Important Oral Anatomy MCQs Covering all key concepts and prepare effectively for exams, competitive tests, and academic assessments.
Oral Anatomy MCQs
The largest embrasure in posterior teeth is the__?
A. Buccal
B. Distal
C. Lingual
D. Occlusal
Divergence from contact area in proximal surfaces causes embrasures_?
A. Facially
B. Lingually
C. Cervically
D. Facially, lingually , cervically & occlusally
Which anterior teeth have both mesial and distal contact areas of at the incisal third?
A. Mandibular centrals
B. Mandibular laterals
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Which teeth show less curvature on the crown above the cervical line than any other teeth?
A. Maxillary anterior
B. Mandibular canine
C. Mandibular anteriors
D. Maxillary canine
The distance from the CEJ to the alveolar crest normally is_?
A. 1 – 1.5 mm
B. 2 mm
C. 2 – 2.3 mm
D. 3 mm
All are true about calcio traumatic line, except__?
A. Due to caries
B. Due to death of odontoblastic layer
C. It remains after caries is removed
D. Because of odontoblastic
The faciolingual angulation of the upper central incisor is approximately_?
A. 20°
B. 28°
C. 33°
D. 38°
The biting forces at molar region during mastication is__?
A. 20 to 55 pounds
B. 30 to 75 pounds
C. 50 to 75 pounds
D. 90 to 200 pounds
All embrasure spaces are reflection of the__?
A. Form of the teeth involved
B. Size of the teeth involved
C. Eruption sequence involved
D. None of the above
Largest embrasure lies between_?
A. Maxillary central incisors
B. Maxillary central and lateral incisor
C. Maxillary canine and first premolar
D. Maxillary lateral incisor and canine
The tooth that is commonly seen in an abnormal relation and contact with its adjacent teeth of the same arch is ?
A. Mandibular first premolar
B. Mandibular lateral incisor
C. Maxillary central incisor
D. Maxillary lateral incisor
Mesial contact area of the permanent canine is at the_?
A. Middle third
B. Junction of the incisal
C. Junction of the middle and cervical thirds
D. None of the above
Which of the following are the unction’s of contact areas_?
A. Distribution of occlusal stresses
B. Protection of periodontium
C. Stabilization of dental arches
D. All of the above
Buccal surface of posterior teeth are wider than lingual surface mesiodistally except in?
A. Maxillary first molar
B. Mandibular second premolar
C. Mandibular first molar
D. Maxillary second premolar
Protective crests of contour on buccal and lingual surfaces are found?
A. In the middle third of the lingual
B. Nearest the occlusal third of the lingual
C. In the cervical third of the buccal
D. Both A and C
The interdental papilla is located in the ?
A. Facial embrasure
B. Lingual embrasure
C. Cervical embrasure
D. Occlusal embrasure
The primary centre of formation of each lobe is present in?
A. Apex of the root
B. Tip of the cusp
C. Centre of the crown
D. Centre of the tooth
In primates; a tooth with single conical cusp and single root is seen in__?
A. Haplodont
B. Heterodont
C. Acrodont
D. Thecodont
The curvature of the cervical line of most teeth will be approximately_?
A. 2 mm less distally than mesially
B. 1 mm less distally than mesially
C. 2 mm less lingually than buccally
D. 1 mm less lingually than buccally
The term” contact point” which is often used to designate the contact of teeth i the same arch is a__?
A. Synonym
B. Antonym
C. Misnomer
D. Laevonomer
The shape of the occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar is?
A. Oval
B. Trapezoidal
C. Triangular
D. Rhomboidal
Palatogingival groove is found in_?
A. Maxillary lateral incisor
B. Maxillary first premolar
C. Maxillary first molar
D. All of the above
Largest cusp in permanent mandibular first molar is?
A. Mesiobuccal
B. Distobuccal
C. Mesio lingual
D. Distal
If a mandibular canine has bifurcated roots, they are most commonly placed_?
