PAF Intelligence Test Past Papers Verbal Practice MCQs

PAF Intelligence Test Past Papers Verbal Practice

1 / 20

What will come next in the following series : 62 31 34 17 20 —– ?

2 / 20

feta : Greek ::
provolone :——

3 / 20

Architect is to Building as Goldsmith is to ___.

4 / 20

moccasin : snake ::
—– : shoe

5 / 20

—– : zenith ::
fear : composure

6 / 20

Water is to Well as Coal is to ___.

7 / 20

pilfer : steal ::—– : equip

8 / 20

native : aboriginal ::
naïve : ——

9 / 20

junket : —- :: junk : trash

10 / 20

What will come next in the following series : 20 25 23 28 26 31 29 34 —— ?

11 / 20

Honey is to Bee as Milk is to ___.

12 / 20

Paddy is to Kharif as Wheat is to ___.

13 / 20

Knife is to Cut as Pencil is to ___.

14 / 20

pill : bore :: core :—–

15 / 20

Smoke is to Pollution as War is to___.

16 / 20

Bird is to Aves as Man is to ___.

17 / 20

Politicians are to Crafty as Voters are to___.

18 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
A , B , D , G , ___ ?

19 / 20

What comes next in the following series?
A , E , I , ___ ?

20 / 20

What comes next in the following series?

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The average score is 56%


PAF Intelligence Test Past Papers Practice MCQs for verbal intelligence test preparation in Pakistan Airforce.

PAF Intelligence Test Past Papers Practice MCQs

There are total mcqs questions in this important PAF intelligence test past papers for verbal intelligence practice in Pakistan Airforce test preparation online.

This PAF intelligence test past papers practice mcqs for verbal paper will help the candidates to understand the basic concept of air force intelligence test.

Candidates must submit their test to see final result, after Attempting all the questions in this intelligence base past papers PAF test,

After submitting the mcqs test, the candidates are able to see their obtain marks and comparing average Score of others in this PAF intelligence past paper test for online preparation.

More Practice: Verbal Intelligence Test Practice for more preparation.

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