Plant Pathology MCQs

Plant pathology mcqs for jobs test preparation in agricultural department of Pakistan.

Plant Pathology MCQs

Plant pathology is the branch of ?

A. Botany
B. Agriculture
C. Zoology
D. None of these

Heliothus armigera is the name of ______?

A. Cotton bollworm
B. Gram pod borer
C. Com cob borer
D. None of the above

In agriculture ” Khasra Girdawari” is: ____________?

A. Crop inspection register name
B. Map of land
C. Title of land owner
D. Ownership authority name

Haustoria are produced ___________?

A. By fungi parasitising animal tissues
B. By hypha of obligate parasite
C. In artificial cultures
D. None of These

_____ converts ammonia into nitrite?

A. Nitrosomonas
B. Nitrobacter
C. Azotobacter
D. Rhizobium

__________ is gram-positive?

A. Xanthomonas
B. Corynebacterium
C. Pseudomonas
D. Erwinia

The coprophilic fungi inhabit:

A. Dung substratum (herbivore feces)
B. Deadwood
C. Decaying leaves
D. Food articles

Erysiphe caused the _________ disease?

A. Powdery mildews
B. Downy mildews
C. Covered smut
D. Late blight of potato

The Tree sends down roots from its branches to the soil is known as _______?

A. Oak
B. Pine
C. Banyan
D. Palm

The whole body of fungus is known as _____?

A. Thallus
B. Hyphae
C. Mycellium
D. Septale

Which one of the following is disease of wheat ______?

A. Leaf rust
B. Strip rust
C. Loose rust
D. All the above

Fungi damage our crops by ________?

A. Producing toxic substances in plants
B. Destroying green pigment of plant
C. feeding on flowers and fruits
D. Absorption of nutrients from plant tissues

Root knot disease is caused by _______?

A. Fungi
B. Nematodes
C. Virus
D. Bacteria

Pathogen is _______?

A. Fungi which cause disease
B. Any bacteria which causes disease
C. Any virus which causes disease
D. Any organism which causes disease

The entrance point for air in insects are known as ______?

A. Trachea
B. Spines
C. Secretion
D. Nervous system

The economic injury level for white fly is ______?

A. 1-2 nymphs/leaf
B. 2-3 nymphs/leaf
C. 3-4 nymphs/leaf
D. 1 nymphs/leaf

Formulation or insecticides is _______?

A. Dust
C. Granular
D. Fungiments

The insecticides with longest residual effect belongs to _____?

A. Pyrethroid
B. Carbamates
C. Organo-chlorine
D. Organio-phosphate

Organo-chlorine insecticides includes ________?

B. Aldrin and Diehydrin
C. Aindone and Heptachlor
D. All the above

Blast disease is an international disease of _____?

A. Wheat
B. Sugarcane
C. Cotton
D. rice

Gummosis is the disease of _______?

A. Mango
B. Guava
C. Citrus (Lemon)
D. none

Leaf spot or tikka is the disease of ______?

A. Soybean
B. Sunflower
C. Ground nuts
D. none of these

Which one of the following is polyphagus insect _______?

A. American boll worm
B. Whitefly
C. Aphids
D. A

The major viral disease of cotton is ________?

A. Cotton boll rot virus
B. Cotton stem crinkle virus
C. Cotton leaf curl virus
D. None of the above

Bombyx morri is the name of _______?

A. Lady bird beetle
B. Silk worm
C. Honey bee
D. None of the above

The technical name of jassid is ______?

A. Microtermas sp
B. Aphis gossypi
C. Earias insulana
D. Amrosca devestons

The study of fungi is called _______?

A. Pathology
B. Fungicology
C. Mycology
D. Genetics

The major disease of matter (field pea) is _______?

A. Blight
B. Downy mildew
C. Powdery mildew
D. None

White rust of crucifers is caused by ______?

A. Pemospora Parasitica
B. Alternarian solani
C. Albugo candida
D. Aspergillus niger

The fungi are plants which can not prepare their food because ______?