A. Mesial and distal
B. Facial and lingual
C. Mesiobuccal and distobuccal
D. Mesiolingual and distolingua
Which of the following teeth have more than one occlusal form_?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Maxillary 2nd premolar
C. Maxillary 1st molar
D. Mandibular 1stmolar
Most common morpholgical variation is seen in_?
A. Maxillary lateral incisor
B. Mandibular lateral incisor
C. Maxillary canine
D. Mandibular canine
A pronounced developmental groove is usually present on the mesial marginal ridge of a permanent_?
A. Mandibular third molar
B. Mandibular second premolar
C. Maxillary second molar
D. Maxillary first premolar
Which of the following premolars has a mesial marginal ridge more cervical than the distal marginal ridge__?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Maxillary 2ndpremolar
C. Mandibular 1st premolar
D. Mandibular 2nd premolar
Using occlusal morphology as guide , the Mandibular third molar is most similar to__?
A. Maxillary permanent first molar
B. Mandibular permanent first molar
C. Mandibular permanent second molar
D. Mandibular decidous second molar
The mesial surface of the crown is almost parallel to long axis and the root of a_?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Mandibular 2nd premolar
C. Maxillary canine
D. Mandibular canine
Which of the following is a smallest posterior tooth_?
A. Maxillary first premolar
B. Mandibular first premolar
C. Maxillary second premolar
D. Mandibular second premolar
Tooth with smallest root is___?
A. Maxillary central incisor
B. Mandibular lateral incisor
C. Maxillary lateral incisor
D. Mandibular central incisor
In comparison to maxillary central incisor , Maxillary canine has a height of contour that is__?
A. More
B. Less
C. Same
D. Different on different teeth
In comparison to maxillary central incisor , Maxillary canine has a height of contour that is_?
A. More
B. Less
C. Same
D. Different on different teeth
Single central pit is formed on occlusal surface of_?
A. Mandibular first premolar
B. Mandibular second premolar
C. Maxillary first premolar
D. Maxillary second premolar
On which of the following permanent teeth is it most difficult to distinguish between mesial and distal aspects ?
A. Maxillary central incisor
B. Mandibular central incisor
C. Mandibular lateral incisor
D. Mandibular second premolar
Cusp of carbelli is present on __ surface of the permanent maxillary molar ?
A. Mesial surface
B. Palatal surface
C. Buccal surface
D. Mesial half of the palatal surface
Largest tooth in the mandibular arch is__?
A. Canine
B. Decidous first molar
C. Permanent first molar
D. Third molar
Which of the following has a bifid root ?
A. 32,42
B. 31,41
C. 34,44
D. 13,23
Upper 4 resembles 5 from which aspect ?
A. Buccally
B. Lingually
C. Occlusal
D. Proximall
Oblique ridge in maxillary first molar joins which of the following cusps__?
A. DL and DB
B. ML and MB
C. ML and DB
D. DL and MB
Corner stones of dental arches are:
A. Canines
B. First premolars
C. First molars
D. Second molars
Mesial concavity making the prognosis poor for a furcation involvement is present in__?
A. Maxillary canine
B. Maxillary 1st premolar
C. Mandibular 1st premolar
D. Maxillary 2nd premolar
Tooth with most variable occlusal anatomy_?
A. Maxillary third molar
B. Mandibular third molar
C. Maxillary second premolar
D. Mandibular second premolar
Acute angled cusps in permanent maxillary first molar are__?
A. DB and ML
B. MB and DL
C. MB and DB
Cervical cross section of maxillary first premolar is_?
A. Dumbell
B. Kidney shape
C. Elliptical
D. Oval
Permanent Mandibular central incisor develops from_?
A. 1 lobe
B. 3 lobes
C. 4 lobes
D. 5 lobes
What is the functional form of anterior teeth from the mesial or the distal aspect ?
A. Rhomboidal
B. Trapezoidal
C. Elliptical
D. Wedge- shaped
Which line angle area is most acute when a permanent maxillary second molar is viewed occlusally ?
