A list of 100 most famous books and authors for competitive exam online preparation. Along with important books and author for competitive exams there is a famous books and authors quiz with answer online.
Important books and authors for competitive exams
Books | Authors |
My Indian Years | Lord Harding |
Black Beauty | Anna Sewell |
Being and Nothingness | Jean-Paul Sartre |
Think and Grow Rich | Napoleon Hill |
Danger in Kashmir | Joseph Korbel |
War and Peace | Leo Tolstoy |
Alice in Wonderland | Lewis Caroll |
Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway |
Gulliver’s Travels | Jonathan Swift |
The Godfather | Mario Puzo |
The Daughter of the East | Ms. Benazir Bhutto |
India Wins Freedom | Maulana Azad |
The Prince | Niccolo Machiaveli |
A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
Oliver Twist | Charles Dickens |
Great Expectations | Charles Dickens |
David Copperfield | Charles Dickens |
Hamlet | William Shakespeare |
Macbeth | William Shakespeare |
king Lear | William Shakespeare |
Romeo and Juliet | William Shakespeare |
Twelfth Night | William Shakespeare |
Othello | William Shakespeare |
Resurrection | Leo Tolstoy |
The Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri |
Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Wuthering Heights | Emily Brontë |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen |
Nineteen Eighty Four (1984) | George Orwell |
Invisible Man | Ralph Ellison |
The Lord of the Rings | J. R. R. Tolkien |
A Passage to India | E. M. Forster |
The Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway |
Frankenstein | Mary Shelley |
Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen |
Emma | Jane Austen |
Mansfield Park | Jane Austen |
Lady Susan | Jane Austen |
The Castle | Franz Kafka |
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire | JK Rowling |
Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
A Doll’s House | Henrik Ibsen |
A Sentimental Education | Gustave Flaubert |
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Mark Twain |
Ulysses | James Joyce |
Odyssey | Homer |
The Iliad | Homer |
Alchemist | Paulo Coelho |
Caesar and Cleopatra | George Bernard Shaw |
Das Kapital/Capital | Karl Marx |
Communist Manifesto | Karl Marx |
Utopia | Thomas Moore |
Wealth of Nations | Adam Smith |
Origin of Species | Charles Darwin |
Doctor Zhivago | Boris Pasternak |
To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee |
The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel García Márquez |
Don Quixote | Miguel de Cervantes’s |
Beloved | Toni Morrison |
Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf |
Things Fall Apart | Chinua Achebe |
The Color Purple | Oprah Winfrey |
Why Nations Fail | Daron Acemoglu James A. Robinson |
Tom Jones | Henry Fielding |
The Black Sheep | Honoré De Balzac |
The Trial | Franz Kafka |
Song of Solomon | Toni Morrison |
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind | Yuval Noah Harari |
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People | Stephen Covey |
The Audacity of Hope | Barack Obama |
Descent of Man | Charles Darwin |
The idea of history | R. G. Collingwood |
Arms and the Man | G.B.Shaw |
Mein Kampf | Adolf Hitler |
In Search of Lost Time | Marcel Proust |
Ulysses | James Joyce |
Chitra | R.N.Tagore |
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire | Edward Gibbon |
Paradise Lost | John Milton |
Lolita | Vladimir Nabokov |
Le Contract Social | Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
A Brief History of Time | Stephen Hawking |
Around the World in Eighty Days | Jules Verne |
Pale Fire | Vladimir Nabokov |
On the Road | Jack Kerouac |
Apple Cart | George Bernard Shaw |
Freedom at Midnight | Larry Collins Dominique Lapierre |
India Wins Freedom | Abul Kalam Azad |
Pathway to Greatness | Dr Abdul Kalam |
Anand Math | Bankim Chandra Chatterjee |
Famous Books and Authors Quiz with Answers
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