Planets MCQs with answers for competitive exams and one paper test preparation online.
Planets MCQs with Answers
Which planet has the shortest diameter? Mercury
The diameter of the Earth at the equator is: 12756 km Source Reference: NASA
Saturn Rocket was launched in to space by: NASA United States
Which planet has no moon: Venus
The distance between Earth and Moon is: 3,84,400km or (238,855 mile)
The black planet is called: Venus
What is the number of planets in the solar system: Eight
5th Planet closest to the sun: Jupiter
In July 2024, NASA discovered sulphur on which planet: Mars
The second closest planet to the sun is : Venus
The great spot is on the Planet is: Jupitar
The planet which has highest density is: Earth
Which is the slowest Rotating Planet: Venus
Which of the following planet has rings around its surface: Saturn
Which planet has similar size as Earth: Venus
Which planet is known as watery planet: Earth
Which planet is the least dense: Saturn
The Sun is a: Star
Snow capped mountains are found on which of the following planet: Pluto
The sun always rise in the east because ____? The earth rotates from west to east
Most Commercial airplanes fly in the lower part of this layer: Stratosphere
Which is second largest moon in the solar system: Titan
Which planet is closest to the sun: Mercury
Which one among the following planets is known as the red planet: Mars
In July 2024, NASA discovered how many new planets outside the solar system: 06
In which year was Pluto removed from the category of planets: 2006
To an astronaut in the spacecraft, the sky appears to be: Dark
The largest planet of the solar system is: Jupiter
_____ is the lightest substance on the earth: Hydrogen
The nearest planet to the Earth is: Mercury
Mimas is a moon of which planet: Saturn
The most abundant element in earth crust is: Oxygen
The planet that moves around the Sun at the highest speed is: Mercury
Which planet is known as Evening Star: Venus
Which is the hottest planet in our solar system: Venus
Which Planet is also known as Winter Planet: Jupiter
what is the percentage of salt water on the earth surface: 97%
What is the Circumference of Earth: 40,075 km
The Lunar eclipse occurs when: Earth is between the sun and the moon
Which of the following planets have only one moon: Earth
Which of the following is called “Blue Planet”: Earth
Heat of sun reaches the earth by: Radiation
What divides the Earth into the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres: Equator
The weight of an object will be minimum when it is placed at: The center of the earth
Which planet moves fastest around the sun: Mercury
Asteroids are: Satellite of other planet
The number of planets are visible without using telescope is: 5
Two identical Viking craft was launched to Mars in which year: 1976
The Sun is: Star
Which one is Natural Satellite of earth: Moon
Which planet is also called as ‘the green planet: Uranus
Which planet which is easily visible from the Earth: Venus
which planet is known as the giant of the solar system: Jupiter
Which is the brightest star: Sirius
The brightest star visible in the sky without a telescope is: Sirius
A celestial body revolves around a planet is known as: Moon
The study about celestial objects of the universe is called: Astronomy
The age of Universe is: 13.7 billion years
Gravitational acceleration for the bodies falling freely is: positive
Which planet is second from the Sun? Venus
Which of the following planets is known as its ring? Saturn
Which of following phenomenon gives an evidence for the spherical shape of Earth: Lunar Eclipse
Which layer protects earth from harmful rays of the Sun? Ozone layer
Which is the thinnest earth layer? Crust
Which from the following is true for “Sound”? Sound cannot travel through a vacuum
Inner planets: 4
Inner core is earth’s center with diameter of : 1200 miles
Life is absent on moon due to the lake of: Water
Total number of moons in the entire Solar System are: More than 200
Tibia is a bone found in the: Leg
There are how many types of Lunar Eclipse ? 3 types
The phenomena in which the moon is seam to be big is known as: Gibbous moon
The motion caused by earth quick travels outward from the focus ij the form of: Seismic waves
The boundary between the mantle and the core lies at a depth of approximately _____? 3000 kilometers
That the earth rotating on its axis is established by fact that: The earth experiences day and night
Which one of the following is a non-metallic mineral? Gypsum
Peanut butter is an example of a: High viscosity liquid
Ozone Layer is depleting: Air pollution
Aluminium composition on Earth: 1.59%
The sun derives its energy from: Nuclear fusion reactions
Earth is : Perfect sphere
Geology describes the rocky parts of the Earth’s: Crust
In general, Comets have ______ orbits: Elliptical
The season changes because of the _______? Earth is revolving around the sun
These are cooler areas which move about on the sun’s surface and show up as dark spots: Sun-spots