A. Mesiofacial
B. Distofacial
C. Mesiolingual
D. Distolingual
The maxillary molar crown of an early fossil primate featured a trigone made of three main cusps, these cusps were__?
A. Distrobuccal, distolingual and Mesiolingual
B. Distolingual, Mesiobuccal, and Linguo buccal
C. Mesiobuccal, Distobuccal and Mesiolingual
D. Mesiolingual, Mesiobuccal and distolingual
The lingual cusp of lower first premolar is compared to the development of_?
A. Cusp of carabelli
B. Distolingual cusp of molars
C. Lingual cusp of second premolar
D. Cingulam of canine
The geometric outline of the buccal surface of posterior teeth are__?
A. Trapezoidal
B. Rhomboidal
C. Quadrilateral
D. Square
Fourth canal is present in__?
A. Mesiobuccal roots of maxillary first molar
B. Distal root of mandibular first molar
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
The permanent mandibular second molar differs from the permanent mandibular first molar in number of _?
A. Cusps
B. Roots
C. Lingual grooves
D. Marginal ridges
The most constant and valuable trait to differentiate among maxillary first, second and third molars i__?
A. Number of roots
B. Depth of central fossae
C. Comparative size of the cusp of carabelli
D. Relative position of the distolingual grooves
Which of the following has a nonfunctional cusp ?
A. Mandibular canine
B. Maxillary second premolar
C. Mandibular first premolar
D. None of the above
The term diphydont means_?
A. Second dentition
B. Two same sets of dentition
C. Two separate sets of dentition
D. More than two sets of dentition
The number of point angles in a permanent mandibular first molar is_?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 4
D. 10
Which of the following tooth shows largest Mesio- buccal ridge _?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Maxillary 2nd premolar
C. Mandibular 1st molar
D. Mandibular 2nd premolar
According to Schour & Massler the crown completion of both permanent maxillary and mandibular first molars is_?
A. 1½ 2 years
B. 2½ – 3 years
C. 3-4 years
D. 3-5 years
Crown formation of all permanent teeth except third molars is completed between_?
A. Birth to 8 years
B. Birth to 12 years
C. Birth to 6 years
D. 6 years to 12 years
An 8 – yr old child comes to your clinic with large front teeth having jagged margins, what is the treatment plan for this patient ?
A. Smoothen the jagged margins and apply fluoride varnish
B. Build up other teeth to large size
C. Extraction of big teeth
D. Assure him and send him back
Ratio of mesiodistal width to height of crown of maxillary canine is__?
A. 6:10
B. 8:10
C. 6:8
D. 7:10
Dentin islands are frequently found in the root canals of which of the following permanent teeth
A. Maxillary lateral incisor & mandibular canine
B. Maxillary 2nd premolar & maxillary 1st molar
C. Maxillary 2nd premolar & mandibular canine
D. Maxillary 1st molar & mandibular 2nd premolar
The number of line angles a permanent maxillary central incisor is__?
A. Two
B. Four
C. Six
D. Eight
The shape of the occlusal surface of the permanent maxillary first molar is_?
A. Oval
B. Trapezoidal
C. Triangular
D. Rhomboidal
Which of the following is the largest root_?
A. The lingual root of a maxillary first molar
B. The lingual root of a maxillary second molar
C. The root of a mandibular canine
D. The root of a maxillary canine
Greater crown bulk distal to the faciolingual bisecting plane of a tooth is most typical of the mandibular_?
A. Central incisor
B. Lateral incisor
C. Canine
D. Second premolar (AIPG – 97, Man-95)
In which of the tooth is the mesiodistal measurements is greater lingually than facially__?
A. Maxillary 1stpremolar
B. Mandibular 2ndpremolar
C. Mandibular 1st premolar
D. Maxillary 1st molar
In which of the tooth is the mesiodistal measurements is greater lingually than facially__?
