NTS LDC immigration and passport office past papers MCQs for Lower Division Clerk test preparation in DGIP.
NTS LDC immigration and passport office past papers MCQs
Header and Footer command are located on the _______ tab in MS Word?
- Home
- Insert
- View
- Header
Ctrl + B Shortcut key is used in Ms Word to?
- Search the selected text
- Paste the selected text
- Bold the selected text
- Open the specified file
East Pakistan was separated from West Pakistan on ____?
- 27 December 1971
- 16 December 1971
- 14 December 1971
- 25 December 1971
The island country Maldives is located in ________
- Indian Ocean – Asia
- Atlantic Ocean – North America
- Arctic Ocean – Australia
- Pacific Ocean – Asia
Roger Federer is a famous player of:
- Football
- Golf
- Tennis
- Tennis
What is the opposite of “Modern”?
- Up-to-date
- Cost
- Cast
- Ancient
Ctrl + I Shortcut key used for ?
- underline
- italic
- bold
- none
Which is the shortest ocean of the world?
- Pacific Ocean
- Indian Ocean
- Arctic Ocean
- Atlantic Ocean
The most abundant gases in the earth’s atmosphere by volume are:
- Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
- Oxygen and water vapor
- Nitrogen and oxygen
- Oxygen and helium
- Oxygen and ozone
Japans native religion is ___ .
- Buddhism
- Christianity
- Shinto
- Judd ism
Governor of province is appointed by ?
- Chief minister
- Prime Minister
- President
- None
Who can appoint Supreme Court judges
- President
- Governor
- Prime minister
- None of these
The most populous city in the world is?
- Delhi
- Tokyo
- Karachi
- Shanghai
Qurbani during hajj is performed at?
- Safa
- Muzaldaffa
- Arafat
- Mina
___ is the biggest city of Australia .
- Melbourne
- Sydney
- Perth
- Canberra
Which key is used for left alignment in MS Word ?
- None of these
Mount Everest is situated in which country____?
- Japan
- Nepal
- Pakistan
- Bhutan
What is the number of Rajab in Islamic calendar
- 6
- 7
- 8
- none of these
Which country is called the ‘Land of Golden Fiber’ ?
- Bangladesh
- India
- China
- Bhutan
- None of these
How many Sajdas are there in the holy Quran?
- 11
- 12
- 13
- 14
For how many months Hazrat Hasan (R.A) remained khalifa?
- 14 Months
- 13 Months
- 12 Months
- 15 Months
- None of these
Bait Ul Muqadas conqured in the reign of :
- Hazrat Abu Bakar
- Hazrat Umar
- Hazrat Usman
- None
Who added second Azan for Friday prayers?
- Hazrat Ali (RA)
- Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
- Hazrat Usman (RA)
- Hazrat Umar (RA)
In which year was the Pakistan resolution passed?
- 1940
- 1948
- 1955
- 1956
Who invented Telephone?
- J.K. Jack
- P.Wiliam
- A.G.Bell
- Peter J
Majority of people of east Pakistan were
- Urdu speaking
- Punjabi speaking
- Bengali speaking
- None of these
The year 1971 is remembered for
- Independence of Pakistan
- Disintegration of Pakistan
- Pakistan became member of UN
- None of these
The smallest Continent (by Area) of the World is ____?
- Australia
- Europe
- North America
- Africa
- Asia
Which is the largest organ of UNO?
- International court of justice
- Security Council
- General Assembly
- Economic and Social Council
- None of these
Objective resolution was passed on ?
- 12 march 1947
- 12 march 1948
- 12 march 1949
- 12 march 1956
- None of these
Natural satellite of Earth is known as:
- Sun
- Asteroid
- Moon
- None
Number of Supreme court judges of Pakistan
- 17
- 10
- 16
- 19
When Minar e Pakistan was built?
- 1970
- 1980
- 1990
- 1960
When the second Martial Law was imposed in Pakistan?
- October 7, 1958
- March 25, 1969
- December 25, 1970
- March 23, 1970
Fourteen points of Jinnah prescribed that the form of the constitution should be:
- Presidential System
- Federal System
- Preliminary System
- All of these
The Khilafat Movement was related to ______?
- Mughal Empire
- Umar Bin Abdul Aziz
- Abbasi Khilafat
- none of these
Who did Imposed third Martial Law in Pakistan?
- Gen. Ayub Khan
- Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan
- Gen. Muhammad Zia ul Haq
- Sikander Mirza
Fatima Jinnah was presidential candidate against _____
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Skindar Mirza
- General Ayub Khan
- General Zia ul Haq
When third and longest martial law in the history of Pakistan imposed?
- 5 July 1972
- 5 July 1979
- 5 July 1977
- 5 July 1991
- 5 July 1969
The most populous Islamic country of the world is:
- Pakistan
- Iran
- Indonesia
- Saudi Arabia
When did the 2nd World War Started?
- 1914
- 1918
- 1935
- 1939
Identify the last ghazwa in which Holy prophet (PBUH) participate
- Ghazwa Hunain
- Ghazwa Mutah
- Ghazwa Ahzab
- Ghazwa tabuk
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Also Read: General Knowledge MCQs
NTS LDC DGIP office past papers MCQs are taken from previous year paper held in 2023.