General Science for Class 5

General Science for Class 5 MCQs with answers for General science and ability subject test preparation online.

General Science for Class 5 MCQs Questions

Which of the following is not magnetic material?

  1. Coin
  2. Eraser
  3. Iron nail
  4. Paper clip

The particles, atom, or molecules in solid remains in motion and that motion is limited to:

  1. Rotational motion
  2. Translational motion
  3. Vibrational motion
  4. Random motion

When two surfaces move or slide over each other, they experience:

  1. Gravitational force
  2. Centripetal force
  3. Electrostatic force
  4. Frictional force

Weight is the pull of _____ that acts on the mass of an object.

  1. Stars
  2. Magnet
  3. Gravity
  4. Electrostatic force

Which of the following may cause flu?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Virus
  3. Plant
  4. Fungi

The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is:

  1. 8 minutes
  2. 25 minutes
  3. 45 minutes
  4. 60 minutes
  5. None of these

The speed of light in vacuum is about

  1. 300 Million meters per second
  2. 300 Million meters per hour
  3. 300 Million kilometers per second
  4. 300 Million kilometers per hour

The Mars has____ moons.

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 2

How many moons does Neptune have?

  1. 4
  2. 14
  3. 36
  4. 73

Which of the following planets have only one moon?

  1. Jupiter
  2. Earth
  3. Neptune
  4. Venus
  5. All of these

Which of the following is called “Blue Planet”?

  1. Saturn
  2. Earth
  3. Jupiter
  4. Mars
  5. None of these

The number of planets are visible without using telescope is:

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. None of these

Which planet is also called as ‘the green planet’?

  1. Mars
  2. Earth
  3. Jupitar
  4. Uranus
  5. None of these

Chlorophyll is present in?

  1. Virus
  2. Algae
  3. Animals
  4. None of these
  5. All of these

Which of the following organisms is invertebrate?

  1. Birds
  2. Amphibians
  3. Reptiles
  4. Worms
  5. All of these

Which of the following animals are warm-blooded?

  1. Birds
  2. Reptiles
  3. Fish
  4. Amphibians
  5. All of these

Amphibians lay their eggs in/on

  1. Water
  2. Nest
  3. Mountains
  4. Land

Which of the following uses its wings to swim in the water?

  1. Parrot
  2. Crow
  3. Duck
  4. Penguin
  5. All of these

The unit of mass is?

  1. Kg
  2. Km
  3. W
  4. N

If we reverse the direction of electric current, then the direction of the magnetic field will be:

  1. Reversed
  2. Remain same
  3. Become tangent
  4. Become normal

Which of the following is/are unicellular organisms (single-celled)?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Plants
  4. Algae
  5. Both A and D

Which of the following is/are multicellular organisms (many-celled)?

  1. Fungi
  2. Plants
  3. Animals
  4. Both A and B
  5. All of these

In which of the following is/are chlorophyll is present?

  1. Algae
  2. Bacteria
  3. Animals
  4. Plants
  5. Both A and D

In which of the following is/are chlorophyll is not present?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Animals
  4. Both A and C
  5. All of these

Animals are classified into how many main groups?

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6

Animals with backbone are called?

  1. Vertebrates
  2. Invertebrates
  3. Both A and B
  4. None

Animals without backbone are called?

  1. Vertebrates
  2. Invertebrates
  3. Both A and B
  4. None

Vertebrates are divided into how many main groups based on temperature regulation?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Vertebrates animals that take on the temperature of their surrounding are called?

  1. Cold-blooded
  2. Warm-blooded
  3. Both A and B
  4. None

Vertebrates animals that maintain a constant body temperature are called?

  1. Cold-blooded
  2. Warm-blooded
  3. Both A and B
  4. None

Which of the following is/are characteristics of fish?

  1. Lives in water & cold-blooded
  2. Fins and scales
  3. Lay eggs in water
  4. Breathes with gills
  5. All of these

Which of the following is/are characteristics of amphibians?