A. They are very small
B. They are parasites
C. They have no chlorophyll
D. All the above

The pesticide poisoning with organo-phosphates or carbamater treated with _____?

A. Milk and hot water
B. Vomiting with brackishy
C. Atropine
D. None of the above

The my co toxins are poisonous substance produced by ______?

A. Bacteria
B. Plants
C. Fungi
D. None of the above

Dormancy of insects in summer is called _______?

A. Hibernation
B. Thanolasis
C. Aestivation
D. Ecdysiast

Oceli is ________?

A. Antennae in insect
B. Mouth parts of insect
C. Eye of insect
D. Sense organs of insect

Insect body is divided in to _______?

A. 3 regions
B. 5 regions
C. 10 regions
D. 2 regions

Schistocerca gregaria is the name of ____?

A. Cutworms
B. Army worms
C. Locust
D. Aphid

Trachea in insects are the organ of ________?

A. Digestion
B. Respiration
C. Excretion
D. Secretion

Honey bee, bumble bee, butter flies and moths are _______?

A. Productive insects
B. Parasites
C. Pests
D. Pollinators

The main pest of fruit in Pakistan is _______?

A. Fruit fly
B. Leaf minor
C. Scale insects
D. Hoppers

The popular insecticides of organo-chlorine group are _______?

A. Malathion and thrips
B. Leaf minors
D. Naled

The insects have ________?

A. 2 pair of wings and 2 pair of legs
B. 3 pair of wings and 2 pair of legs
C. 2 pair of wings and 3 pair of legs
D. None of the above

The sucking type insects of cotton are _______?

A. Jassids and thrips
B. Wlutefly and jassids
C. Thrips and whitefly
D. All the above

Disease are transmitted through _________?

A. Seeds
B. Agricultural machinery and implements
C. Winds, insects
D. All the above

Gurdaspur borer is pest of ________?

A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Sugarcane
D. Okra

Collar rot in chilies is caused by _______?

A. Rhizowhtnia solani
B. phytophilorea infesta
C. phytophithoua spri
D. phytophytora cupri

Antenae of insect is ______?

A. Locomotion organ
B. Sensory organ
C. Sex organ
D. None of the above

Which of the following is disease of rice _______?

A. Foot rot
B. Brown spot Ratti disease
C. Rice blast
D. All the above

Club root is disease of _______?

A. Tumip
B. Okra
C. Water melon
D. Cabbage

The wings and legs of insects are present in ______?

A. Head
B. Thorax
C. Abdomen
D. Neck

Malpighian tubules are organs of _______?

A. Excretion
B. Digestion
C. Secretion
D. None of the above

IPM is a pest control strategy in which _____?

A. Pest are controlled culturally
B. Predators and parasites are used
C. Cultural and biological control techniques are used
D. Pesticides are used

The insects which transfer disease from one plant to another is known as ______?

A. Disease transmitter
B. Vector
C. Pest
D. Parasite

The insecticides with least mammalian toxicity are ________?

A. Organo-phosphate
B. Organo-chlorine
C. Pyrethroids
D. Carbamates

Malathrion and Parathion insecticides belongs to ________?

A. Organo-chlorine group
B. Pyrethroid group
C. Carbamate group
D. Organo-phosphate

Stalk root of onion is caused by _____?

A. Fungi
B. Bacteria
C. Nematodes
D. Gassicls

Viral disease can be controlled by ________?

A. Fungicides
B. Cultural practices
C. Cultural practices and growing resistant varieties
D. Can not be controlled

The factors which induces disease outbreak is ______?

A. High temperature
B. High humidity
C. Susceptible varieties
D. All the above

The symptoms of powdery mildew appears on ____?

A. Roots
B. Floral parts
C. Foliage of plants
D. ()

the most devastating migratory pest is _________?

A. Cutworm
B. Army worm
C. Locust
D. None of the above

The beneficial relationship between two organisms living together is called ________?

A. Osmosis
B. Common salism
C. Symbiosis
D. None of the above

Read More: Past Papers of Agricultural Department

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