NTS Passport Office DEO Past Paper Dates 2023

NTS Passport Office DEO Past Paper 2023 MCQs for DEO in NTS passport office test preparation in NTS.

NTS Passport Office DEO Past Paper

Second pillar of Islam is
  1. Namaz
  2. Roza
  3. Zakat
  4. HaJJ
  5. None of the above
What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook?
  1. Range
  2. Trend line
  3. Scenario
  4. What-if analysis
During migration to Madina Prophet (SAW) riding on which animal?
  1. Camel
  2. Horse
  3. Donkey
  4. Ox
The tenure of Judge of International Court of Justice (ICJ) is:
  1. 9 years
  2. 10 years
  3. 13 years
  4. 15 years
The Shape of cursor?
  1. keen eye
  2. arrow
  3. steady hand
  4. delicate motion
Muslim strength in battle of Uhud?
  1. 1000
  2. 2000
  3. 3000
  4. 4000
Great Buddha (Bodh Gaya) Statue is located in which city?
  1. Mumbai (India)
  2. Kolkata (India)
  3. Bihar (India)
  4. Bengaluru (India)
Guru Nanak was the founder of which religion?
  1. Jewish
  2. Hinduism
  3. Sikhism
  4. Shintoism
Silicon valley is in _____?
  1. New York
  2. Los Angeles
  3. Chicago
  4. California
Mother of Hazrat Isa A.S. (Jesus)?
  1. Hazrat Sara
  2. Hazrat Hajra
  3. Hazrat Amna
  4. Hazrat Maryam
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) started to preach openly in ……Nabvi.
  1. 4th Nabvi
  2. 5th Nabvi
  3. 6th Nabvi
  4. 7th Nabvi
Which country has rose as its national flower?
  1. Iran
  2. USA
  3. UK
  4. All
Pakistan joined International Court of Justice (ICJ) in which year?
  1. September 1947
  2. September 1958
  3. September 1960
  4. September 1968
Distance between Madina and Khyber?
  1. 150
  2. 172
  3. 185
  4. 300
Ms word short key for help ?
  1. F1
  2. F2
  3. F3
  4. F4
The extension of a text file is :
  1. .text
  2. .txt
  3. .tet
  4. None
The horizontal and vertical lines on a spreadsheet are called:
  1. Grid-lines
  2. Block lines
  3. Sheets
  4. Cells
King Farooq is the last king of which country ?
  1. Egypt
  2. Russia
  3. Iran
  4. Iraq
Bicameral Legislature system was introduced for the first time in Pakistan in
  1. constitution of 1973
  2. constitution of 1956
  3. constitution of 1962
  4. None of the above
On which time the Holy Prophet (PBUH )was gifted with Namaz?
  1. Miraj
  2. Hijrat
  3. Badr
  4. none
Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor in MS word?
  1. Delete
  2. Backspace
  3. End
  4. None
Distance between Medina and Khaybar
  1. 153 km
  2. 190 km
  3. 170 km
  4. 200 km
Key for removing one character from right side of cursor
  1. Delete key
  2. Backspace
  3. Home Key
  4. None of these
Synonym of ALERT is ___?
  1. Watchful
  2. Observant
  3. Energetic
  4. None of these
Allah said this worship is mine and I will reward the virtues
  1. Fasting
  2. Namaz
  3. Hajj
  4. None of these
Which one of the following is a pull factor in emigration ?
  1. population pressures
  2. food shortages
  3. employment opportunities
  4. political oppression
In MS Word, on the insert tab, for symbols click the narrow next to:
  1. View
  2. Page layout
  3. Equations
  4. References
ATM stands for:
  1. Automated Teller Machine
  2. Automated Tallest Machine
  3. Auto Transfer of Money
  4. None of These
What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character in Ms Word?
  1. 1638
  2. 1636
  3. 1645
  4. 1600
First radio station announce Pakistan Independence ?
  1. Lahore
  2. Karachi
  3. Delhi
  4. Islamabad
Which United States State is called Silicon Valley?
  1. Huston
  2. California
  3. Illinois
  4. Washington
Which neighbor country of Pakistan is landlocked?
  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Iran
  4. India
Which of following function in Microsoft Excel is used to count items in a cell range?
  1. Count
  2. SUM
  3. MAX
  4. Average
What is the number of planets in the solar system?
  1. Two
  2. Ten
  3. Eight
  4. One
  5. Four
Which prophet of Allah is called Abu Al-Bashar?
  1. Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ
  2. Hazrat Ibrahim (AH)
  3. Hazrat Nooh (AH)
  4. Hazrat Ayub (AH)
  5. Hazrat Adam (AH)
Holy Prophet PBUH secret preaching continued for how many years?
  1. 2 years
  2. 3 years
  3. 4 years
  4. 5 years
What is the fundamental pillar of Islam which requires both physical and financial sacrifices ?
  1. Fast
  2. Zakat
  3. Salat
  4. Hajj
  5. None of these
Who was the leader of pagans (non Muslims) in the Battle of Badr?
  1. Abu Sufyan
  2. Utba
  3. Abu Jehal
  4. Amr ibn al-As
  5. Hind bint Utbah
The literal meaning of Zakat is to —–.
  1. decrease
  2. divided
  3. distribute
  4. increase
Laughing gas is?
  1. Nitrous Oxide
  2. Oxygen
  3. Hydrogen
  4. None
Rachna doab is between___?
  1. Chenab and Jhelum
  2. Indus and chenab
  3. Sutlj and ravi
  4. Ravi and Chenab
Pakistan is located in _______?
  1. South Asia
  2. West Asia
  3. North Asia
  4. None
Who is the National poet of Pakistan?
  1. Ghalib
  2. Amjad Islam
  3. Allama Iqbal
  4. Meer
The Funeral prayer Namaz-e-Janaza is ___?
  1. Fera-e-Ain
  2. Sunnat
  3. Farz-e-Kaffaya
  4. Wajib
Which is the capital city of China?
  1. Shanghai
  2. Beijing
  3. Wuhan
  4. New York
  5. None of these
We can insert maximum number of columns in Ms Word are _____
  1. 35
  2. 15
  3. 63
  4. 65
Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during the enforcement of first constitution?
  1. Khwaja Nazim Uddin
  2. Mohammad Ali Bogra
  3. Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar
  4. Choudhry Mohammad Ali
  5. Liaquat Ali Khan
The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan is ___?
  1. Thermal
  2. Hydal
  3. Wind
  4. Solar
Which is the first Capital of Pakistan?
  1. Karachi
  2. Hyderabad
  3. Rawalpindi
  4. Lahore
  5. None of these
Chasma is situated in___?
  1. Kundian
  2. Kallarkot
  3. Daud Khel
  4. Bhakkar
The Legal Framework Order (LFO) issued in:
  1. 1970
  2. 1960
  3. 1950
  4. 1947
The Shimla agreement was signed between Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and _______?
  1. Indira Gandhi
  2. Morarji Desai
  3. Jawaharlal Nehru
  4. Manmohan Singh
How many times command of the erection of Namaz is given in the Quran?
  1. 600 Times
  2. 500 Times
  3. 700 Times
  4. 400 Times
Largest dam of Pakistan is ____?
  1. Tarbela Dam
  2. Mangla dam
  3. Warsak dam
  4. None of these
Antonym of EXPAND is ____?
  1. Condense
  2. Convert
  3. Conclude
  4. Congest
When was Indus Water Treaty signed?
  1. September 19, 1950
  2. September 19, 1960
  3. September 19, 1965
  4. September 19, 1973
  5. None of the above

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