  1. Lives on/in land/water
  2. Cold-blooded
  3. Moist skin
  4. Both A and B
  5. All of these

Which of the following is/are the characteristics of reptiles?

  1. Dry scaly skin
  2. Cold-blooded
  3. Lay eggs on land
  4. Lives in/on water/land
  5. All of these

Birds exhibits which of the following traits?

  1. Lay eggs
  2. Warm-blooded
  3. Beak/bill & feathers
  4. Tail, two legs & wings
  5. All of these

Mammals is defined by which of the following characteristics?

  1. Born alive
  2. Warm-blooded
  3. Milk feeding
  4. Fur/hair/skin & Spine
  5. All of these

Insects group of animals is characterized by?

  1. Jointed legs & wings
  2. Segmented body & blood feeding
  3. Egg-laying & nectar feeding
  4. All of these

Plants make their own food using?

  1. CO2 & water
  2. Sunlight
  3. Chlorophyll
  4. Photosynthesis
  5. All of these

Plants are divided into how many main groups?

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 2
  4. 1

Instead of seeds, non-flowering plants produce:

  1. Pollen
  2. Fruits
  3. Spores
  4. Leaves

Flowering plants are further divided into how many main types?

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a Monocot Plants?

  1. Its leaves have parallel venation
  2. Its seed consist of one cotyledon
  3. Its flowers have three or multiple of three floral leaves
  4. Its flowers have four or multiple of four floral leaves

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a Dicot Plants?

  1. Its leaves have parallel venation
  2. Its leaves have netted venation
  3. Its seed consist of two cotyledon
  4. Its flowers have four or multiple of four floral leaves

Which one of the following incorrectly shows the types of vertebrates through its examples?

  1. Reptile → Snake
  2. Bird → Ostrich
  3. Amphibian → Toad
  4. Mammal → Shark

Microorganisms are classified into how many main groups?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

E.coli is an example of?

  1. Algae
  2. Fungi
  3. Bacteria
  4. Virus

A bacterium that lives in the intestines of human beings and animals is called?

  1. Lactobacillus acidophilus
  2. Escherichia coli
  3. Staphylococcus aureus
  4. Bacillus subtilis

Yeast is an example of?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Algae
  4. Virus

Which present in the yogurt start changing the milk into yogurt?

  1. Bacteria
  2. Fungi
  3. Algae
  4. None

Yeasts feeds on sugar in the dough and produces ___ gas.

  1. Oxygen
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Carbon dioxide
  4. Nitrogen

When carbon dioxide is released in the dough, what will be result?

  1. It rises up
  2. It rises down
  3. It became harder
  4. None

The diarrhea and typhoid are caused by which infection?

  1. Fungal
  2. Viral
  3. Bacterial
  4. None

The rashes and athlete’s foot are caused by which infection?

  1. Bacterial
  2. Fungal
  3. Viral
  4. None

Which of the following is non-cellular or acellular organism?

  1. Fungi
  2. Virus
  3. Bacteria
  4. Both A and C

The maize seed is surrounded by a seed coat and it has an opening called?

  1. Micropyle
  2. Embryo
  3. Endosperm
  4. None

Each seed is covered on the outside by a ____, which is also known as:

  1. Embryo, Endosperm
  2. Endosperm, Pericarp
  3. Seed coat, Testa
  4. Seedling, Radicle

When a French bean germinates in soil, a hook like structure emerges that structure is called?

  1. Hypogeal
  2. Hypocotyl
  3. Micropyle
  4. Testa

A French bean plant is a?

  1. Dicot
  2. Monocot
  3. Tricot
  4. None

The germination (bean seed) in which the cotyledons comes above the ground?

  1. Hypogeal Germination
  2. Micropyle Germination
  3. Testa Germination
  4. Epigeal Germination

Which one from among the following seeds is monocot?

  1. French Bean
  2. Maize
  3. Apple
  4. Orange

A part of maize seed that contains stored food is called?

