Overtaking in a tunnel is prohibited.
- wrong
- right
- I don’t know
- all of above
- none of these
Why should it be kept clean of your vehicle:
- lights
- reflections
- windows
- all of the above
- none of these
Safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of your’s is:
- 50 meters 20 meters
- 30 meters
- 60 meters
- none of these
A driver pulls out of a side road what should you do?
- get panic
- yell on him
- will ignore his mistake and follow the law in good manner
- apply brakes hardly
- none of the above
Hazard lights are used for?
- while changing lane
- while turning the road
- warn other drivers that the vehicle is temporary abstraction
- to see if it functions correctly
- none of these
When being overtaken by a young bike rider the driver should?
- swittly bypass
- maintain the same speed. honk
- reduce the speed and give space to overtaken
- none of these
The speed limit near the mosque and school is?
- 50
- 40
- 80
- 70. none of these
When the driver on the motorway fails to see the exit he should?
- reverse to original place
- continues to go ahead and find next immediate exit
- stop immediately
- all of these
- none of the above
The speed limit in populated areas is:
- 60
- 70
- 80
- 50
- none of these
Which country assisted Pakistan in the construction of Sandak Project?
- China
- Afghanistan
- Saudi Arabia
- Iran