A. Maxillary 1stpremolar
B. Mandibular 2ndpremolar
C. Mandibular 1st premolar
D. Maxillary 1st molar
Five cusps are present in__?
A. Maxillary first molar only
B. Mandibular first molar only
C. Maxillary and mandibular first molar
D. Maxillary and Mandibular second molar
Which of the premolars is usually the smallest__?
A. Maxillary first
B. Maxillary second
C. Mandibular first
D. Mandibular second
The most common curvature of the palatal root of maxillary first molar is__?
A. Facial
B. Lingual
C. Distal
D. Mesial
The shortest root on a maxillary first molar is_?
A. Mesio- buccal
B. Disto – buccal
C. Lingual
D. All are of equal length
The root of maxillary lateral incisors if curved is usually in which direction ?
A. Distal
B. Mesial
C. Facial
D. Palatal
The permanent anterior tooth, which is most 20. Commonly atypical , is_?
A. Maxillary central incisor
B. Maxillary lateral incisor
C. Mandibular central incisor
D. Mandibular 1st premolar
Number of roots in maxillary 2nd molar is__?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
The total number of cingula in each dentition is_?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 24
D. 32
Mesiolingual grooves may be found on which of the following permanent teeth _?
A. Mandibular second molars
B. Mandibular first premolars
C. Maxillary first molars
D. Maxillary canines
Difference between mandibular and maxillary premolars is that in the mandibular premolars ?
A. The buccal and lingual cusps are more prominent
B. The lingual cusp is sharper and longer
C. The lingual surface rounded and less developed
D. The buccal surface is rounded and less developed
The largest permanent tooth in the mouth usually is_?
A. Maxillary canine
B. Mandibular canine
C. Mandibular first molar
D. Maxillary first molar
Longest tooth of the maxillary arch is_?
A. Permanent incisor
B. First premolar
C. Permanent canine
D. Decidous incisor
No. of cusps in mandibular 1st molar_?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 5
D. 6
Rounded protuberances on the incisal edges of newly erupted permanent incisors are?
A. Mamelons
B. Tubercles
C. Enamel pits
D. Cingulum
Mandibular second premolar 3- cusp type id developed from__?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Mesial slope of buccal cusp is longer than distal slope in__?
A. Maxillary 2nd premolar
B. Maxillary 1st premolar
C. Mandibular canine
D. Maxillary canine
The occlusal surface shape of a 3 cusped mandibular second premolar_?
A. Oval
B. Elliptical
C. Square
D. Tetrahedral
Tritubercular cusps are__?
D. All of the above
Which cusp is poorly developed in a permanent maxillary second molar___?
Which bifurcation is closet to the cervical line (or) which surface has short root trunk length in a maxillary permanent first molar ?
A. Buccal
B. Mesial
C. Distal
D. None of the above
The premolar with the occlusal groove pattern that may simulate the letter “Y” is__?
A. Maxillary first
B. Maxillary second
C. Mandibular second
D. Mandibular first
In which of the following a nonfunctional cusp is present___?
A. Maxillary 1st molar
B. Maxillary 2ndmolar
C. Mandibular 1st molar
D. Mandibular 2nd molar
The two major fossa of permanent maxillary first molar__?
A. Central fossa and mesial fossa
B. Central and distal fossa
C. Mesial and distal tringular fossa
D. Distal fossa and distal tringaular fossa
Permanent mandibular first molar is developed from __ lobes?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
The maxillary tooth exhibiting the greatest variation in root alignment is__?
A. Central incisor
B. First premolar
C. Third molar
D. Second molar
Which of the following permanent teeth is usually bilaterally symmetric when viewed labially and incissaly_?
A. Mandibular lateral incisor
B. Mandibular canine
C. Mandibular central incisor
D. Maxillary central incisor
Average of length of maxillary cuspid is_?
A. 26 mm
B. 33 mm
C. 21 mm
D. 18 mm
Maxillary first molar has how many roots ?