  1. Embryo
  2. Endosperm
  3. Seed coat
  4. Cotyledon

Which supplies food from the endosperm to the developing embryo in maize seed?

  1. Embryo
  2. Endosperm
  3. Seed coat
  4. Cotyledon

During germination of maize seed, first part arises from the seed is?

  1. Radical Root
  2. Cotyledon
  3. Hypocotyl
  4. Plumule

A straight stalk like structure grows out of the soil is called?

  1. Cotyledon
  2. Hypocotyl
  3. Coleoptile
  4. None

Coleoptile is a structure found in:

  1. Maize Seed
  2. Bean Seed
  3. Both A and B
  4. None

Most seeds germinate between the temperature?

  1. 10°C to 15°C
  2. 16°C to 24°C
  3. 25°C to 30°C
  4. 31°C to 35°C

Hypocotyl hook is formed during the germination of?

  1. Bean Seed
  2. Maize Seed
  3. Apple Seed
  4. None

In which type of seed the process hypogeal germination takes place?

  1. Dicot Seed
  2. Monocot Seed
  3. Tricot
  4. None

What is the substance that causes undesirable change to the environment?

  1. Climate Change
  2. Pollution
  3. Pollutant
  4. None

Air pollution is caused by?

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gases
  4. All of these

What is not a cause of air pollution?

  1. Burning of fuel
  2. Burning of solid waste
  3. Coal
  4. Water from domestic use

What is the major source of release of direct pollutants in air pollution?

  1. Air
  2. Fuel
  3. Gas
  4. None

Which is not a cause of water pollution?

  1. Gases from household materials
  2. Sewage water from homes
  3. Untreated water from industries
  4. Water runoff from agriculture

Which is not a cause of land pollution?

  1. Plastic bags, bottles, glass bottles, tin cans
  2. Vegetables and fruit cutting
  3. Animal wastes
  4. All of these are causes of land pollution

Solid wastes that are easily decompose by decomposers are called?

  1. Biodegradable
  2. Non-biodegradable
  3. Both A and B
  4. None

Solid wastes that are not easily decomposed by decomposers are called?

  1. Biodegradable
  2. Non-biodegradable
  3. Both A and B
  4. None

Which one of the following is biodegradable material?

  1. Plastic
  2. Styrofoam
  3. Glass
  4. Fruits

Which one of the following is non-biodegradable material?

  1. Plastic
  2. Manure
  3. Wood
  4. Cotton

Which type of wastes are classified as Biodegradable waste?

  1. Waste from plastic industries
  2. Vegetables waste from farms
  3. Wasted water from homes
  4. None

Which type of wastes are classified as Non-biodegradable waste?

  1. Waste from the plastic industry
  2. Vegetable waste from farms
  3. Kitchen waste from home
  4. None

Which is not a biodegradable waste?

  1. Vegetable peeling
  2. Plastic bottles
  3. Paper
  4. None

Asthma is due to the exposure to a type of environment pollution? Which one?

  1. Air
  2. Water
  3. Land
  4. None

If a child has cholera, which environment pollution needs to be addressed?

  1. Land
  2. Water
  3. Air
  4. None

What is the primary cause of cholera, diarrhea, and typhoid diseases?

  1. Chemical Pollutants
  2. Microbial Pollutants
  3. Physical Pollutants
  4. Thermal Pollutants

What causes matter to change state?

  1. Light Energy
  2. Heat Energy
  3. Sound Energy
  4. Kinetic Energy

In which state of matter, the particles arrangement is regular and closely packed?

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas
  4. None

In which state of matter, the particles arrangement is irregular and less closely packed?

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas
  4. None

In which state of matter, the particles have no regular pattern, have large empty spaces?

  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas
  4. None

Matter changes state from solid to liquid and from liquid to gases, when it?

  1. Loses energy
  2. Gains energy
  3. Remains same energy
  4. Has constant temperature

The particles in a Solid have the following movement?

