Important Islamic studies mcqs with answers for preparation of all types of competitive exams and subject specialist test.
Islamic Studies MCQs One Liner
Hazrat Nooh (علیہ السلام) is known as Adam-e-Sani.
Boat of Hazrat Noah (علیہ السلام) is known as Ark.
Hazrat Noah’s (علیہ السلام) boat stopped at Mount Judi located in Turkey.
Abu-al-Anbiya is the title of Hazrat Ibrahim (علیہ السلام).
Battle of Hunain: 8 Hijri (630 A.D).
The conquest of Makkah : 8 Hijri (630 A.D).
Ghazwa- Tabuk: 9 Hijri (630 A.D).
Ghazwa- Tabuk was largest and last Ghazwa of Islam.
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah: 6 Hijri
Battle of Badar is named as Furqan.
Battle of Karbala 10th Muharram 61 A.H/ 680 A.D.
Abu-Al-Bashr is the title of Harat Adam (علیہ السلام).
Koh-e-Adam is a mountain located in Sri Lanka.
The second prophet of Allah after Adam A.S was Hazrat Shees (علیہ السلام).
The Third prophet of Allah was Hazrat Idrees (علیہ السلام).
Hazrat Idrees (علیہ السلام) built 180 cities.
Prophet (PBUH) did covert messaging at House of Arkam upto 3 Nabvi.
The first woman embraced Islam: Hazrat Khadija (ضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ) .
The first grow-up man embraced Islam: Hazrat AbuBakar Siddique (ضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ).
The youngest man to accept Islam: Hazrat ALi (ضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ).
Prophet (صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) was staying at the house of Umme-e-Hani on the night of Miraj.
In 622 AD The Prophet migrated to Medina.
Charter of Medina was issued in 1 A.H. (622 AD).
First Ghazwa is Abwa in 1 A.H.
Battle of Baddar occured in 2 Hijri, (624 A.D). (17th Ramzan). 313 Muslims shahdat and 100 kuffars casualties.
Battle of Uhad: 3 Hijri (625 A.D)
Battle of Khandaq : 5 Hijri (626 – 627 A.D) 27 Days.
Battle of Khaybar: 7th Hijri (628 A.D).
Subject of Holy Quran is Human being.
114 is the total number of Surah whereas 558 is the total number of Rukus in holy Quran.
86 Makki Surah and 28 Madni Surah are in holy Quran.
Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran two times.
Surah AI-Baqarah is the longest whereas Surah Al-Kosar is the shortest Surah in holy Quran.
Zakat was made obligatory in 2. A.H
7 1/2 is the nisab of zakat for gold and 52 1/2 tolas for silver.
Prophet (صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) had no brother or sister.
Friend of Hazrat Khadija (ضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ), Nafeesa carried the message of Nikah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Prophet (PBUH) married to Hazrat Khadija at the age of 25.
Hazrat Abubakar accompanied the Prophet on migration to Medina.
Surah Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah.
Surah Al-Namal contains two Bismillahs.
The age of Prophet when he first received revelation was 40 years.
Surah AI-Rehman is known as beauty of Quran.
Last Surah revealed to prophet is AI-Nasr.
First Azaan was called in 1st Hijri.
Transfer of Qibla was ordered in 2nd Hijri.
Masjid Zu Qiblaatain is situated in Madina.
Fasting is commanded in Surah AI-Bakarah.
Injunction of utilization of zakat is in Surah-al Tauba.
The Holy Quran specifies 8 categories for the distribution of Zakat.
Prophet (صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) met with Hazrat Adam (علیہ السلام) on the first Heaven, Hazrat lsa (علیہ السلام) and Hazrat Yahya (علیہ السلام) on 2nd, Hazrat Yusuf (علیہ السلام) on 3rd, Hazrat ldrees (علیہ السلام) on 4th, Hazrat Haroon (علیہ السلام) on 5th, Hazrat Musa (علیہ السلام) on 6th and Hazrat lbraheem (علیہ السلام) on 7th Heaven.
Basic Islamic Studies MCQs
Who was said to be the first one to recite the Holy Quran openly in Haram e Makkah?
(A). Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (R(A).
(D). Hazrat Usman (R(A)
Surah Al Kausar is the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses is?
(A). Three
(B). Five
(C). Four
(D). Less than three
Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq R.A?
