General Science Class 8 MCQs with answers for 8th grade students general science and ability exam paper preparation online.
General Science Class 8 MCQs
What is the name of layer which protect the earth from the sun:
- Plak
- Ozone
- Debora
- Trizon
Wind energy is the ____energy:
- Potential
- Transverse
- Kinetic
- None
Structure of DNA was discovered by James Watson and Francis Crick in:
- 1952
- 1953
- 1954
- 1955
Short-sightedness is due to the:
- Shifting of iris
- Elongation of eyeball
- Weakness of Retina
- Weaker muscles
Electric device that converts AC to DC is called:
- Battery
- Rectifier
- Both
- None
Who is known as Father of Genetics:
- Mendel
- Newton
- Jabar Bin Hayyan
- None
The ozone layer protects the earth from rays sent by the sun:
- Radioactive rays
- Infrared rays
- Gamma rays
- Ultraviolet rays
The SI unit of electric current is:
- Ampere
- Volt
- Coloumb
- none of these
Which among the following organ does not play a role in eliminating waste:
- Lungs
- Kidney
- Skin
- Stomach
Emission of Chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) in the atmosphere destroyed:
- Ozone layer
- Oxygen
- Air
- Clouds
An instrument that enables us to see distant objects is called:
- Telescope
- Microscope
- Oscilloscope
- Laparoscope
Who used telescope first time in the human history to observe Jupiter Saturn and Venus:
- Galileo – Galilei
- Aristotle
- Al Beruni
- Thomas Harriot
Solar panels contain Solar Cell which are called:
- Photo-voltaic cells
- photo – electric cells
- photo- septic cell
- None
Convex lenses are also known as:
- Converging lenses
- Diverging lenses
- Deflecting lenses
- Reflecting lenses
The burning of substances in air with the release of a large amount of heat and light energy is called:
- Condensation
- Conduction
- Combustion
- Convection
The basic physical and functional unit of heredity is called:
- Chromosome
- Gene
- Cell
- None
Barcode reader is a device:
- Input
- Output
- Display
- Storage
The atmospheric pressure at any place is measured by:
- Altimeter
- Pressure Meter
- Thermometer
- Barometer
- None of the above
The number of Chromosomes in human cell is:
- 44
- 46
- 45
- 43
When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into ___colors:
- 7
- 8
- 2
- 4
Water has maximum density at:
- 2°C
- 3°C
- 4°C
- 5°C
The SI unit of length is:
- N
- M
- K
- J
The unit of mass is:
- Kg
- Km
- W
- N
The SI Unit of volume is:
- m3
- m2
- n2
- none
The SI is made up of how many basic units:
- 7
- 6
- 19
- 20
Nephrons are tiny units present in:
- Lungs
- Liver
- Kidney
- Skin
Which one is a non-renewable source of energy:
- Wind
- Coal
- Biomass
- Sunlight
A reaction in which heat energy is absorbed into the system is called:
- Exothermic reaction
- Endothermic reaction
- Elimination reaction
- Thermite reaction
Which of the following is an example of renewable source of energy:
- Petroleum
- Coal
- Natural Gas
- Sun
- All of these
What is the unit of force:
- Newton
- Joule
- Watt
- Metre
Cerebellum is a part of the brain which lies in:
- Fore brain
- Mid brain
- Hind brain
- Spinal cord
Vitamin ___ is needed for the formation of a light-sensitive pigment in the retina:
- A
- B
- C
- D
The transfer of characteristics between parents and offspring is called:
- Evolution
- Inheritance
- Genetic drift
- Mutation
The SI unit of energy is:
- Kelvin
- Joule
- Temperature
- Mole
Which of the following liquids is used in the clinical thermometer:
- Water
- Alcohol
- Mercury
- Oxygen
What is the substance that causes undesirable change to the environment:
- Climate Change
- Pollution
- Pollutant
- None
Which system is responsible to communicate and coordinate for the body functions:
- Circulatory System
- Respiratory System
- Digestive System
- Nervous System
The nervous system is a network of:
- Neurons
- Spinal cord
- Nerves
- Lobes
Which are the basic structural and functional units of the nervous system:
- Axons
- Nephrons
- Neurons
- None
Brain is enclosed in a hard-bony protective structure called:
- Sternum
- Cranium
- Ribcage
- Pelvis
The structure of brain is very similar to the structure of:
- Egg
- Orange
- Watermelon
- Walnut
Which of the following is the boss of human body:
- Heart
- Brain
- Lungs
- Liver
How many parts of the brain are there:
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
Which is the largest part of the brain and comprises two hemispheres:
- Hindbrain
- Midbrain
- Forebrain
- None
Which controls actions like thinking, feelings, memory, hearing, seeing, speech and decision making:
- Hindbrain
- Forebrain
- Midbrain
- None
Which lies the base of the thalamus and controls the body temperature, feelings of hunger and thirst:
- Thalamus
- Epithalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Cerebrum
The smallest part of the brain is:
- Thalamus
- Hindbrain
- Forebrain
- Midbrain
How many parts of hindbrain are there:
- 2
- 5
- 4
- 3
The ___ is a bridge like structure which links different parts of the brain:
- Pons
- Midbrain
- Cerebellum
- Thalamus
The quick action in which brain is not involved is called a:
- Voluntary Action
- Reflex Action
- Involuntary Action
- Automatic Action
Respiration is an involuntary process in _____ way:
- When voluntary respiration is not possible
- When voluntary respiration is possible
- Both A and B
- None
The main excretory organ is:
- Liver
- Skin
- Kidney
- Lungs
The renal artery transports blood to the:
- Kidneys
- Lungs
- Liver
- Skin
Replacement of malfunctioning organ by a healthy organ is called:
- Transformation
- Transplantation
- Translocation
- Transpiration
