IB Assistant Director Complete Solved Paper 2018 MCQs

IB Assistant Director Complete Solved Paper 2018 MCQs for preparation.

Wellington is the capital of?

  1. USA
  2. China
  3. Japan
  4. Russia
  5. New Zealand

The synonym of “Indolent” is:

  1. Cunning
  2. Alert
  3. Cautious
  4. Lazy
  5. None of these

Cook Strait separates the North and South Islands of:

  1. China
  2. North Korea
  3. Japan
  4. New Zealand
  5. All of these

The headquarter of Human Rights Watch (HRW) is located in__?

  1. Washington
  2. New York
  3. Islamabad
  4. Berlin
  5. Brussels

The word HINDERING means:

  1. Coining
  2. Rearing
  3. Closing
  4. Obstructing
  5. All of these

The hard work of today will give ______ the door of a life of full of comfort and pleasure.

  1. Upto
  2. Onto
  3. To
  4. Within
  5. Off

The British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald announced the communal award in 1932 at the end:

  1. 1st Round Table Conference
  2. 2nd Round Table Conference
  3. 3rd Round Table Conference
  4. None

The G20 (Group of Twenty) was founded in the year:

  1. 1979
  2. 1989
  3. 1999
  4. 2009
  5. None of these

The film was criticized for its gratuitous violence. Here “Gratuitous” means:

  1. Unasked for
  2. Harsh
  3. Ugly
  4. None of these
  5. All of these

The Headquarter of UNESCO located in the country:

  1. Switzerland
  2. Austria
  3. USA
  4. France
  5. England

He ____ to Lahore yesterday.

  1. Had gone
  2. Went
  3. Goes
  4. Was gone
  5. None of these

The first WHO Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health was held in which country?

  1. Switzerland
  2. Iran
  3. UAE
  4. Malaysia
  5. Qatar

Which Country`s Team Failed to reach out World Cup for the first time in 60 years?

  1. Italy
  2. Iran
  3. UAE
  4. Malaysia
  5. Qatar

Which Political Party for the first time in Pakistan will be using hologram technology to reach out its supporters?

  1. Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)
  2. Pakistan Peoples’ Party (PPP)
  3. Pakistan Muslim League (N)
  4. Jamiat Ulema-e Islam (F)
  5. None of these

International Genetically Engineered Machines (iGEM) competition, 2017 held in____?

  1. USA
  2. France
  3. UK
  4. China
  5. Spain

Pakistan’s Ranked in World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index 2017 is___ among 190 economies?

  1. 146
  2. 147
  3. 148
  4. 149
  5. 107

The Nobel Prize in Economics 2015 was won by

  1. Barack Obama
  2. Angus Deaton
  3. Jean Tirole
  4. Patrick Modiano
  5. Arthur McDonald

Dove lake is located in which country?

  1. Australia
  2. Iran
  3. UAE
  4. Malaysia
  5. Qatar

In British Parliament, The Senate is also called: ____?

  1. House of Presidents
  2. House of Commons
  3. House of Lords
  4. House of victors
  5. None of the above

“Dewan Negara” is the upper house of which country?

  1. North Korea
  2. Iran
  3. UAE
  4. Malaysia
  5. Qatar

A dark green forest hedged the bay, hiding the inhabitants from sight. Here “Inhabitants” means:

  1. Dweller
  2. Skilled
  3. Abhor
  4. None of these
  5. All of these

The name of the scientist who proposed extension of cell theory is

  1. Newton
  2. Robert Bentley
  3. Rudolf Virchow
  4. David Bellamy
  5. Thomas Bell

People who work together at the same place

  1. Friends
  2. Agents
  3. Colleagues
  4. Rivals
  5. None of these

The actor was shocked _____ the news of his cat`s death.

  1. By
  2. At
  3. Of
  4. With
  5. All of the above

Budapest is the capital city of:

  1. Norway
  2. Spain
  3. Hungary
  4. Argentina
  5. Brazil

The confession was extorted — him.

  1. In
  2. Into
  3. From
  4. Over
  5. All of these

The synonym of “Saucy” is:

  1. Reserved
  2. Criticizing
  3. Respectful
  4. Impudent
  5. All of these

The word “Complacent” means:

  1. Self-satisfied
  2. Self-critical
  3. Self-centered
  4. Self-observed
  5. All of these

The synonym of “Fabricate” is:

  1. Manufacture
  2. Repeat
  3. Reject
  4. Destroy
  5. All of these

The synonym of “Audacious” is:

  1. Fearless
  2. Meek
  3. Weak
  4. Lazy
  5. None of these

The synonym of “Mourning” is:

  1. Reeling
  2. Sniveling
  3. Grieving
  4. None of these
  5. All of these

The synonym of “Aggravate” is:

  1. Illustrate
  2. Influence
  3. Illuminate
  4. Intensify
  5. All of these

One who rides horses in races:

  1. Jockey
  2. Sprinter
  3. Porter
  4. Athlete
  5. All of these

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