(A). Hazrat Aisha R.A
(B). Hazrat Juwairyyah R.A
(C). Hazrat Hafsah R.A
(D). None of the above
What was the name of Hazrat Halima’s tribe?
(A). Banu Adi
(B). Banu Taim
(C). Banu Saad
(D). Banu Hashim
Name the Surah in which mentions the Rights of Parents?
(A). AI-Maeda
(B). Surah Luqman
(C). Surah Ahzab
(D). Al-Mudassar
Name the first written constitution of the world?
(A). Khutaba-e-Hijja-tul Wida
(B). Mosaaq-e-Madina
(C). Treaty of Hudaybiya
(D). None of these
Second source of Islamic law is?
(A). ljma
(B). Quran
(C). Hadiths
(D). All of these
Which battle led to the birth of the Khawarij?
(A). Battle of Kharijites
(B). Battle of Nahrawan
(C). Battle of Siffin
(D). None of these
When zakat system was fully enforced in the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
(A). 7 A.H
(B). 2 A.H
(C). 5 A.H
(D). 9 A.
Prostration is obligatory in the Holy Quran, for how many times?
(A). 18
(B). 14
(C). 20
(D). 13
The only sahabi who was mentioned by name in the Holy Quran is?
(A). Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Zaid bin Harith R.A
(D). None of the these
In the First Revelation the Holy Verse of Surah were cited?
(A). Al-Baqrah
(B). Al-Fatiha
(C). Yaseen
(D). AI-Ala
He would have been prophet, if I were not the last one,” the Holy Prophet (SAW) said this about:
(A). Hazrat Ali R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Usman R.A
(D). Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Umar Accept Islam in 615 A.D?
(A). 5 Nabvi
(B). 8 Nabvi
(C). 7 Nabvi
(D). 6 Nabvi
What is Istelam?
(A). Praying at Muqam e Ibrahim
(B). Salam to Kaaba
(C). Kissing Hajre Aswad
(D). Salam to Hajre Aswad
What is Sahihain?
(A). Ibne Majah
(B). Bukhari
(C). Bukhari and Muslim
(D). Mishkat
Who was the commander of infidels in the battle of Ditch?
(A). Abu Safyan
(B). Abu Lahb
(C). Utba
(D). Abu Jahl
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had ____ sons?
(A). 4
(B). 1
(C). 3
(D). 2
What was the religion of the majority of the Aras before Islam?
(A). Christianity
(B). Buddhism
(C). Idolatrous
(D). Jewish
Which Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran?
(A). Khandaq
(B). Khyber
(C). Uhad
(D). None of these
There is no compulsion in religion is in Surah?
(A). Maida
(B). Noor
(C). Hud
(D). None of these
Note: Mentioned in Verse 256 of Surah Al-Baqara
Which is the oldest mosque on the earth?
(A). Kaaba Bait Ullah
(B). Masjid-e-Nabvi
(C). Masjid-e-Zarrar
(D). None of these
What does Israel mean??
(A). Friend of God
(B). Liked by God
(C). Man of God
(D). None of these
What was the name of Hazrat Halima’s tribe?
(A). Banu Adi
(B). Banu Taim
(C). Banu Saad
(D). Banu Hashim
”Kitab-ul-Asar ” was compiled by?
(A). Imam Abu Hanifa
(B). Imam Shaafi
(C). Imam Hanbal
(D). Imam Malik
How much army was bought by Abraha to demolish Kaabah?
(A). 60 thousands
(B). 30 thousands
(C). 50 thousands
(D). 40 thousands
Who started the system of Islamic Calendar?
(A). Hazrat Umer
(B). Hazrat Hamza
(C). Hazrat Ali
(D). None of these
Hazrat Umar R.A levied Zakat on?
(A). Goats
(B). Horses
(C). Camels
(D). Ox
Who was the commander of the infidels in the Battle of Uhad?
(A). Abu Jahl
(B). Abu Sufyan
(C). Utba
(D). Abu Lahab
Second source of Islamic law is?
(A). ljma
(B). Quran
(C). Hadiths
(D). All of these
Which battle led to the birth of the Khawarij?
(A). Battle of Kharijites
(B). Battle of Nahrawan
(C). Battle of Siffin
(D). None of these
Who was said to be the first one to recite the Holy Quran openly in Haram e Makkah?
