KPK PMS English Past Paper 2021 MCQs for preparation.
A remedy which can cure all aliments:
- Antiobodic
- Panacea
- Epidemic
- Pandemic
- None of these
Factitious antonym:
- genuine
- Fake
- Unnatural
- None
Germinate opposite meaning:
- Allen
- Decay
- Resolve
- None
The synonym of GRUESOME is
- Frightful
- Tragic
- Painful
- Hateful
- All of these
The synonym of SANGUINE is
- pessimistic
- Optimistic
- Unnatural
- Gruesome
- Talkative
A supporter of the cause of woman :
- Feminist
- Effeminate
- Shophit
- None
The synonym of ‘Usurp’ is ______?
- Enhance
- Join
- Support
- Supplant
- All of these
Detectable synonym :
- Loathsome
- Deprave
- Flavorful
- None
Buoyant synonym
- Despising
- Cheerful
- Support
- Worthy
A person whose thoughts are turned inward and who never opens his heart to others:
- Extrovert
- Introvert
- Both
- None
Annihilate synonym :
- To destroy
- Fail
- Both
- None
Oblation antonym
- Option
- Negation
- Gift
- None
Adamant antonym
- Unsure
- Abominate
- Both
- None
Stupendous synonym
- Ordinary
- Marvelous
- Abandon
- None
The study of heavens is called :
- Typology
- cosmology
- uranology
- None
Jovial antonym :
- General
- Sagacity
- Gloomy
- None
Insipid synonym :
- Gentle
- Delicate
- Tasteless
- None
Insatiable antonym:
- Greedy
- Glowing
- Both
- None
Insatiable antonym :
- Greedy
- Glowing
- Dainty
- None
Incapable of being affected, or cancelled ,or obliterated:
- Indelible
- Obviously Option
- Delegate Option
- Delible
Huddle synonym :
- Confuse
- Neutral
- Genuine
- Crowd
Wretched synonym
- Nobel
- Rich
- Happy
- Miserable
Veracious antonym :
- Honest
- Dishonest
- Happy
- None
Vacillate antonym:
- Option
- Resolve
- Unoccupied
- None