GHQ LDC Past Paper MCQs

The teacher seemed undecided ___to take class or leave the class.

  1. As a result
  2. Whether
  3. Furthermore
  4. Therefore

People ____ contribute more if they ____ more time.

  1. Were/has
  2. Would/had
  3. Was/have
  4. None of these

The plural form of the word GUY is:

  1. Guyz
  2. Guys
  3. Guyes
  4. Guy

Identify the Definite Article from the following:

  1. A
  2. An
  3. The
  4. None of these

This is boring. There is _____ to do.

  1. Anywhere
  2. Anything
  3. Nothing
  4. Something

The synonym of REJOICE is:

  1. Uplift
  2. Reject
  3. Please
  4. Displease

____ the pain in his head, he attempted the paper.

  1. In spite off
  2. Inspite off
  3. In Spite of
  4. Inspite of

My sister was fairly unhappy with the service. “FAIRLY UNHAPPY” is an example of:

  1. Noun phrase
  2. Adjective phrase
  3. Prepositional phrase
  4. None of these

There is nothing interesting _____ the book.

  1. On
  2. Of
  3. In
  4. Over

Physical or logical arrangement of network is:

  1. topology
  2. routing
  3. networking
  4. none

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