(A). Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (R(A).
(D). Hazrat Usman (R(A).
Surah Al Kausar is the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses is?
(A). Three
(B). Five
(C). Four
(D). Less than three
Name the wife of Prophet (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq R.A?
(A). Hazrat Aisha R.A
(B). Hazrat Juwairyyah R.A
(C). Hazrat Hafsah R.A
(D). None of the above
Prophet’s nation was destroyed by the rain of stones?
(A). Hazrat Hood (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Loot (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Salih (A.S)
(D). Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)
During drought, which Namaz is performed?
(A). Salaat e Khasoof
(B). Salaat e Kisoof
(C). Salaat al Istisqa
(D). None of these
Which Ummayad ruler was called as Umar-e-Sani?
(A). Abdul Malik
(B). Ameer Mavia
(C). Marwan
(D). Umar bin Abdul Aziz
When was The Battle of Karbal Occurred?
(A). 60 A.H
(B). 58 A.H
(C). 59 A.H
(D). 61 A.H
Name the first written constitution of the world?
(A). Khutaba-e-Hijja-tul Wida
(B). Mosaaq-e-Madina
(C). Treaty of Hudaybiya
(D). None of these
What companion of Prophet (SAW) was awarded with the title of “The lion of Allah”?
(A). Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib R.A
(B). Ali Al-Murtaza R.A
(C). Umar Farooque R.A
(D). Khalid bin Waleed R.A
What is the literal meaning of Hajar AI-Aswad?
(A). Red stone
(B). Green stone
(C). White stone
(D). Black stone
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed accepted Islam on?
(A). 7 Hijri
(B). 6 Hijri
(C). 8 Hijri
(D). None of these
In which Surah of Quran Allah said about shirk that is Zulm e Azeem?
(A). Rehman
(B). Nisa
(C). Luqman
(D). None of the above
Hammam ibn Munabbih was pupil of:
(A). Hazrat Rehman bin Awf
(B). Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A)
(C). Hazrat Ali (R.A)
(D). Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas
alat e Khusoof is performed at the occasion of:
(A). Lunar eclipse
(B). Heavy rain
(C). Solar eclipse
(D). Earthquakes
Which King tore the latter of Prophet (SAW) into pieces?
(A). Khusrow Pervaiz
(B). Najaashi
(C). Maqooqas
(D). Heraqal
Bani Israel was The Nation of?
(A). Hazrat Musa (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
(D). None of these
Mention the famous City/Cities of Hijaz?
(A). Taaif
(B). Madina
(C). Makkah
(D). All of these
ch King tore the latter of Prophet (SAW) into pieces?
(A). Khusrow Pervaiz
(B). Najaashi
(C). Maqooqas
(D). Heraqal
Bani Israel was The Nation of?
(A). Hazrat Musa (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
(D). None of these
Somnath temple was destroyed in?
(A). 1028
(B). 1024
(C). 1026
(D). 1192
Which of the following according to the Holy Quran is an unpardonable sin?
(A). Theft
(B). Lie
(C). Shirk
(D). Jealousy
me the First foster mother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
(A). Hazrat Khola (R.A)
(B). Hazrat Sobia (R.A)
(C). Hazrat Haleema (R.A)
(D). None of these
Which Prophet is known as Zun Nun?
(A). Hazrat Younas (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Zull-Kifl (A.S)
(D). None of the above
What is the serial number of the Kalimah ‘Radd e Kufr’ among the six Kalimahs?
(A). Six
(B). Five
(C). Four
(D). Three
What is the old name of Makkah?
(A). Yasrab
(B). Waadi
(C). Bakkah
(D). None of these
During Hajj Arfat gathering occurred in?
(A). 10 Zil Hajj
(B). 9 Zil Hajj
(C). 8 Zil Hajj
(D). None of these
The ring of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was made by:
(A). Uthman bin Affan
(B). Abu Ayyub Ansari
(C). Yala bin Umayyah
(D). None of the above
Surah Al Kausar is the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses is?
(A). Three
(B). Five
(C). Four
(D). Less than three
Name the wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq R.A?
(A). Hazrat Aisha R.A
(B). Hazrat Juwairyyah R.A
(C). Hazrat Hafsah R.A
(D). None of the above
What was the name of Hazrat Halima’s tribe?