What is the rank of the earth in the solar system in terms of size? Fifth
The earth revolves around the sun at a speed of: 29 km/sec
The theory that refers to an explosion about 15 billion years ago, which most astronomers believe to be the origin of the Universe, is called: Big Bang Theory
Which one of the following planets contains the Great Red Spot: Jupiter
The time taken to complete one revolution of Earth around the Sun is called: A year
Solar Eclipse occurs when: The moon comes between earth and sun
Which of the following Planet has the smallest diameter: Mercury
Giant ice volcanoes have been identified on: Pluto
The volume of internal core of earth is about: 16
The earth’s atmosphere is divided into layers based on the vertical profile of: Air temperature
NASA is the space agency of which country: America
Earth rotates its axis from : West to East
Which can be considered in representing the geographic coordinate system: Latitude
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Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the italicized part of the sentence. Seeds need sufficient water and air to germinate: Sprout
The seed develops from: Ovule
An eclipse of the sun occurs when: The moon is between the sun and the Earth
The age of Solar System is: 4.5 billion years
The earth has ____ types of movements at the same time: 2
What is the name of the central part of the earth: Core
The common plant species found in desert habitat are cactus, ziziphus, acacia, palm and: Opuntia
What is the approximate temperature of central part of the earth: 5000°C
The atmosphere is made up of: Five layers
The north pole of the magnet is usually coated as: Red
Which is the largest among the following: Galaxy
The Halley’s comet can be seen after every ____ years: 76
_____ are mostly found near the earth surface having deep colour: Nimbus Clouds
The great spot is a: Storm
How quickly do tectonic plates move: 1-2cm each year
Salty seas and oceans cover what percentage of the Earth’s surface: 70 per cent
Planet which is easily visible from the earth is : Venus
Radio waves travel ……then sound wave: Faster
Photo voltaic cells convert solar energy into electricity through a process: chemical
Mars: Mercury : Venus: They are the planet nearest to the earth
Mass is to Kilogram as Universe is to: Solar System
Who discovered that planets revolve in an elliptical orbits: Johannes Kepler
Table Mountain is located in the country: South Africa
Caledonia was the Roman Empire name for which modern day country: Scotland
Which is only planet in our solar system not named after a Roman or Greek god: Earth
Nearest star to sun is: Proxima Centurai
Which one of the following is second largest planet in our solar system: Saturn
Different seasons are formed because: Of revolution of the earth around the sun and on its orbit
The lunar eclipse takes place when: The shadow of the earth falls on the moon
The biggest planet is : Jupiter
On 21 June, the sun is vertically overhead the: Equator
Nearest part of atmosphere to earth is called : Troposphere
According to the distance, earth is the ______ closest, nearest planet to the sun: Third
Motion of planets follow _____ law: Kepler law
Milky Way is a: Galaxy
Nearest galaxy to our milky way is: Andromeda
Sami liquid surface of earth is called: Mantle
“Southern Cross” which is the constellation found in the southern region of the night sky consists of: 5 stars
The natural satellite of a planet is: Moon
The heavenly body which revolves around the sun is called: Planets
On Earth surface water covers…..area: 70%
Green color of plants leaves is due to : Chlorophyll
The earth ___ around the sun: Revolves
How much time does earth take to rotating from one degree longitude to the next longitude: 4 minutes
An earthquake is a: Natural Disaster
An earthquake can be simplified as: Shaking of the earth
If there would be no sun the color of the sky would be: Black
Flowers of monocots have ___ floral parts: 3
The movement of air over the surface of the earth is called: wind
The sun appears red at sunrise and sunset while it appears white at noon because: Of Scattering of light due to dust particles and air molecules.
The amount of sunlight on the surface of the earth varies because of the earth’s: rotation
According to some scientists how many galaxies are there in the universe: 100 Billion Galaxies
Minerals are extracted from which layer of the earth: Crust
Richter scale is used for: magnitude
The longitude of the prime meridian is: 0 degree
Which planet revolves clockwise around Sun from Earth: Venus
According to the scientists, the Earth was formed about _____ years ago: 4.6 billion
Which among the following is known as Veiled Planet: Venus
A satellite moving round the earth with a uniform speed has: Uniform acceleration
Comets revolve around the Sun: Highly Elliptical
The current stage of the star sun is: a yellow dwarf.
