
D) None of these
Black Buck re-introduced in which desert of Pakistan?
A) Cholistan
B) Thar
C) Kharan
D) None of these
Iran China signed ‘Strategic deal’ in Tehran on which date?
A) 27-March-2021
B) 27-Feb-2021
C) 27-January-2021
D) None of these
Global Terrorism Index Pakistan stands at which number?
A) 3
B) 5
C) 7
(D) None of these
Which country’s deforestation rate is the highest in Asia?
A) Pakistan
B) China
C) India
D) Afghanistan
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) will issue a coin in recognition of Edhi’s services on 31 March 2017, with worth Rs…….?
A) 5
B) 10
C) 20
D) 50
Who gave a speech called “Where Do Human Rights Begin”?
A) Antonio Guterres
B) Kofi Anan
C) Asma Jahangir
D) Eleanor Roosevelt
When was Islamia College Peshawar established?
A) 1911
B) 1912
C) 1913
D) None of these
Arctic region of earth contains how reserves of earth:
A) 10%
B) 20%
C) 25%
D) None of these
Beirut is the capital city of:
A) Lebanon
B) Oman
C) Afghanistan
D) Bahrain
Which country has recently launched it’s first semi-heavy missile-equipped submarine dubbed as Fatah?
A) Iran
B) Pakistan
C) Turkey
D) None of these
Pakistan joined Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) in the year:
A) 1951
B) 1952
C) 1953
D) 1954
Kobe Bryant of US died earlier in Helicopter crash in:
A) Florida
B) Illinois
C) California
D) None of these
The weight of an object at the center of the earth of radius R is:
A) Same
B) Weightless
C) Rise a little
D) None of these
He suggested that we should be bound by a code of conduct, isn’t it?
A) Isn’t it?
B) Aren’t we?
C) Shouldn’t we?
D) None of these
I know he is slow …… understanding, but you have to be patient with him.
A) With
B) At
C) To
D) From
Choose the right one:
A) Neither Ali nor Aslam has taken his test.
B) Neither Ali nor Aslam have taken his test.
C) Neither Ali nor Aslam has taken their test.
(D) None of these
Do you think we won a match. Which sign is used?
A) ?
B) .
C) ,
D) None of these
Correct meaning of idiom: “Spill the beans”.
A) To misbehave
B) To revel a secret
C) To talk irrelevant
D) None of these
Wow what a cold weather which sign is use at the end:
(A) ?
B) !
C) :
D) None of these
The antonym of Callous is:
A) Heartless
B) Unfeeling
C) Kind
D) None of these
Synonym of “Rectify” is:
A) To build
B) Correct
C) Destroy
D) None of these
Antonym of “Kith” is:
A) Stranger
B) Neighour
C) Familiar
D) None of these
Synonym of “Chivalrous” is:
A) Rude
B) Gallant
C) Boorish
D) None of the these
John Came later than I. The later is:
A) verb
B) Adverb
C) Noun
D) None of these
I should not feel pride …… my qualification
(A) At
B) On
C) To
D) In
It was my mistake not to …… before signing a contract.
A) Look through
B) Called out
C) Look
D) None of these
The average of 50 numbers is 30. If two numbers 35 and 40 are discarded, then the average of the remaining numbers is nearly:
A) 28.32
B) 29.68
C) 28.78
D) 29.27
A sum of money doubles in 3 years at compound interest, compounded annually at the same rate. It will become 4 times itself in:
A) 4 years
B) 5 years
C) 6 years
D) 7.5 years
If 60 women spin 48 kg of cotton by working 8 hrs daily, how much cotton will 30 women spin by working 12 hrs daily?
A) 32 kg
B) 34 kg
C) 36 kg
D) None of these
The average of runs of a cricket player in 10 innings was 32. How many runs must he make in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 4?
A) 70
B) 72
C) 74
D) 76
The angle between the hour and minute hand at 8:30 is:
A) 60
B) 45
C) 75
D) None of these
If 1
A) 2
B) 4
C) 5
D) None of these
The price of the pen is 75. After a 15% discount its prize is:
A) 51
B) 55
C) 60
D) None of these
If x= 3 + √8 Find the value of x² + 1/x²
A) 32
B) 34
C) 36
D) None of these
BIOS is used as:
A) Application Software
B) Operating System
C) Compiler
D) None of these
Which Key is used for one page down in MS word?