(A). Banu Adi
(B). Banu Taim
(C). Banu Saad
(D). Banu Hashim
Bait-ul-Maqdas was conquered by Hazrat Umer (R.A)?
(A). 17 A.H
(B). 16 A.H
(C). 18 A.H
(D). 15 A.H
In the battle of Tabuk, who was mainly being fought against?
(A). Roman
(B). Hindus
(C). Persian
(D). None of these
The Mosque of “Dai Anga” is located in:
(A). Multan
(B). Kasur
(C). Lahore
(D). Rawalpindi
The nation of ____ was destroyed by a rain of stones?
(A). Hazrat Loot (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Salih (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Hood (A.S)
(D). None of these
Which Caliph of the following launched the postal department?
(A). Hazrat Usman R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Ali R.A
(D). Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
When zakat system was fully enforced in the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
(A). 7 A.H
(B). 2 A.H
(C). 5 A.H
(D). 9 A.H
Name the Surah in which mentions the Rights of Parents?
(A). AI-Maeda
(B). Surah Luqman
(C). Surah Ahzab
(D). Al-Mudassar
Name the first written constitution of the world?
(A). Khutaba-e-Hijja-tul Wida
(B). Mosaaq-e-Madina
(C). Treaty of Hudaybiya
(D). None of these
Second source of Islamic law is?
(A). ljma
(B). Quran
(C). Hadiths
(D). All of these
Which battle led to the birth of the Khawarij?
(A). Battle of Kharijites
(B). Battle of Nahrawan
(C). Battle of Siffin
(D). None of these
Who was said to be the first one to recite the Holy Quran openly in Haram e Makkah?
(A). Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (R(A).
(D). Hazrat Usman (R(A)
aning of Al-Wahid?
(A). The Alive
(B). The Unique
(C). The Noble
(D). The Powerful
When did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) Perform “Hajjat-ul-Wada”:
(A). 622 A.D
(B). 612 A.D
(C). 632 A.D
(D). 638 A.D
The first Muezzin of Islam was?
(A). Hazrat Bilal R.A
(B). Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
(C). Hazrat Usman R.A
(D). Hazrat Umar R.A
Hypocrites of Medina built contrary to Masjid-e-Nabvi:
(A). Masjid-e- Ubayye
(B). Masjid-e-Aqsa
(C). Masjid-e-Dharaar
(D). Masjid-e-Harrain
What is the name of the Hadith, which is according to the Holy Quran and reason?
(A). Hadith Sahih
(B). Hadith Mauzoo
(C). Hadith Mashoor
(D). Hadith Qauli
The Holy Prophet (SAW) and Hazrat Abu Bakar took refuge during Hijrat in the cave?
(A). Kahf
(B). Soar
(C). Hira
(D). None of these
hat is Sahihain?
(A). Ibne Majah
(B). Bukhari
(C). Bukhari and Muslim
(D). Mishkat
Prostration is obligatory in the Holy Quran, for how many times?
(A). 18
(B). 14
(C). 20
(D). 13
The only sahabi who was mentioned by name in the Holy Quran is?
(A). Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Zaid bin Harith R.A
(D). None of the these
In the First Revelation the Holy Verse of Surah were cited?
(A). Al-Baqrah
(B). Al-Fatiha
(C). Yaseen
(D). AI-Ala
ho was called sword of Allah?
(A). Hazrat Ali R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Khalid bin Walid R.A
(D). None of these
About which act the Muslims shall be asked first of all on the Day of Judgment?
(A). Salaat
(B). Zakat
(C). Fasting
(D). Hajj
Which Prophet of Allah had minimum age?
(A). Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
(B). Hazrat Ibrahim A.S
(C). Hazrat Musa A.S
(D). Hazrat Essa A.S
Name the Muslim commander whose army crossed the Dajla River?
(A). Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed R.A
(B). Hazrat Abdullah bin Umro R.A
(C). Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas R.A
(D). Hazrat Ali R.A
The year of Imam Abu Hanifa’s birth is:
(A). 692 AD
(B). 696 AD
(C). 698 AD
(D). 699 AD
Shab-e-Miraj incident takes place on?
(A). 27 Rajab
(B). 17 Ramazan
(C). 17 Rajab
(D). None of these
Who was the commander of infidels in the battle of Ditch?