A. 1 facial and 2 lingual
B. 1 lingual and 2 facial
C. 1 mesial and 2 buccal
D. 1 mesial and 1 distal
The eruption age of maxillary permanent lateral incisor is_?
A. 8-9 years
B. 6-7 years
C. 10-11 years
D. 8-9 months
Steepest cusp is seen in_?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Maxillary 1st molar
C. Mandibular 2nd molar
D. Mandibular 1st molar
Which teeth the proximal aspect shows rhomboidal appearance___?
A. Maxillary posteriors
B. Mandibular posteriors
C. Maxillary anteriors
D. Mandibular anteriors
The maxillary lateral incisor is smaller than the maxillary central incisor on all aspects EXCEPT which one of the following_?
A. Crown length
B. Mesiodistal crown width
C. Faciolingual crown width
D. Root length
Following eruption , the root of the maxillary central incisor completes development at what approximate age ?
A. 7 years
B. 8 years
C. 9 years
D. 10 years
In the mandibular arch, in which tooth maximum lingual inclination is present_?
A. 1st premolar
B. 3rd molar
C. Lateral incisors
D. Canine
In maxillary 1st permanent molar, the 2 obtuse angles are__?
A. Mesiolingual and mesiofacial
B. Mesiofacial and distolingual
C. Distofacial and mesiolingual
D. Distofacial and mesiofacial
Basically TMJ is a___?
A. Ball and socket joint
B. Hinge and axis joint
C. Synovial joint
D. Diartmodal joint
Which of the following muscles moves the condyle and articular disc anterior and downwards on glenoid fossa?
A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Temporalies- anterior fibers
D. Temporalis – posterior fibers
Position and movement of articular disc of TMJ is controlled by fibers of_?
A. Lower head of lateral pterygoid muscle
B. Sphenomandibular ligament
C. Superficial head of medial pterygoid muscle
D. Upper head of lateral pterygoid muscle
Thinnest labial plate is found in the region of__?
A. Upper central incisors
B. Lower central incisors
C. Upper canines
D. Lower canines
Which of the following movement (s) is / are involved in the opening of the mouth?
A. Only hinge ( rotation )
B. Only translation
C. Hinge followed by translation
D. Translation followed by hinge
Articular disc of TMJ is_?
A. Thickest posteriorly
B. Narrow in the centre
C. Strengthened by lateral pterygoid
D. All of the above
The zygomatic bone does not articulate with__?
A. Frontal bone
B. Maxillary bone
C. Nasal bone
D. Temporal bone
Which of the following is not a structural element of the temporomandibular joint ?
A. Sigmoid notch
B. Articular disc
C. Capsular ligament
D. Joint cavities
On opening the mouth , if the jaw deviates to the right side, it indicates the paralysis of___?
A. Right lateral pterygoid
B. Left lateral pterygoid
C. Right medial pterygoid
D. Left medial pterygoid
Depression of mandible is achieved by_?
A. Digastric
B. Lateral pterygoid
C. Geniohyoid
D. All of the above
Which is the predominant factor in the formation of the alveolar process_?
A. Eruption of teeth
B. Normal process of growth
C. Lengthening of the condyle
D. Overall growth of the bodies of the maxilla and the mandible
Temporo – mandibular ligament is attached to __?
A. Lateral aspect of TMJ
B. Posterior aspect of TMJ
C. Mandibular condyle
D. Coronioid process
Which of the portions of the intra articular disc is the thinnest ?
A. Anterior
B. Intermediate
C. Posterior
D. retrodiscal
Forward moment of mandible is done by_?
A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Temporalis – anterior fibers
D. Temporalis- posterior fibers
Which muscle is responsible for translation of condyle ?
A. Medial pterygoid
B. Masseter
C. Superior constrictor of pharynx
D. Lateral pterygoid
All of the following muscles are elevators of the mandible except__?
A. Digastric
B. Massetor
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Temporalis
Which of the following muscle helps in depressing the mandible ?