  1. Move freely in any direction
  2. Vibrate at a fixed position
  3. Move randomly at long distances
  4. Remain stationary

A liquid is a state of matter:

  1. Definite volume and definite shape
  2. Indefinite volume and definite shape
  3. Definite volume and indefinite shape
  4. Indefinite volume and indefinite shape

The freezing point of water is the same as its?

  1. Melting point
  2. Boiling point
  3. Evaporation point
  4. None

During the process, more water will also evaporate and convert to a gaseous state of water called the?

  1. Water Liquid
  2. Water Solid
  3. Water Vapour
  4. Water Ice

Which of the following is an outcome if condensation?

  1. Boiling
  2. Freezing
  3. Dew
  4. Moisture

A thick cloud of water droplets on the earth’s surface is called?

  1. Dew
  2. Fog
  3. Frost
  4. Rain

Fraction is a force which always opposes?

  1. Gravity
  2. Motion
  3. Electromagnetism
  4. Inertia

When something changes position, it is in?

  1. Rest
  2. Friction
  3. Motion
  4. Gravity

Which one of the following is not a advantage of friction?

  1. Walking
  2. Breaking
  3. Securing knots
  4. Fasteners
  5. Wear and Tear

Which one of the following is not a disadvantage of friction?

  1. Energy loss
  2. Fasteners
  3. Wear and Tear
  4. Speed limit

Which of the following can be used to reduce friction between moving parts of machines?

  1. Sand
  2. Grease
  3. Gears
  4. Screws

What do friction forces between the air and a moving object cause?

  1. Speed increase
  2. Weight decrease
  3. Resistance
  4. Energy gain

Swimmers make their bodies streamlined to ____friction under water.

  1. Increase
  2. Reduce
  3. Maintain
  4. Ignore

Which pulls objects towards earth?

  1. Gravity
  2. Friction
  3. Force
  4. Mass

Weight is measured in:

  1. Kilograms
  2. Grams
  3. Newtons
  4. Pounds

Who invented the Lever?

  1. Stephen Hawking
  2. Archimedes
  3. Marie Curie
  4. None

According to the positions of effort, fulcrum, and load, levers are divided into?

  1. Two kinds
  2. Three kinds
  3. Four kinds
  4. Five kinds

Which one from among the following is not an example of wedge?

  1. Axe
  2. Ramp
  3. Knife
  4. Push pin

Which of the following is the second kind of lever?

  1. A nail cutter
  2. A fishing rod
  3. Pliers
  4. Claw hammer

Objects that gives out light of their own are said to be?

  1. Luminous
  2. Non-luminous
  3. Reflective
  4. Illuminated

llowing is a non-luminous object?

  1. Burning coal
  2. Glassware
  3. Fireworks
  4. Jupiter

Light travels in a:

  1. Curved Path
  2. Zigzag Pattern
  3. Straight Line
  4. Circular Motion

An objects that allow light to travel through them are called?

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. None

Which of the following allows all light to pass through it?

  1. Book
  2. Air
  3. Wood
  4. Newspaper

An object which allows some light to travel through it is called?

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. None

Which of the following objects that do not allow light to travel through them are called?

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. None

In which object, do not form shadows?

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. None

In which object, form faint shadows?

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. None

Butter paper is _____material because it scatters light.

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. None

In which object, form sharp and dark shadows?

  1. Transparent
  2. Translucent
  3. Opaque
  4. None

When the ray of lights strikes on the brick wall, it is?

  1. Passed through it
  2. Scattered by it
  3. Reflected by it
  4. None

If an opaque object is moved further away from the light source, the shadow gets:

  1. Smaller
  2. Bigger
  3. Darker
  4. Lighter

The Moon is illuminated because it ____the light from the Sun.

  1. Absorbs
  2. Reflects
  3. Deflects
  4. Refracts

When the moon and the sun are on opposite side of the earth, we see a:

  1. New Moon
  2. Full Moon
  3. Half Moon
  4. None

When the moon and the sun are on same side of the earth, we see a:

  1. New Moon
  2. Full Moon
  3. Half Moon
  4. None

Which of the following is not a magnetic material?

