Lecturer Zoology Paper (20-12-2020) MCQs

Lecturer Zoology Paper (20-12-2020) MCQs for preparation.

Name of Anarkali ___

  1. Sharif un Nisa
  2. Zaib un Nisa
  3. Mehr un Nisa
  4. None

Hayat e Javeed is biography of

  1. Altaf Hussain Halli
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Sir syed Ahmad
  4. Rehmat Ali

DNA is synthesized by enzyme known as

  1. DNA polymerase
  2. Polymerase
  3. Both
  4. None

Hazrat Ayub was famous for his

  1. Patience
  2. Beauty
  3. Tolerence
  4. None

Before independence, East Timor was the part of?

  1. Indonesia
  2. Malysia
  3. India
  4. China

The universal blood donors for the ABO system or type___?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. O
  4. AB

__ is first step in many DNA based technologies.

  1. Isolation
  2. Denaturation
  3. Annealing
  4. Elongation

RNA polymerase I transcribe ___ in nucleolus

  1. rRNA
  2. tRNA
  3. mRNA
  4. None

Large scale study of proteins is ___

  1. Metabolomics
  2. Proteomics
  3. DNA studies
  4. None

The snake was killed __ the farmer.

  1. On
  2. From
  3. By
  4. Off
  5. For

Name of first biggest lair who announced the false Prophet-hood

  1. Muslima kazab
  2. Tulayha
  3. Kazab
  4. None

largest part of human brain is

  1. cerebrum
  2. Cerebellum
  3. Pituitary gland
  4. None

Insects belongs to class

  1. Diplopodia
  2. Haxapodia
  3. Chiropodist
  4. None

sickle cell disease in human body due to

  1. Silent mutation
  2. Missense mutation
  3. Denovo mutation
  4. Frame shift mutation

The uterine tube terminate in a hollow muscular organ in front of rectum and behind the unary balder.

  1. Uterus
  2. vagina
  3. cervix
  4. None

Humans are classified in order:

  1. Primata
  2. Chiroptera
  3. Proboscidea
  4. None

Growth hormone secreted by pituitary gland regulates the function of

  1. Most of Somatic Cells
  2. Nerve cells
  3. Both
  4. None

He said “Do i have to do it.”

  1. He asked that he had to do it
  2. He asked that he has to do it
  3. He asked if he had to do it
  4. None

An amniotic egg is present in

  1. Cockroach
  2. Snake
  3. Bird
  4. None

The syntheses of an RNA molecule from DNA is called ___.

  1. Transition
  2. Andora
  3. Transcription
  4. None

Which nitrogenous waste product is the most toxic and is produced only in insects that

  1. Urea
  2. Ammonia
  3. Uric acid
  4. None

Isotopes are atoms with different atomic masses but differs in

  1. Number of Neutrons
  2. Number of Protons
  3. Number of Electrons
  4. None

The Whatson- Crack Model suggested that DNA replication is___?

  1. Conservative
  2. Duplicated
  3. Sami-Conservative
  4. None

Calmodulin, a cytosalic had __ binding sites for calcium.

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 5

._ is animo acid which is lost in cystic fibrosis

  1. Methionine
  2. Alanine
  3. Phenylalanine
  4. Glycine

The motion caused by earth quick travels outward from the focus ij the form of

  1. Seismic waves
  2. Ultrasonic waves
  3. Both
  4. None

The ___ coefficient is the probability that two alleles in an individual are identically decedents from a common ancestor

  1. Population
  2. Inbreeding
  3. Probability
  4. None

Maggots is larva of

  1. Fly
  2. Honey bee
  3. Both
  4. None

Many of the animals when often different ancestors colonized similar habitats ,acquire similar adoption are resemble with one another superficially is called as___

  1. Parallel evolution
  2. Tempo evolution
  3. Divergent evolution
  4. Convergent evolution

Linking of ca+2 with calmodulin activates___ in the contraction cycle of smooth muscles

  1. MLC phosphorylase
  2. MLC kinase
  3. MHC kinase
  4. None

In the membranous skeleton __ sheath surrounds the central nervous system

  1. Perineural
  2. Perineurium
  3. Perinounm
  4. Perichondrium

Human possess___ kidney?

  1. Mesonephros
  2. Metanophros
  3. Both
  4. None

which insect is known as social insect

  1. Fly
  2. Honey bee
  3. Both
  4. None

Which of the following organizations did Pakistan join in 1969

  1. NAM
  2. SAARC
  3. OIC
  4. None

___ number of molecules of co2 are produced by an acetyl group of acetyl _ Co _ A in acid

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 3citric acid

___ of the codon is the redundancy of the genetic code, exhibited as the multiplicity of three base pair codon combinations that specified an amino acid

  1. Universality
  2. Specificity
  3. Degeneracy
  4. None

Cuttlefish is ___

  1. Mollusca
  2. Snake
  3. Both
  4. None

Which of following is mollusc

  1. Bird
  2. Sea star
  3. Cattle fish
  4. None

Biological active hormonal form of vitamin D is

  1. Calciferol
  2. Aclciferol
  3. Both
  4. None

Madre Portis is present in

  1. Sea star
  2. Shark
  3. Jellyfish
  4. None

The inner surface of echinoderm has a positive affinity for

  1. Nerve cells
  2. Mesodermal Cells
  3. Epidermal cells
  4. None

___ agents that cause uncontrolled growth of cells

  1. Carcinogen
  2. Carcgen
  3. Both
  4. None

Galapagos finches are good example of

  1. Adoptive radiation
  2. Radiation
  3. Both
  4. None

Fleas are feeders of

  1. Blood
  2. Harmon
  3. Nerves
  4. None

In marsupials gestation period varies between

  1. 8-40 days
  2. 20-40 days
  3. 30-40 days
  4. None

The major sister phyla of arthropod is

  1. Annelida
  2. worms
  3. Philadelphia
  4. None

Corticortronphin releasing harmons stimulates synthesis secretion of__ Harmon from pituitary gland

  1. ACTH
  2. ACHT
  3. Both
  4. None

__ produce urea

  1. Bird
  2. Animal
  3. mammal
  4. None

What is the main substance reabsorbed in the reign of the decending limb of the loop of Henle?

  1. Water
  2. Air
  3. Both
  4. None

TRH follows ___ type of cell to cell signalling.

  1. Paracrine
  2. Autocrine
  3. Intracrine
  4. Neurocrine

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