Past Papers of Tehsildar BPSC

Past papers of tehsildar BPSC MCQs with answers for Tehsildar jobs test preparation in Balochistan.

Past Papers of Tehsildar BPSC

Which of following countries is known as gift of Nile?
  1. Jordan
  2. Israel
  3. Egypt
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. Iran
Choose the correct meaning of the idiom” To pick holes”
  1. To find some reason to quarrel
  2. To criticized someone
  3. To destroy something
  4. To cut some part of an item
An “above board” person means?
  1. Dishonest
  2. Cruel
  3. Honest
  4. Wise
What is a female elephant called?
  1. Cow
  2. Elephant
  3. Mare
  4. Mice
  5. Equine
Which country has always remained free from foreign rule?
  1. Philippines
  2. Nepal
  3. Laos
  4. Cambodia
  5. All of these
Franz Josef Strauss Airport is located in the country?
  1. USA
  2. France
  3. England
  4. Germany
  5. China
Which religion is based on the spiritual teaching of Guru Nanak?
  1. Hinduism
  2. Sikhism
  3. Jewish
  4. Shintoism
Table Mountain is located in the country:
  1. France
  2. Poland
  3. Germany
  4. South Africa
  5. China
Caledonia was the Roman Empire name for which modern day country?
  1. Ireland
  2. Scotland
  3. Greece
  4. Iran
ROJO is a Spanish word for which colour?
  1. Black
  2. Blue
  3. Red
  4. White
  5. Green
According to George Orwell _____ is watching us.
  1. God
  2. Big brother
  3. Sky
  4. Lesus
  5. None of these
Which is only planet in our solar system not named after a Roman or Greek god?
  1. Jupiter
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Saturn
  5. Mars
GCC stands for:
  1. Gulf cooperation congress
  2. Gulf cooperation company
  3. Gulf cooperation council
  4. None of these
NTC stands for:
  1. National Telecommunication Corporation
  2. National Telecommunication Company
  3. National Telegram Corporation
  4. None of these
NTDC stands for:
  1. National Transmission and Despatch Company
  2. National Transmission and Despatch Corporation
  3. National Transmission and Desk Company
  4. National Transmission and Database Company
  5. None of these
SMEDA stands for:
  1. Small and Medium Entities Development Authority
  2. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency
  3. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority
  4. Small and Medium Enterprises Development Association
  5. None of these
IDB stands for
  1. Islamic Development Bank
  2. Islamic Dawn Bank
  3. Islamic Development Bhutan
  4. None of thee
SAFTA stands for
  1. South Asian Free Trade All
  2. South Asian Free Tour Agreement
  3. South African Free Trade Agreement
  4. South Asian Free Trade Agreement
  5. None of these
GDP stand for _____?
  1. Global Petroleum Corporation
  2. Global Demand for Production
  3. Gross Domestic Product
  4. None of these
The idiom TO END IN SMOKE means:
  1. To make completely understand
  2. To overcome someone
  3. To ruin oneself
  4. None
When was Gwadar re-annexed to Pakistan?
  1. 1948
  2. 1961
  3. 1956
  4. 1973
  5. 1958
According to the constitution of Pakistan, the chief executive and most powerful person in Pakistan is:
  1. Army Chief
  2. Governor
  3. Chief Minister
  4. President
  5. Prime Minister
At which place on earth days and nights are always of equal lentgth?
  1. Poles
  2. Prime Meridians
  3. Equator
  4. No Where
Which is the currency of the country Poland?
  1. Polish Dinar
  2. Polish Rupee
  3. Polish zloty
  4. Polish Yen
MFN is abbreviation of:
  1. Most Favored Nation
  2. Malaysian Financial News
  3. Men’s Fighter Network
  4. Microfilm Neuron
The idiom TO PUT ONE’s HAND TO PLOUGH means:
  1. To take up agricultural farming
  2. To take a difficult task
  3. To get entangled into unnecessary things
  4. Take interest in technical work
When did Pakistan win the First World Hockey Cup?
  1. 1994
  2. 1982
  3. 1971
  4. 1978
Which one is the Kharif Crop among the following?
  1. Wheat
  2. Barley
  3. Gram
  4. Cotton
  5. All of these
Founder of Lodi Dynasty was:
  1. Malik Sultan
  2. Darya Khan
  3. Bahlul Khan Lodi
  4. None
What is contribution of agriculture to Pakistan`s GDP?
  1. 30%
  2. 39%
  3. 24%
  4. 32%
  5. 37%
USA is divided into how many time zones?
  1. 4
  2. 5
  3. 6
  4. 7
According to 1973 constitution, who elects the president of Pakistan?
  1. National Assembly
  2. Senate
  3. Provincial Assembly
  4. Both A & B
  5. All of the above
How many years did Nelson Mandela remain in prison?
  1. 23 Years
  2. 22 Years
  3. 24 Years
  4. 27 Years
Estonia Latvia and Lithuania are known as what?
  1. Pacific States
  2. Baltic States
  3. Atlantic States
  4. None of these
which of the following vitamin is produced in human body with the help of Sunlight.?
  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. E
Who is the founder of Iran?
  1. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
  2. Ali Khamenei
  3. Ruhollah Khomeini
  4. None of these
SAARC was founded in the year?
  1. 1984
  2. 1986
  3. 1985
  4. 1987
SAARC was founded in which city _____?