A wave transfers: energy
Earth gives up energy from: sun
Which magnitude of Earthquake is considered destructive: 7.1
When Magma reached the surface is called: Lava
سال کا سب سے چھوٹا دن کون سا ہے: دسمبر 22
Earth can cause: landslide
Which is the fastest Rotating Planet: Jupiter
What is the first element on the periodic table: Hydrogen
Which one of the following is a non luminous object: Moon
Our solar system is located in which galaxy : Milky way
The light from the sun reaches on the earth after 8.3 minutes whereas the light reflected from the moon reaches us in: 1.5 seconds
The Structural and Functional Unit of Environment is: The Ecosystem
Light from Sun travels a distance before it reaches Earth: 150 Million km
The oldest source of energy is: Sun
Which of following is used to measure distance between planet and stars: Light year
The cause of soil pollution is: acid rain
At the time of Solar Eclipse, rate of photosynthesis will: Decrease
In Space, an exploration Spectroscope is used for the following: To study chemical composition of Stars
Which of the following is not a natural satellite: Sputnik-1
The sun is containing _____ % mass of the solar system: 99.86%
The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is: 8 minutes
The minimum velocity necessary to put a satellite into orbit is called : Orbital Velocity
Planet Mercury completes one rotation around the sun in how many days: 88
The light from the Sun reaches to earth is about: 8 min 20 sec
1st day of moon called: Hilal
Earth complete one rotation on its axis in: 23 hours and 56 mints and 4.9 seconds
The time in which Earth completes its revolution around the Sun: 365.25 days
How many satellite of Jupiter: 79
What is the number of Jupiter in our solar system: Fifth
Jupiter, largest planet in our solar system, rotates once after every: 10 hours
The Mars has____ moons: 2
How many moons does Neptune have: 14
The planet of the solar system which has maximum numbers of Moon is: Saturn
Energy is a nuclear reaction is produced due to: uncontrolled chain of reaction
Which of following has two moons: Mars
The sky appears blue because of: Scattering of light from atmsphere
Which information about an earthquake defines its size: magnitude
Which is the outermost planet in the solar system: Neptune
Solar system was discovered by: Copernicus
The bodyguard of the Earth is _____ that save the Earth from many Comets and Asteroids: Jupitar
Sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the: Earth’s rotation about its own axis
The natural satellite of Earth is known as: Moon
Which is the biggest star in the Universe: UY Scuti
The longest day on earth is observed on: 21 May
The sunlight can reach a depth of ____ meters in the ocean: 200
The ozone layer protects the Earth from harmful ___ radiations from the Sun: Ultraviolet
The communication satellites are placed in: Geostationary Orbit
The Solar eclipse of December 2019 in Pakistan was named: Ring of Fire
Which planet in the Solar system has the highest density: Earth
ISA is the space agency of which country: Iran
Which planet appears to be more volcanically active than previously thought: Venus
The planers called the inner planets are: Mercury Venus Earth Mars
Magnetic field of earth always has a horizontal component except at: Magnetic Pole
CNES is the space agency of which country: France
Where do most of the Asteroids lie: In asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter
Which planet has the highest number of moons: Saturn
Which planet is beautiful due to its ring: Saturn
The Earth rotates around the sun from: west to east
The color of our Earth is : Blue
Which planet is called the Sister of the Earth: Venus
ISRO is the space agency of which country: India
The core of the earth is made up of: nickel and iron
The age of the earth is: 4.54 million
To arrange Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Earth according to their positions: Venus, Earth, Mars, and Jupiter
Out of the following which is not a planet: Moon
Asteroids are found between the orbits of: Mars and Jupiter
Which planet is farthest from the Sun: Pluto
Nearest planet to the sun is: Mercury
Which one is called shooting stars: meteor
Which country discovered the world’s largest plant Ribbon weed in June 2022: Australia
Day and night are almost equal to at: equator
The Sun always rises in the East because: the earth rotates from west to east
The 2nd smallest planet in our solar system is: Mars
Phases of the moon occur because: We can see only that part of moon which reflects light towards us
What is the gravity of moon as compared to the Earth: 1/6 th of Earth
A collection of planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and smaller debris such as meteoroids that are revolving around the Sun is called: Solar System
How many Earths can be equal to Sun in terms of size: 109
The Sun weighs as much as: 330,000 Earths
How many earths can fit inside the Sun: 1,300,000
What is the average distance between the Sun and the Earth: 150 million kilometers
The Sun was formed about: 4.57 billion years ago
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called terrestrial planets because they are small and mainly made up of: Rocks
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called gas giants because they are large and are made up of: Gases
Our sun is one of the ______ of stars in our galaxy: Billions
___ generate their own light: Stars
Which planet is mostly made up of iron and covered with craters: Mercury
Which is the second brightest object in the night sky after the Moon: Venus
The Earth has one moon and its name is: Luna
The largest volcano of the solar system is “Olympus Mons” lies in: Mars
Which is the largest moon of our solar system: Ganymede
Titan, the moon of Saturn, is larger in diameter than which planet: Mercury
Uranus has ____ moons: 27
Which is the coldest planet in the Solar System: Uranus
Which one of the following is the largest moon of Uranus planet: Titania
Neptune has _____ rings: Six
What are rocky, stony, and metallic debris that revolve around the Sun in various orbits and speeds: Meteoroids
Asteroids are rocky objects, mostly orbiting the Sun in a region between: Mars and Jupiter
What is Vesta an example of: Asteroid
Small celestial bodies made up of ice, dust and rock are known as: Comets
The center of a comet is known as: Nucleus
An object that resolves or circles around a larger celestial body such as planet or a star is called: Satellite
If a celestial body moves around another large celestial body is called: Natural Satellite
If a human made body moves around a celestial body it is called an: Artificial Satellite
Sky looks blue in colour because it absorbs: Blue and reflects others
All planets of the solar system have moons except: Venus and Mercury
What was the name of NASA’s spaceflight landed first humans on the moon in 1969: Apollo 11
Which are irregular shape solid objects made up of rocks and metals: Asteroids
Comets are the small broken pieces of ice, dust and gases found beyond the orbits of ______ in the solar system: Neptune and Pluto
Which of the following looks like a long hair strand and consist of three main parts nucleus, coma and tail: Comets
Which country launched first artificial satellite in Space: The Soviet Union
RKA is the space agency of which country: Russia
CNSA is the space agency of which country: China
SUPARCO is the space agency of which country: Pakistan
KARI is the space agency of which country: South Korea
ESA is the space agency of which country: Europe
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