A) Ctrl+PgDn
B) Ctrl+down arrow
C) Down Arrow
D) None of these
How do you tell from one cell to another?
A) Address
C) Formulas
B) Values
D) All of these
Which one is not application software?
A) MS windows
B) MS Server
D) None of these
Which of the following is a single-user system:
A) Linux
C) Windows
D) None of these
RAM is:
A) Volatile
B) Permanent
C) Primary Memory
D) All of these
Which of the following you can paste selectively using Paste Special command?
A) Validation
B) Formats
C) Formula
D) All of these
The language that the computer can understand and execute is called?
A) Assembly
B) Machine Language
D) None of these
Pakistan National Movement was formed by:
A) Ch. Rehmat Ali
B) Syed Amir Ali
C) Allama Iqbal
D) None of these
India did airstrikes in 2019. When India has struck it before?
A) 1947
B) 1956
C) 1967
D) 1971
?صحف موسی کا ذکر قرآن میں کتنی مرتبہ آیا ہے
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
چار ہجری میں آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا نکاح کن سے ہوا؟
A) حضرت زینب رضی اللہ عنہا
B) حضرت میمو نہ رضی اللہ عنہا
C) حضرت ماریہ رضی اللہ عنہا
D) حضرت ام سلمہ
حضرت ابو سفیان کی بیٹی کا نکاح آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم سے ہوا. ان کا کیا نام ہے؟
A) حضرت زینب رضی اللہ عنہا
B) حضرت میمو نہ رضی اللہ عنہا
C) حضرت ماریہ رضی اللہ عنہا
D) حضرت ام سلمہ رضی اللہ عنہا
طلحہ بن خویلد اسدی کی سرکوبی کے لیے حضرت ابو بکر صدیق نے کس کی قیادت میں لشکر روانہ کیا؟
A) حضرت خالد بن ولیدؓ
B) حضرت ابو عبیدہ
C) حضرت معاز
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
شاہ ولی اللہ کے نزدیک قرآن کا سب سے پہلا بنیادی عمل کیا ہے؟
A) محکوم
B) معتزله
C) تذکیر بلاللہ
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
تفسیر بالماژور کی پہلی مستند اور جامع کتاب کون سی ہے؟
A) تفسیر ابن جریر طبری
B) تفسیر ابن کثیر
C) تفسير الكشاف
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
حضرت زید کی شہادت کس غزوہ میں ہوئی؟
A) غزوہ تبوک
B) غزوہ موتہ
C) غزوہ حنین
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
حضرت حمزہ کا قاتل وحشی کس کا غلام تھا؟
A) جبیر بن معظم
B) حرب وحشی
C) مسلمه برقی
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
?سکتہ کی علامت ہے
A) ،
B) ?
C) /
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
پنجاب کی پہلی یونیورسٹی کس شہر میں ہے؟
A) ملتان
B) لاہور
C) فیصل آ باد
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
?پنجاب میں اردو کس کی کتاب ہے
A) اختر شیرانی
B) زابد شیرانی
C) محمود شیرانی
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
سوانح عمری لکھنے میں حالی کے علاوہ دوسرا اہم نام کس کا ہے؟
A) شبلی نعمانی
B) احمد ندیم قاسمی
C) سرسید احمد خان
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
احمد ندیم قاسمی کا کونسا افسانہ ہے؟
A) بہروپیہ
B) زیور کاڈبہ
C) الحمد لله
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
دیوار کیا گری مرے خستہ مکان کی لوگوں نے میرے صحن میں رستے بنا لیے?یہ شعر کس کا ہے
A) غالب
B) سبط علی صبا
C) فیض احمد فیض
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
ترانہ ہندی لکھنے کے بعد اقبال کے نظریہ میں تبدیلی آنے کے بعد کون سا ترانہ لکھا؟
A) شوالہ
B) ترانه ملی
C) ہمالیہ
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں ۔
سرسید نے پہلا تعلیمی ادارہ کہاں قائم کیا؟
A) بجنور
B) مراد آباد
C) علی گڑھ
D) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
IMPORTANT: Read all PPSC ASI Past Papers for an effective online PPSC test preparation.
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