KPK PMS English Past Paper 2021 MCQs

KPK PMS English Past Paper 2021 MCQs for preparation.

A remedy which can cure all aliments:

  1. Antiobodic
  2. Panacea
  3. Epidemic
  4. Pandemic
  5. None of these

Factitious antonym:

  1. genuine
  2. Fake
  3. Unnatural
  4. None

Germinate opposite meaning:

  1. Allen
  2. Decay
  3. Resolve
  4. None

The synonym of GRUESOME is

  1. Frightful
  2. Tragic
  3. Painful
  4. Hateful
  5. All of these

The synonym of SANGUINE is

  1. pessimistic
  2. Optimistic
  3. Unnatural
  4. Gruesome
  5. Talkative

A supporter of the cause of woman :

  1. Feminist
  2. Effeminate
  3. Shophit
  4. None

The synonym of ‘Usurp’ is ______?

  1. Enhance
  2. Join
  3. Support
  4. Supplant
  5. All of these

Detectable synonym :

  1. Loathsome
  2. Deprave
  3. Flavorful
  4. None

Buoyant synonym

  1. Despising
  2. Cheerful
  3. Support
  4. Worthy

A person whose thoughts are turned inward and who never opens his heart to others:

  1. Extrovert
  2. Introvert
  3. Both
  4. None

Annihilate synonym :

  1. To destroy
  2. Fail
  3. Both
  4. None

Oblation antonym

  1. Option
  2. Negation
  3. Gift
  4. None

Adamant antonym

  1. Unsure
  2. Abominate
  3. Both
  4. None

Stupendous synonym

  1. Ordinary
  2. Marvelous
  3. Abandon
  4. None

The study of heavens is called :

  1. Typology
  2. cosmology
  3. uranology
  4. None

Jovial antonym :

  1. General
  2. Sagacity
  3. Gloomy
  4. None

Insipid synonym :

  1. Gentle
  2. Delicate
  3. Tasteless
  4. None

Insatiable antonym:

  1. Greedy
  2. Glowing
  3. Both
  4. None

Insatiable antonym :

  1. Greedy
  2. Glowing
  3. Dainty
  4. None

Incapable of being affected, or cancelled ,or obliterated:

  1. Indelible
  2. Obviously Option
  3. Delegate Option
  4. Delible

Huddle synonym :

  1. Confuse
  2. Neutral
  3. Genuine
  4. Crowd

Wretched synonym

  1. Nobel
  2. Rich
  3. Happy
  4. Miserable

Veracious antonym :

  1. Honest
  2. Dishonest
  3. Happy
  4. None

Vacillate antonym:

  1. Option
  2. Resolve
  3. Unoccupied
  4. None

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