  1. Beijing
  2. Karachi
  3. Khatmandu
  4. Dhaka
Which country has won FIFA World Cup 2022?
  1. France
  2. Croatia
  3. Qatar
  4. Argentina
  5. None of these
The most urbanized province of Pakistan is ______?
  1. Sindh
  2. Baluchistan
  3. Punjab
  4. None
“Wheel” is a symbol of:
  1. Peace
  2. Prosperity
  3. Speed
  4. Progress
  5. None of the above
Balochistan acquired the status of province in the year?
  1. 1969
  2. 1970
  3. 1972
  4. 1974
The idiom ‘To cry wolf’ means?
  1. To listen eagerly
  2. To give false alarm
  3. To frighten someone
  4. To cry over little things
Day and night are equal throughout the globe when the sun is above:
  1. Tropic of Cancer
  2. Poles
  3. Equator
  4. equinox
Under Indus Water Treaty which of the following rivers were given to Pakistan?
  1. Indus, Jhelum and Chenab
  2. Ravi and Indus
  3. Indus and Jhelum
  4. Chenab and Ravi
  5. None of the above
What is meant by “Equinox”?
  1. The longest day
  2. The shortest day
  3. The sun-month long day
  4. Equal duration of day and night
Which flower is the National flower of Pakistan ?
  1. Rose
  2. Sunflower
  3. Lilly
  4. Jasmine
Who invented bulb?
  1. Philips
  2. Robert
  3. Edison
  4. Willium
The light Bulb was invented by?
  1. Newton
  2. Archimedes
  3. Thomas Edison
  4. Einstein
What is the largest internal organ of human body?
  1. Kidney
  2. Lungs
  3. Liver
  4. Brain
Mohammed Bin Qasim conquered Sindh in the year:
  1. 812 AD
  2. 712 AD
  3. 912 AD
  4. 1012 AD
  5. 612 AD
Who wrote the play Romeo and Juliet?
  1. William Shakespeare
  2. Charles dickens
  3. mark twain
  4. jane Austen
Which is the highest mountain peak of the world?
  1. Broad Peak
  2. K 2
  3. Nanga Parbat
  4. Mount Everest
  5. None of these
The Largest Continent (by Area) of the World is _____?
  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. Africa
  4. North America
Which is the tallest building in the world ?
  1. Merdeka 118
  2. Burj Khalifa
  3. Shanghai Tower
  4. Abraj Al-Bait Clock Tower
The largest planet of the solar system is ______?
  1. Earth
  2. Mars
  3. Jupiter
  4. Saturn
which country would surpass china as most poplous at the end of 2023?
  1. Canada
  2. Pakistan
  3. India
  4. all
The bridge in Istanbul that connects Asia and Europe is Called.
  1. Gibraltar Bridge
  2. Bosphorus Bridge
  3. Royal Bridge
  4. Non of these
Where is the earliest masjid located in Sub-Continent?
  1. Bhambore
  2. Rohri
  3. Sukkur
  4. Lahore
When did pakistan adopt the matric system?
  1. 1960
  2. 1961
  3. 1965
  4. 1967
Where is the headquater of NAB Located?
  1. faisalabad
  2. lahore
  3. Islamabad
  4. karachi
Ch. Rahmat Ali, the architect of the name of Pakistan, died on ______?
  1. 3 February 1951
  2. 3 February 1952
  3. 23 February 1953
  4. 13 February 1954
What is the National Dish of Pakistan?
  1. Halwa poori
  2. Ground met fish
  3. Nihari
  4. Khaddii kabab
Which one is the national river of pakistan?
  1. chenab
  2. sutlej
  3. jehlum
  4. indus
The world’s Largest fresh water Lake is?
  1. Lake Superior
  2. Lake Victoria
  3. Great Bear Lake
  4. None of these
Who invented Telephone?
  1. J.K. Jack
  2. P.Wiliam
  3. A.G.Bell
  4. Peter J
If population of Gilgit and Azad Kashmir is also taken in account then by population Pakistan is world’s ____ largest country.
  1. Seventh
  2. Fifth
  3. Eighth
  4. Sixth
  5. Fourth
According to Population, Pakistan is _____ largest country in the world?
  1. 4th
  2. 5th
  3. 6th
  4. 7th
The Stock Exchange of Pakistan is regulated by?
  1. State Bank
  2. Finance Ministry
  3. SECP
  4. ECO
  5. NADRA
How many surahs of the Holy Quran starts with broken letters(Huruf muqatta’at)
  1. 14
  2. 7
  3. 29
  4. 21
  5. None of these
___ takes out souls of life bearing creatures:
  1. Israfeel
  2. Iblees
  3. Mikael
  4. Jibraeal
  5. Izraeel
Pakistan successfully conducted its nuclear tests on 28 May of which year?
  1. 1997
  2. 1999
  3. 1996
  4. 1995
  5. 1998
Pakistan has decided to mark which date as Black Day?
  1. May 7
  2. May 9
  3. May 5
  4. May 6
  5. May 5
Which organization conducts competitive examination for federal civil services in Pakistan?
  1. SPSC
  2. BPSC
  3. FPSC
  4. ICAP
  5. PPSC
When was the 1973 constitution of Pakistan was promulgated____?
  1. August 11, 1973
  2. August 12, 1973
  3. August 13, 1973
  4. August 14, 1973
How many constitutions have been enforced in Pakistan?
  1. Four
  2. Three
  3. Two
  4. Five
  5. One
Which kind of system of Government was introduced in 1973 constitution??
  1. Presidential
  2. Parliamentary
  3. Autonomous
  4. Basic Democracy
  5. None of these
Hazrat Ayesha was Hazrat Muhammad which wife?
  1. First
  2. second
  3. third
  4. forth
IMF stands for
  1. Iraq Monetary Fund
  2. Indonesia Monetary Fund
  3. Iran Monetary Fund
  4. International Monetary Fund
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Awe’ is?
  1. Borrow
  2. Shallow
  3. Low
  4. Contempt

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