MOFA Operational Support Technician Past Paper 2022 MCQs

MOFA Operational Support Technician Past Paper 2022 MCQs for preparation.

Who Presented Lahore Resolution (Pakistan Resolution) on 23rd March,1940?

  1. Allama Iqbal
  2. A.K Fazlul-Haq
  3. Quaid e Azam Muhammad ALi Jinnah
  4. Liaquat Ali Khan

On which date was the Pakistan resolution passed ?

  1. 22 March 1940
  2. 26 March 1940
  3. 23 March 1940
  4. 21 March 1940

Pakistan Day is celebrated throughout Pakistan each year on :

  1. 23 March
  2. 14 August
  3. 15 August
  4. 6 September
  5. 25 December

Zaboor was revealed on which prophet?

  1. Hazrat Mossa (a.s)
  2. Hazrat Issa (a.s)
  3. Hazrat Dawood (a.s)
  4. Hazrat Muhammad (a.s)

Before the partition of India in 1947 how many Princely states existed?

  1. 670
  2. 562
  3. 450
  4. 360

Allah says, “Wives of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are mothers of believers” in Surah __

  1. Surah Muhammad
  2. Surah Yaaseen
  3. Surah Aal-e-Imraan
  4. Surah Ahzaab
  5. None of these

The Battle of Yermuk was fought between Muslims and ____ ?

  1. Iranis
  2. Jews
  3. Romans
  4. Christians
  5. None of these

The Indian National Congress was formed in ?

  1. Dec. 28, 1880
  2. Dec. 28, 1885
  3. Dec. 28, 1890
  4. Dec. 28, 1898
  5. Dec. 28, 1906

For ___ years Abdul Mutalib took care of Prophet

  1. 2
  2. 7
  3. 5
  4. 3

Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated in Rawalpindi on __

  1. 17 Nov 1951
  2. 17 Sep 1951
  3. 17 Aug 1951
  4. 16 Oct 1951

Which is the first computer virus in World?

  1. Blaster
  2. Creeper
  3. Sasser
  4. I Love You

Abdul Mutalib died in ___ A.D.

  1. 579
  2. 578
  3. 577
  4. 600

Which malware has Short for “robot network”?

  1. Ronets
  2. Botnets
  3. Botwork
  4. Rowork

How does VPN work?

  1. changed to an IP address
  2. changed to network
  3. changed location
  4. None of these

CHAP stands for ________?

  1. Challenge Hardware authentication protocol
  2. Challenge Handshake authentication protocol
  3. Circuit Hardware authentication protocol
  4. Circuit Handshake authentication protocol

Cookies were originally designed for __________?

  1. Server side programming
  2. Client side programming
  3. Both a and b
  4. None of the mentioned

Cookies are used to do which of the following?

  1. Store contents of electronic shopping carts
  2. To track web activity
  3. Store your ID and password for subsequent logons to the site
  4. All of these

The file extension of DOS is___.

  1. .dos
  2. .docs
  3. .docx
  4. None of the above

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