The first astronaut to set foot on moon was ______?
- Yuri Gagarin
- Neil Armstrong
- ALen Shephered
- Edwin Aldrin
Mirage is an example of _____?
- Reflection of light
- Refraction of light
- Scattering of light
- Total internal reflection of light
Keys starting with characters F1 and F12 are?
- Function Keys
- Arrow keys
- Numeric Keys
- Alphabets Keys
Which one is called shooting stars?
- planet
- meteor
- star
- asteroid
Iberian Peninsula is the part of ______?
- Asia
- Africa
- Europe
- None of these
Which of following dynesty “Razia Sultana”. The ruler of Indian subcontinent belonged to ?
- The Slave Dynasty
- The Gohri Dynasty
- The Tughlaq Dynasty
- The Monghul Dynasty
First woman Prime Minister of world was_________?
- Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan)
- Junko Taibei (Japan)
- Sirimavo Bandaranaike (Sri Lanka)
- None of the above
Which country had the first women prime minister?
- New Zealand
- India
- Sri Lanka
- Pakistan
The age of father greater 9 times than son and age of mother above 8 times than son the sum of the father and mother these two age 51 what will be the age of son?
- 3
- 5
- 7
- 2
Who resides at 10 Downing Street ?
- Queen of England
- British Prime Minister
- French President
- King of Norway
- Sri Lankan Prime Minister