IB Assistant Director Past Paper 29 07 2022 (BATCH-III) MCQs

IB Assistant Director Past Paper 29 07 2022 (BATCH-III) MCQs for preparation.

At the time a train traveling at 50 km/h will arrive at the station if it is 5 km from the station at 5:00 PM

  1. 5.05
  2. 5.06
  3. 5.10
  4. 5.50

Insert the missing number, 17 (112) 39 28 (?) 49

  1. 132
  2. 122
  3. 154
  4. 134

The study of insects is called?

  1. etymology
  2. entomology
  3. zoology
  4. biology

Honorably discharged from service.

  1. meritorious
  2. impecunious
  3. emeritus
  4. emancipated

An insect with many legs:

  1. centipede
  2. mammal
  3. herbivorous
  4. vertebrate

A decision on which one cannot go back:

  1. invulnerable
  2. incorrigible
  3. irrevocable
  4. infrangibly

A person who is very fond of sensuous enjoyment

  1. hedonist
  2. lusty
  3. stoic
  4. epicure

The act of violating the sanctity of the church

  1. heresy
  2. blasphemy
  3. sacrilege
  4. desecration

A person who is interested in antiquities

  1. equestrian
  2. antiquarian
  3. antiquated
  4. dissenter

A person who is womanish in his habits

  1. feminist
  2. effeminate
  3. philanderer
  4. philatelist

What is the correct substitution for morning? “One who loves mankind?”

  1. Philanthropist
  2. Misanthropist
  3. Mercenary
  4. Neurolic

Parachinar is the main town of:

  1. Khyber Agency
  2. North Waziristan
  3. South Waziristan
  4. None

General Michael Hayden is the

  1. President of Chile.
  2. Defence Secretary of USA
  3. NATO Commander in Afghanistan
  4. None

Pakistan is the Chairman of:

  1. NAM
  2. Sir Alexandar
  3. SAARC
  4. Group of 77

The district of the country having lower population density is:

  1. Khundan
  2. Kalat
  3. Kharan
  4. None

Wafa is the news agency of

  1. Syria
  2. Jordan
  3. Egypt
  4. None

Transparency International is based in:

  1. New York
  2. London
  3. Berlin
  4. None

The rivers Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab flow into Pakistan from which state?

  1. Patiala
  2. Junagadh
  3. Jammu and Kashmir
  4. Hyderabad

The freedom movement of Kashmir was organized and led by:

  1. Sheikh Abdullah
  2. Ch. Ghulam Abbas
  3. Sheikh Abdullah and Ch. Ghulam Abass
  4. None

When the first battle for the freedom of Jammu and Kashmir was fought?

  1. 1931
  2. 1932
  3. 1934
  4. 1936

Liaquat Ali Khan, the first Prime Minister of Pakistan while addressing a meeting at Rawalpindi was assassinated on:

  1. Oct 17, 1951
  2. Oct 16, 1951
  3. Oct 26, 1951
  4. None

The resolution for the formation of the All-Indian Muslim League was passed at the meeting of All India Educational Conference 1906 and was moved by

  1. Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk
  2. Nawab Moshin-ul-Mulk
  3. Nawab Salim Ullah
  4. None

The total refractive power of the eye lens is:

  1. 10 dioptres
  2. 63 dioptres
  3. 20 dioptres
  4. 24 dioptres

The breathing and heartbeat are controlled by?

  1. endometrium
  2. cerebrum
  3. hypothalamus
  4. medulla oblongata

The Legal Frame Work Order, which amended a constitution of Pakistan unilaterally was issued by____?

  1. Ayub Khan
  2. Yahya Khan
  3. Muhammad Ali
  4. None

Which part of the brain is the seat of intelligence, memory association, imagination, and will?

  1. cerebrum
  2. cerebellum
  3. medulla oblongata
  4. none of these

The body system responsible for controlling different bodily function is

  1. endocrine system
  2. skeleton system
  3. nervous system
  4. digestive system

Yeast is used in making bread because it produces:

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. sugar
  3. bacteria
  4. none

The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in the northern hemisphere is due to radiations from:

  1. Ionosphere
  2. Troposphere
  3. Mesosphere
  4. None

The ozone layer prevents ____ radiation from entering the atmosphere.

  1. infra-red
  2. ultraviolet
  3. x-rays
  4. gamma rays

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