A. Temporalis
B. Massetor
C. Lateral pterygoid
D. Medial pterygoid
The side towards which mandible moves is called the ?
A. Tooth contact side
B. Balancing side
C. Working side
D. Non- working side
Articular disc of tmj receives insertion from which muscle__?
A. Medial pterygoid
B. Lateral pterygoid
C. Massetor
D. Temporalis
Retrusion of mandible is achieved by _?
A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Temporalis
C. Masseter
D. None of the above
The premolar alveoli are what shape in cross section__?
A. Rectangular
B. Triangular
C. Kidney shaped
D. Oval
The maxillary teeth which have single antagonist are_?
A. Lateral incisors
B. Permanent canines
C. Permanent central incisors
D. Third molars
When a molar has no opposing tooth, it can become__?
A. Extruded
B. Intruded
C. Protruded
D. Retruded
The key to occlusion is__?
A. Maxillary permanent first molar
B. Maxillary permanent second molar
C. Maxillary primary first molar
D. Maxillary primary second molar
Maximum contact between occlusal surfaces, of maxillary and mandibular teeth occur during_?
A. Centric occlusion
B. Rest position
C. Protrusive contacts
D. Laterotrusive contacts
In occlusion the teeth have_?
A. Cusp to cusp contact
B. Edge to edge contact
C. Marginal contact
D. Surface to surface contact
Curve passing through the buccal and lingual cusp tips of the mandibular buccal teeth is__?
A. Wilson curve
B. Mansoon curve
C. Curve of spee
D. Caternary curve
Facial occlusal line in the maxillary arch is formed by__?
A. Stamp cusps
B. Centric holding cusps
C. Supporting cusps
D. Non- supporting cusps
IN occlusion, the teeth have_?
A. Cusp – to – cusp contact
B. Edge- to – edge contact
C. Marginal contact
D. Surface – to- surface contact
Group function occlusion is common in__?
A. 10 – 14 years
B. 15 -25 years
C. Above 30 years
D. Edentulous patients
Over jet is defined as_?
A. Horizontal overlap
B. Vertical overlap
C. Transverse plane discrepancy
D. All the above
In an ideal occlustion buccal cusps of maxillary teeth, occlude with_?
A. Fossa and rdges
B. Grooves and embrasures
C. Lingual cusps of mandibular teeth
D. Occlusal pits and fissures
If a permanent first molar is lost, the permanent second molar drifts to the__?
A. Buccal side
B. Distal side
C. Mesial side
D. Lingual side
Distobuccal cusp of 27 falls into _?
A. Embrasure of 37 & 38
B. Embrasure of 36 & 37
C. Mesial pit of 37
D. Immediately incisal to cingulam
Maxillary facial and mandibular lingual cusps require sufficient occclusal length and horizontal overlap for_?
A. Esthetics
B. Centric stability
C. Chewing efficiency
D. Soft tissue protection
The last primary tooth to be replaced by a permanent tooth is usually the__?
A. Maxillary second molar
B. Mandibular second molar
C. Maxillary canine
D. Mandibular canine
Calcification of permanent first molar usually begins in the__?
A. Third month of intrauterine life
B. In the sixth month of intrauterine life
C. At birth
D. In the third month of extra uterine life
The first permanent tooth to erupt in the oral cavity is the__?
A. Mandibular central incisor
B. Mandibular first molar
C. Maxillary central incisor
D. Maxillary first molar
Dentition of humans is_?
A. Herbivorous
B. Omnivorous
C. Carnivorous
D. None of the above
A child has 12 permanent and 12 decidous teeth, what is his age_?
A. 8½ years
B. 11½ years
C. 4½ years
D. 13½ years
At birth the following teeth are calcifying__?
A. Primary incisors & first molar
B. Primary canines & second molars
C. Permanent canines
D. Permanent 3rd molar
As compared to permanent tooth , root formation in primary tooth__?
A. Take less time
B. Take more time
C. Same time
D. Is complete when tooth erupts in oral cavity
A six- year molar begins to calcify at___?