(A). Abu Safyan
(B). Abu Lahb
(C). Utba
(D). Abu Jahl
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had ____ sons?
(A). 4
(B). 1
(C). 3
(D). 2
What was the religion of the majority of the Aras before Islam?
(A). Christianity
(B). Buddhism
(C). Idolatrous
(D). Jewish
He would have been prophet, if I were not the last one,” the Holy Prophet (SAW) said this about:
(A). Hazrat Ali R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Usman R.A
(D). Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Umar Accept Islam in 615 A.D?
(A). 5 Nabvi
(B). 8 Nabvi
(C). 7 Nabvi
(D). 6 Nabvi
What is Istelam?
(A). Praying at Muqam e Ibrahim
(B). Salam to Kaaba
(C). Kissing Hajre Aswad
(D). Salam to Hajre Aswad
ame the woman, after Hazrat Khadija (R.A) who embraced Islam?
(A). Hazrat Samiya
(B). Lubaba bint Haris
(C). Ummay Aimen
(D). Buraida Aslami
Kiramin Katbeen means?
(A). Wise writer
(B). Two writers
(C). Illustrious Writer
(D). None of these
Note: Kiramin Katbeen means Honorable writers.
The name of cover of Kaaba is ____?
(A). Sajjeda
(B). Kiswa
(C). Bourda
(D). Al-Katif
Hazrat Amina (R.A), mother of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to the tribe of:
(A). Banu Asad
(C). Banu Ummeya
(C). Banu Khazeema
(D). Bani Zohra
Holy Quran was translated into Persian by?
(A). Shah Abdul Rahim
(B). Shah Waliullah
(C). Syed Ahmad
(D). Shah Ismail
How much army was bought by Abraha to demolish Kaabah?
(A). 60 thousands
(B). 30 thousands
(C). 50 thousands
(D). 40 thousands
Who started the system of Islamic Calendar?
(A). Hazrat Umer
(B). Hazrat Hamza
(C). Hazrat Ali
(D). None of these
Hazrat Umar R.A levied Zakat on?
(A). Goats
(B). Horses
(C). Camels
(D). Ox
Who was the commander of the infidels in the Battle of Uhad?
(A). Abu Jahl
(B). Abu Sufyan
(C). Utba
(D). Abu Lahab
Which Ghazwa is mentioned in Surah Al-Imran?
(A). Khandaq
(B). Khyber
(C). Uhad
(D). None of these
How many surah of the holy Quran are on the name of animals?
(A). Two
(B). Six
(C). Four
(D). None of these
In which Hijri Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) performed hajj?
(A). 8th Hijri
(B). 9th Hijri
(C). 10th Hijri
(D). 1st Hijri
The great book “Al-Itqan Fi Ulum al-Quran” was composed by:
(A). Imam Ghazali
(B). Muhammad Ali al Sabuni
(C). Muhammad Hussain Zahid
(D). Imam Jalaluddin Suyut
At which occasion Salat became obligation?
(A). Miraj
(B). Visit to Taaif
(C). Migration
(D). Boycott
hen was The Battle of Karbal Occurred?
(A). 60 A.H
(B). 58 A.H
(C). 59 A.H
(D). 61 A.H
Name the first written constitution of the world?
(A). Khutaba-e-Hijja-tul Wida
(B). Mosaaq-e-Madina
(C). Treaty of Hudaybiya
(D). None of these
Second source of Islamic law is?
(A). ljma
(B). Quran
(C). Hadiths
(D). All of these
Which battle led to the birth of the Khawarij?
(A). Battle of Kharijites
(B). Battle of Nahrawan
(C). Battle of Siffin
(D). None of these
Who was said to be the first one to recite the Holy Quran openly in Haram e Makkah?
(A). Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (R(A).
(D). Hazrat Usman (R(A).
Surah Al Kausar is the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran. The number of its verses is?
(A). Three
(B). Five
(C). Four
(D). Less than three
Name the wife of Prophet (PBUH) who was daughter of Umar Farooq R.A?
(A). Hazrat Aisha R.A
(B). Hazrat Juwairyyah R.A
(C). Hazrat Hafsah R.A
(D). None of the above
What was the name of Hazrat Halima’s tribe?
(A). Banu Adi
(B). Banu Taim
(C). Banu Saad
(D). Banu Hashim
”Kitab-ul-Asar ” was compiled by?
