Pak study MCQs

Pak study MCQS for preparation.

Who was the first female ambassador of Pakistan?

A. Ra’ana Liaqat Ali khan
B. Asma Jahangir
C. Tehmina Khar
D. Hina Jilani

APWA was founded by ___?

A. Lady Muhammad Shafi
B. Fatima Jinnah
C. Begum Rana Liaquat Ali Khan
D. Razia Sultana

Family Planning was introduced in Pakistan in the year ___?

A. 1973
B. 1965
C. 1970
D. 1960

Supreme Court of Pakistan granted the right of identity to 3rd Gender in CNIC:

A. January 2011
B. April 2011
C. December 2011
D. March 2012

What official name was given to Pakistan in Constitution?

A. United States of Pakistan
B. Republic Of Pakistan
C. Islamic Pakistan
D. Islamic Republic of Pakistan

How many districts are in Punjab Province?

A. 65
B. 52
C. 36
D. 42

Ch. Rehmat Ali, the architect of the name of Pakistan died on?  

A. 3 Feb, 1951
B. 26th Feb, 1951
C. 22th Feb, 1951
D. 12th Feb 1951

One of the main objectives of All India Muslim League at the time of its creation was ____.

A. To be loyal to the Indian British Government
B. To Take Active Part in the Politics of the Country
C. To be close to Hinds Community
D. Not to take sides with any Indian Community

Raja Dahir was the ruler of _____.

A. Sindh
B. Lahore
C. Delhi
D. Degaipur

Hindi-Urdu Controversy of 1867 had far reaching consequences because:

A. It was the Forerunner of the Two-Nation Theory
B. Made Muslims think to be close to the Hindu Culture
C. To depend on the British Government for Justice
D. To be Indifferent to the Controversy

Gandhi Jinnah talks of 1944 failed due to:

A. Opposition by the Khaksars
B. Red Shirts
C. The Ahrat
D. Two Nation Theory

Who has the power to grant pardons or command sentences passed by any court of Pakistan?

A. Prime Minister
B. President
C. Chief Justice
D. Army Chief

When Former President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency and suspended the 1973 Constitution?

A. 12 October 1999
B. 3 November 2007
C. 28 November 2007
D. 5 December 2007

When the Ex-PM Nawaz Sharif removed army chief Gen Pervez Musharraf from the post Army Chief?

A. 12 October 1998
B. 12 October 1999
C. 12 October 2000
D. None of these

General Pervez Musharraf ruled Pakistan for nearly ___ years?

A. 9
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16

General Pervez Musharraf became the Army Chief of Pakistan Army In?

A. 1988
B. 1990
C. 1995
D. 1998

General Pervez Musharraf Joined the Pakistan Army in which year?

A. 1960
B. 1962
C. 1964
D. 1965

Hindi-Urdu Controversy of 1867 had far reaching consequences because?

A. It was the Forerunner of the Two-Nation Theory
B. Made Muslims think to be close to the Hindu Culture
C. To depend on the British Government for Justice
D. To be Indifferent to the Controversy

Raja Dahir was the ruler of ___?

A. Sindh
B. Lahore
C. Delhi
D. Degaipur

One of the main objectives of All India Muslim League at the time of its creation was ___?

A. To be loyal to the Indian British Government
B. To Take Active Part in the Politics of the Country
C. To be close to Hinds Community
D. Not to take sides with any Indian Community

Who was the only Muslim member in the house who opposed Objectives Resolution of Pakistan in the Assembly?

A. Mian Iftikharuddin
B. Mumtaz Doltana
C. Sardar Abdur Rab
D. A. K Firdouse

Imran Ismail was the ___ governor of Sindh?

A. 26th
B. 29th
C. 33rd
D. None of these

For no-confidence motion to be successful, the support of a simple majority ___ of the total 342 members in the lower house of parliament is required?

A. 152
B. 172
C. 180
D. None of these

Pakistan Resolution was presented on 23rd March 1940 by?

A. M Ali Jinnah
B. Liaqat Ali Khan
C. A.K Fazlul Haque
D. Ch. Khalique Zaman

When did Muhammad Ali Jinnah got the title of “Knighthood”?

A. 1925
B. 1929
C. 1933
D. 1937

Who was the first Nishan-e-Haider of Pakistan?

A. Raja Aziz Bhatti
B. Rashid Minhas
C. Tufail Muhammad
D. Muhammad Sarwar

When did Quaid-e-Azam resigned from Congress?

A. 1912
B. 1910
C. 1913
D. 1920

Who prepared Pirpur report of 1938?

A. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
B. Ch. Rehmat Ali
C. Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi
D. None of these

Allahabad Jalsa was conducted by:

A. Indian National Congress
B. Muslim League
C. Awami League
D. None of these

The first pair of Arteries that arise from the aorta is:

A. Iliac Veins
B. Coronary Veins
C. Renal Arteries
D. Hepatic portal vein

The osmosis of water into the cells results in:

A. Extracellular Oedema
B. Intracellular Oedema
C. Both A & B
D. None of these

In which of the following part of the small intestine does the absorption of the products of digestion take place?

A. Duodenum
B. Jejunum
C. Ileum
D. None of these

Which of the following is the cause of Diarrhea?

A. Infection
B. Emotional Disturbance
C. Drug Action
D. All of these

A sphincter muscle present at the end of the Ileum is called:

A. Cardiac Sphincter
B. lleocolic Sphincter
C. Pyloric Sphincter
D. Anal Sphincter

Maltase enzyme converts the maltose into:

A. Lactose
B. Sucrose
C. Glucose
D. Sucrose

The lower three-fifth of the small intestine from the jejunum is:

A. Duodenum
B. Pancreas
C. Liver
D. Ileum

Abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea all are symptoms of:

A. Obesity
B. Food Poisoning
C. Bulimia Nervosa
D. Anorexia Nervosa

the masses of dilated tortuous veins in anorectal mucosa that may sometimes start bleeding during bowel movements refer to:

A. Botulism
B. Ulcer
C. Dyspepsia
D. Piles

Which of the following causes Serum Electrolyte imbalance?

A. Dyspepsia
B. Botulism
C. Bulimia Nervosa
D. Anorexia Nervosa

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