A. Six months IU
B. At birth
C. 1 years after birth
D. 3 years age
A six- year molar begins to calcify at__?
A. Six months IU
B. At birth
C. 1 years after birth
D. 3 years age
Growth of all permanent teeth except last molars is completed by__?
A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 12 years
D. 17 years
The root completion of permanent teeth is achieved after ___ years o eruption?
A. 1-1½
B. 2-3
C. 3-4
D. 4-5
Before eruption the position of permanent mandibular incisor buds relative to primary incisors is__?
A. Superior and facial
B. Inferior and facial
C. Superior and lingual
D. Inferior and lingual
Which of these teeth are highly sturdy and usually the last ones to be lost ?
A. First molar
B. Central incisors
C. Canines
D. Premolars
In the majority of situations, the first decidous tooth to erupt is the_?
A. Mandibular central incisor
B. Mandibular first molar
C. Maxillary central incisor
D. Maxillary second molar
Primary canine erupts_?
A. After D
B. Before B
C. After B
D. After E
First evidence of calcification of maxillary permanent central incisors occurs at___?
A. 3-4 months
B. 10-12 months
C. 2-3 years
D. 3-4 years
Root completion of the mandibular first molar takes place by the age_?
A. 7-8 years
B. 8-9 years
C. 9-10 years
D. 10 – 11 years
Beginning of eruption of permanent tooth starts__?
A. After completion of root
B. When apical third root is still to be formed
C. When half of the root is still to be formed
D. when root formation starts
In how many years, the central incisors erupt as permanent teeth __?
A. 8-9 years
B. 10-12 years
C. 6-7 years
D. 17-25 years
The teeth that are retained for the longest period of time are_?
A. Maxillary incisors
B. Maxillary canines
C. Mandibular incisors
D. Mandibular canines
E. B & D
The process of exfoliation of primary teeth is between__?
A. Seventh and eight years
B. Seventh and ninth years
C. Seventh and tenth years
D. Seventh and Twelfth years
The first evidence of calcification of primary anterior teeth begins approximately between _?
A. 14 to 17 weeks in utero
B. 9 to 12 weeks in utero
C. 6- to 9 weeks in utero
D. 17 to 20 weeks in utero
The first macroscopic indication of morphologic development of primary incisors approximately at_?
A. 11 weeks in utero
B. 14 weeks in utero
C. 16 weeks in utero
D. 6 weeks in utero
The tooth bud for the third molar is initiated at about the age of_?
A. 6th month I.U
B. 1st year of life
C. 2nd year of life
D. 8th year of life
Maxillary primary cuspid enamel completion takes place at_?
A. 6 months in utero
B. 6 months after birth
C. 9 months in utero
D. 9 months after birth
First permanent molars begin to calcify at __?
A. 6 months of intra uterine life
B. At birth
C. Before deciduous incisors
D. About 1 year after birth
In anxious parent calls you that her 5- month -old child has still no teeth in his mouth then you should_?
A. Call and do radiographic survey
B. Tell her that it is normal at this age
C. Child has retarded growth
D. Systemic problem
The eruption are of maxillary permanent lateral incisor is__?
A. 8-9 years
B. 6-7 years
C. 10-11 years
D. 8-9 months
Calcification of roots of decidous teeth is completed by_?
A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 8 years
The decidous canine emerges__?
A. Before lateral incisor
B. Before first molar
C. After first molar
D. After second molar
The most common sequence of eruption of the permanent maxillary teeth in children is__?
A. 1-6-2-3-4-7-5-8
B. 2-3-1-6-7-5-4-8
C. 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8
D. 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8
Generally in majority of children, the sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in mandible is__?
A. 1-6-2-3-5-4-7-8
B. 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8
C. 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8
D. 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8
First evidence of initiation of primary dentition is usually around_?
A. 4 months in utere
B. Birth
C. 4 months after birth
D. One year after birth
Which of the following is dental formula of a 9 years old child_?