(A). Imam Abu Hanifa
(B). Imam Shaafi
(C). Imam Hanbal
(D). Imam Malik
unan ibn Majah is one of the six major Sunni hadith collections. This book was authored by___?
(A). Ibn Mājah
(B). Ahmad ibn Hanbal
(C). Abu Dawood
(D). None of these
Islamiat MCQs Online Test
Ghazwa Tabook was fought against:
(A). Persians
(B). Romans
(C). Jews
(D). None of these
Hazrat Umar (R.A) martyred in which month of Islamic Calendar?
(A). Muharram
(B). Zil-e-Hajj
(C). Saffar
(D). None of these
Which pillar of Islam is the key of paradise?
(A). Zakat
(B). Hajj
(C). Salat
(D). Roza
Real name of Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A) was?
(A). Haris
(B). Abdullah
(C). Ahmad
(D). None of these
Prophet’s nation was destroyed by the rain of stones?
(A). Hazrat Hood (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Loot (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Salih (A.S)
(D). Hazrat Yusuf (A.S)
During drought, which Namaz is performed?
(A). Salaat e Khasoof
(B). Salaat e Kisoof
(C). Salaat al Istisqa
(D). None of these
Which Ummayad ruler was called as Umar-e-Sani?
(A). Abdul Malik
(B). Ameer Mavia
(C). Marwan
(D). Umar bin Abdul Az
w many Salats ware made obligatory during the Miraj?
(A). 5
(B). 11
(C). 9
(D). 7
The title of Khatib ul Ambiya was of:
(A). ). Hazrat Musa (A.S)
(B Hazrat Salih (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)
(D). Hazrat Haroon (A.S)
Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was a slave and his master was?
(A). Ummayah bin Khalaf
(B). Ummayah bin Jahash
(C). Ummayah bin Thaqif
(D). Ummayah bin Jahim
While migrating from Makkah to Madina the Holy Prophet (SAW) took refuge in?
(A). Thaur Cave
(B). Dar-e-Arqam
(C). Hira Cave
(D). None of these
The first child who accept Islam was?
(A). Hazrat Usman R.A
(B). Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
(C). Hazrat Umer R.A
(D). Hazrat Ali R.A
How many Non-muslims were killed in Ghazwa e Badr?
(A). 80
(B). 50
(C). 70
(D). None of these
Which Surah is known as Aroos-ul-Ouran?
(A). AI-Rehman
(B). Al-Asr
(C). Al-Baqarah
(D). Al-Alaq
How many years the Grand Father of Holy Prophet (SAW) assumed the responsibility of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(A). 8 years
(B). 6 years
(C). 2 years
(D). None of these
The word Namaz is repeated for how many times in the Holy Quran?
(A). 700 times
(B). 800 times
(C). 600 times
(D). 500 times
zrat Khalid Bin Waleed accepted Islam on?
(A). 7 Hijri
(B). 6 Hijri
(C). 8 Hijri
(D). None of these
In which Surah of Quran Allah said about shirk that is Zulm e Azeem?
(A). Rehman
(B). Nisa
(C). Luqman
(D). None of the above
Hammam ibn Munabbih was pupil of:
(A). Hazrat Rehman bin Awf
(B). Hazrat Abu Huraira (R.A)
(C). Hazrat Ali (R.A)
(D). Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas
e last Ummayyad Caliph was:
(A). Marwan-II
(B). Walid
(C). Suleman
(D). Hasham
The Quran and Sunnah are declared the Supreme law of Pakistan under the Amendment?
(A). 9th
(B). 12th
(C). 11th
(D). 10th
The world Muhammad (PBUH) as a name has been mentioned in the Holy Quran only____?
(A). Six time
(B). Four time
(C). Seven time
(D). Two time
Who was the conqueror of Spain?
(A). Tariq bin Ziad
(B). Khalid bin Waleed
(C). Musa bin Naseer
(D). Muhammad bin Qasim
CSS Islamiat MCQs
Which King tore the latter of Prophet (SAW) into pieces?
(A). Khusrow Pervaiz
(B). Najaashi
(C). Maqooqas
(D). Heraqal
Bani Israel was The Nation of?
(A). Hazrat Musa (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
(D). None of these
Mention the famous City/Cities of Hijaz?