  1. Steel
  2. Aluminium
  3. Cobalt
  4. None

What happens when two same poles of magnets are brought close to each other?

  1. They attract
  2. They make an electric current flow
  3. They repel
  4. None

What happens when two opposite poles of magnets are brought close to each other?

  1. They repel
  2. They attract
  3. They make an electric current flow
  4. None

Which of the following performs its function by converting electrical energy into motion?

  1. An electric motor
  2. An electric bulb
  3. An electric iron
  4. None

All electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum at:

  1. The different speed
  2. The same speed
  3. The increasing speed
  4. The decreasing speed

How many Earths can be equal to Sun in terms of size?

  1. 89
  2. 99
  3. 109
  4. 110

The Sun weighs as much as?

  1. 100,000 Earths
  2. 200,000 Earths
  3. 330,000 Earths
  4. 500,000 Earths

How many earths can fit inside the Sun?

  1. 1,300,000
  2. 500,000
  3. 1,000,000
  4. 2,000,000

What is the average distance between the Sun and the Earth?

  1. 130 million kilometers
  2. 120 million kilometers
  3. 180 million kilometers
  4. 150 million kilometers

The Sun was formed about?

  1. 4.57 billion years ago
  2. 4.58 billion years ago
  3. 4.59 billion years ago
  4. 4.55 billion years ago

Our sun is one of the ___ of stars in our galaxy.

  1. Millions
  2. Billions
  3. Hundreds
  4. Thousands

_____generate their own light.

  1. Stars
  2. Planets
  3. Dwarf planets
  4. Asteroids

Which planet is mostly made up of iron and covered with craters?

  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Mars
  4. Jupiter

Which is the second brightest object in the night sky after the Moon?

  1. Mercury
  2. Jupiter
  3. Venus
  4. Earth

Venus and Earth are identical in:

  1. Size
  2. Chemistry
  3. Gravity
  4. All of these

The Earth has one moon and its name is?

  1. Terra
  2. Luna
  3. Eartha
  4. Moonia

The largest volcano of the solar system is “Olympus Mons” lies in?

  1. Venus
  2. Mercury
  3. Mars
  4. Earth

Which is the largest moon of our solar system?

  1. Luna
  2. Ganymede
  3. Titan
  4. Callisto

Titan, the moon of Saturn, is larger in diameter than which planet?

  1. Mercury
  2. Mars
  3. Jupiter
  4. Earth

Uranus has ____ moons.

  1. 25
  2. 26
  3. 27
  4. 28

Which is the coldest planet in the Solar System?

  1. Uranus
  2. Neptune
  3. Venus
  4. Mars

Which one of the following is the largest moon of Uranus planet?

  1. Umbriel
  2. Ariel
  3. Titania
  4. Miranda

Which is the farthest planet in our solar system?

  1. Uranus
  2. Mercury
  3. Mars
  4. Neptune

Neptune has _____ rings.

  1. Four
  2. Six
  3. Five
  4. Three

Asteroids are rocky objects, mostly orbiting the Sun in a region between?

  1. Earth and Mars
  2. Jupiter and Saturn
  3. Mars and Jupiter
  4. Saturn and Uranus

What is Vesta an example of?

  1. Planet
  2. Moon
  3. Asteroid
  4. Comet

Small celestial bodies made up of ice, dust and rock are known as?

  1. Comets
  2. Asteroids
  3. Meteoroids
  4. None

Which planet is closest to the sun?

  1. Venus
  2. Mercury
  3. Earth
  4. Jupiter

Which one among the following planets is known as the red planet?

  1. Jupiter
  2. Venus
  3. Mars
  4. Mercury

The type/s of pollution is/are:

  1. Air Pollution
  2. Water Pollution
  3. Land Pollution
  4. All of these

Read More: General Science MCQs for all classes and competitive exams test preparation.

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