Junior Patrol Officer Solved Past Papers

The first astronaut to set foot on moon was ______?

  1. Yuri Gagarin
  2. Neil Armstrong
  3. ALen Shephered
  4. Edwin Aldrin

Mirage is an example of _____?

  1. Reflection of light
  2. Refraction of light
  3. Scattering of light
  4. Total internal reflection of light
Keys starting with characters F1 and F12 are?
  1. Function Keys
  2. Arrow keys
  3. Numeric Keys
  4. Alphabets Keys
Which one is called shooting stars?
  1. planet
  2. meteor
  3. star
  4. asteroid
Iberian Peninsula is the part of ______?
  1. Asia
  2. Africa
  3. Europe
  4. None of these
Which of following dynesty “Razia Sultana”. The ruler of Indian subcontinent belonged to ?
  1. The Slave Dynasty
  2. The Gohri Dynasty
  3. The Tughlaq Dynasty
  4. The Monghul Dynasty
First woman Prime Minister of world was_________?
  1. Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan)
  2. Junko Taibei (Japan)
  3. Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Sri Lanka)
  4. None of the above
Which country had the first women prime minister?
  1. New Zealand
  2. India
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Pakistan
The age of father greater 9 times than son and age of mother above 8 times than son the sum of the father and mother these two age 51 what will be the age of son?
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 7
  4. 2
Who resides at 10 Downing Street ?
  1. Queen of England
  2. British Prime Minister
  3. French President
  4. King of Norway
  5. Sri Lankan Prime Minister

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