(A). Taaif
(B). Madina
(C). Makkah
(D). All of these
What companion of Prophet (SAW) was awarded with the title of “The lion of Allah”?
(A). Hamza bin Abdul Mattalib R.A
(B). Ali Al-Murtaza R.A
(C). Umar Farooque R.A
(D). Khalid bin Waleed R.A
What is the literal meaning of Hajar AI-Aswad?
(A). Red stone
(B). Green stone
(C). White stone
(D). Black stone
relationship between Imam Bukhari and imam Hanbal was:
(A). Teacher – student
(B). Father – son
(C). Student – teacher
(D). None of these
The commandment of “Qadhaf punishment” was given in:
(A). 3 AH
(B). 2 AH
(C). 4 AH
(D). 5 AH
At the event of Miraj which ibadat became farz?
(A). Zakat
(B). Five prayers
(C). Fast
(D). None of the above
Imam Malik died in
(A). 179 AH
(B). 189 AH
(C). 180 AH
(D). None of these
Shawal is which month of Islamic Calendar?
(A). 10th
(B). 8th
(C). 9th
(D). 7th
Salat e Khusoof is performed at the occasion of:
(A). Lunar eclipse
(B). Heavy rain
(C). Solar eclipse
(D). Earthquakes
The ring of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was made by:
(A). Uthman bin Affan
(B). Abu Ayyub Ansari
(C). Yala bin Umayyah
(D). None of the above
Which King tore the latter of Prophet (SAW) into pieces?
(A). Khusrow Pervaiz
(B). Najaashi
(C). Maqooqas
(D). Heraqal
Bani Israel was The Nation of?
(A). Hazrat Musa (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)
(D). None of these
Somnath temple was destroyed in?
(A). 1028
(B). 1024
(C). 1026
(D). 1192
Which of the following according to the Holy Quran is an unpardonable sin?
(A). Theft
(B). Lie
(C). Shirk
(D). Jealousy
me the Surah in which mentions the Rights of Parents?
(A). AI-Maeda
(B). Surah Luqman
(C). Surah Ahzab
(D). Al-Mudassar
Hazrat Ali (R.A) martyred in?
(A). 17 Ramazan, 40 Hijri
(B). 17 Rajab, 40 Hijri
(C). 21 Shaban, 40 Hijri
(D). 21 Ramazan, 40 Hijri
Who was the mother of Hazrat Usman (R.A)?
(A). Arwa
(B). Haleema binte Saad
(C). Salma binye Sukhar
(D). None of these
Which of the following punishment was introduced by Hazrat Umer (R.A) during his Caliphate?
(A). Cutting of hands
(B). Exile
(C). Capital Punishment
(D). Flopping
e the First foster mother of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
(A). Hazrat Khola (R.A)
(B). Hazrat Sobia (R.A)
(C). Hazrat Haleema (R.A)
(D). None of these
Which Prophet is known as Zun Nun?
(A). Hazrat Younas (A.S)
(B). Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)
(C). Hazrat Zull-Kifl (A.S)
(D). None of the above
What is the serial number of the Kalimah ‘Radd e Kufr’ among the six Kalimahs?
(A). Six
(B). Five
(C). Four
(D). Three
What is the old name of Makkah?
(A). Yasrab
(B). Waadi
(C). Bakkah
(D). None of these
st revealed divine book is:
(A). Tawrat
(B). Injeel
(C). Zaboor
(D). None of these
Umm-ul-Masakeen was the title given to one of the wives of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?
(A). Hazrat Aysha R.A
(B). Hazrat Khadija R.A
(C). Hazrat Salma R.A
(D). Hazrat Zainab bint e Khuzaima R.A
Prostration is obligatory in the Holy Quran, for how many times?
(A). 18
(B). 14
(C). 20
(D). 13
The only sahabi who was mentioned by name in the Holy Quran is?
(A). Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed R.A
(B). Hazrat Umar R.A
(C). Hazrat Zaid bin Harith R.A
(D). None of the these
In the First Revelation the Holy Verse of Surah were cited?
(A). Al-Baqrah
(B). Al-Fatiha
(C). Yaseen
(D). AI-Alaq
When zakat system was fully enforced in the life of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
(A). 7 A.H
(B). 2 A.H
(C). 5 A.H
(D). 9 A.
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