A. 6 EDC21/ 6EDC21
C. EDC21/EDC21
D. 76EDC21/ 7EDC21
Number of teeth seen on X- ray at birth__?
A. 20
B. 22
C. 24
D. 30
Eruption date of decidous maxillary 2nd molar is __?
A. 20 months
B. 18 months
C. 24 months
D. 28 months
Calcification of third molar begins at__?
A. 8 months
B. 18 months
C. 8 years
D. 16 years
The time taken for primary tooth root completion after eruption__?
A. 3 years
B. 1 years
C. 2 years
D. 1 month
Calcification of all teeth except last molars are completed by__?
A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 8 years
Once the enamel formation is complete, the tooth will erupt after approximately____?
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Four years
The correct dentition in a 9- years old child is__?
A. 12 CDE6
B. 12C456
C. 123DE6
D. 123456
Which of the following decidous molars bears the greatest resemblance to a premolar ?
A. Maxillary first
B. Maxillary second
C. Mandibular first
D. Mandibular second
Primary dentition period is__?
A. From birth to 11 years
B. From 6 months to 11 years
C. From 6 months to 6 years
D. From 6 years to 11 years
The primary lateral incisors begin to calcify about the__?
A. 4th month of life
B. 4th month in utero
C. 41/2 month in utero
D. 5th month in utero
In the majority of situations, that first decidous tooth to erupt is the__?
A. Mandibular central incisor
B. Mandibular first molar
C. Maxillary central incisor
D. Maxillary second molar
Cervical bulge. True is__?
A. Enamel rods at cervical region directed occlusal
B. Results in constriction at cervical region
C. Is characteristic of deciduous teeth
D. All of the above
How many pulpal horns are there in the mandibular second primary molar ?
A. 3
B. 6
C. 4
D. 5
What is the thickness of the layer of primsless enamel found in primary teeth_?
A. 25 μm
B. 50μm
C. 75μm
D. 100μm
The crowns and roots of primary molar at their cervical portions are more__?
A. Slender mesiodistally
B. Slender anteroposteriorly
C. Bulkier mesiodistally
D. Buliker anteroposteriorly
During the development of a tooth, sound coalescence of the lobes results in__?
A. Grooves
B. Fissures
C. Cusps
D. All of the above
The largest mesiodistal diameter in primary dentition is_?
A. Mandibular 1st molar
B. Mandibular2nd molar
C. Maxillary 2nd molar
D. None of the above
How many cusps does the crown of the maxillary first primary molar have ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Pulp chambers and roots canals in decidous teeth_?
A. Wide and deep
B. Shallow and narrow
C. Wide and narrow
D. Shallow and wide
Primary teeth differ from permanent teeth in following aspects ?
A. Thickness of enamel and dentin
B. Pulp chambers are longer
C. Roots are flaring
D. All of the above
Transverse ridge is prominent on occlusal surface of which of the following decidous teeth ?
A. Mandibular first molar
B. Maxillary first molar
C. Mandibular second molar
D. Maxillary second molar
The highest ( longest ) and sharpest cusp on the decidous mandibular first molar is__?
A. Mesiolingual
B. Distolingual
C. Mesiobuccal
D. Distobuccal
Difference between primary and permanent enamel is_?
A. In prism arrangement
B. in mineral content
C. No difference in enamel, difference in dentin
D. None of the above
The sharpest cusp of primary first molar tooth is__?
A. Mesiobuccal
B. Distobuccal
C. Mesiolingual
D. Distolingual
Resorption of root of primary incisors starts at__?
A. 4 yrs
B. 6 yrs
C. 8 yrs
D. 10 yrs
Conjoint tendon is formed by _?
A. External and internal oblique
B. External oblique and transversus abdominis
C. Internal oblique and transversus abdominis
D. Internal oblique
IMPORTANT: Also Read General Knowledge MCQs and Pharmacology MCQs for an effective test preparation online.