The artificial kidney machine is called:
- Hemodialysis
- Nephroscopy
- Renal lithotripsy
- Dialysis machine
Forebrain is also known as:
- Brainstem
- Cerebellum
- Cerebrum
- Medulla oblongata
A Barometer is device used to measure:
- Humidity
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Room Temperature
- Salt in sea water
The multiplication of new cells takes place by a process known as:
- Cell Division
- Cell Growth
- Cell Differentiation
- Cell Specialization
The nucleus contains a hereditary material called:
- Mitochondria
- Chromosomes
- Ribosomes
- Lysosomes
Which takes place when sex cells are divided and gametes are formed during the process of reproduction in humans:
- Mitosis
- Respiration
- Meiosis
- Photosynthesis
Nucleus is responsible for cell division because it contains nuclear material called:
- Mitochondria
- Ribosomes
- Lysosomes
- Chromosomes
Chromosomes are made up of:
- Proteins and Nucleic Acid
- Carbohydrates and Lipids
- Proteins and Minerals
- Nucleic Acid and Carbohydrates
The Deoxyribonucleic acid is abbreviated as:
- mRNA
- rRNA
Which among the following is not the stage of mitosis:
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Cytophase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
In which stage of mitosis where chromosomes reach towards their respective poles:
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
- Prophase
How many daughter cells are produced from mitosis:
- Two
- One
- Four
- Five
How many daughter cells are produced from meiosis:
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
DNA is a very large molecules and consists of units called:
- Amino acids
- Nucleotide
- Cells
- Molecules
A nucleotide consists of:
- Phosphate
- Sugar
- Base
- All of these
Which among the following is not the type of nitrogenous bases:
- Adenine
- Thymine
- Tracil
- Cytosine
- Guanine
The information in the DNA is stored in the form of code having ____ organic bases:
- 3
- 2
- 4
- 5
Which of the following is not the organic bases of DNA:
- Adenine
- Cytosine
- Thymine
- Uracil
The process of making copies of DNA is called:
- Transcription
- Replication
- Mutation
- Translation
The ___is made up of a double helix of two complementary strands:
- Chromosome
- Protein
In the bacterial cell, the DNA is found floating in the:
- Mitochondria
- Nucleus
- Cell Wall
- Cytoplasm
Small pieces of DNA are called:
- Plasmids
- Replica
- Template
- Clone
Which is used in genetic engineering because of its ability to multiply in shortest span of time:
- Virus
- Bacteria
- Algae
- Fungi
Which vitamin whose gene is inserted in the rice plant creating a genetically modify rice variety:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin A
In which organism, the human insulin is inserted for the commercial preparation of insulin:
- Algae
- Fungi
- Bacteria
- Virus
Which of the following substances contain disease producing pathogens in the weakened form:
- Vaccines
- Antibiotics
- Antibodies
- Plasmids
Infants (children) should be immunized with BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guerin) vaccines against:
- Malaria
- Tuberculosis
- Measles
- Hepatitis
MMR vaccines are given to children to develop resistance against:
- Malaria
- TB
- Measles
- Hepatitis
Which of the following disease can be treated by the use of vaccine:
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Measles
The production of human growth hormone is used for the treatment of:
- Dwarfism
- Cancer
- Measles
The most dangerous type of pollution is:
- Water Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Land Pollution
- None
Which one of the following affects the photosynthesis and growth of plants:
- Hydrogen
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Acid Rain
Following are the constituent of polluted air cause of Acid rain except:
- Argon
- Nitrogen
- Sulphur dioxide
- Oxygen
Which gas is produced when trees and fossil fuels are burnt:
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon dioxide
- Nitrogen oxide
- Oxygen
Which gas among the following is a major greenhouse gas:
- Carbon Dioxide
- Nitrogen
- Argon
- Oxygen
The average temperature of the surface of the earth increases is known as:
- Climate Change
- Global Warming
- Green House Effect
- Ozone Depletion
This is layer of atmospheric gas that absorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from Sun:
- Ozone Layer
- Troposphere
- Stratosphere
- Mesosphere
Ozone Layer restricts which one of the following:
- Infrared Rays
- Ultraviolet Rays
- X-Rays
- Gamma Rays
Which gas is emitted by incomplete combustion of fuel:
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Nitrogen Oxide
- Sulfur Dioxide
The poisonous gas which is the main byproduct of motor vehicle with irritating smell is:
- Carbon Dioxide
- Carbon Monoxide
- Nitrogen Oxide
- Sulfur Dioxide
The animal included in the endangered species is:
- Lions
- Giant pandas
- Elephants
- Kangaroos
The step which can save the earth and natural resources:
- Burning of fossil fuels
- Cut down more trees
- Waste more water
- Use recycled and reusable material
The permanent destruction of forests to make the land available for other uses is called:
- Deforestation
- Afforestation
- Reforestation
- Desertification
Which of the following equations represents a addition reaction:
- AB → A+B
- A → AB
- A+B → AB
- AB → A+C
A single compound breaks down to form two or more simpler substances are called:
- Combination Reaction
- Decomposition Reaction
- Neutralization Reaction
- Addition Reaction
The term acid comes from the Latin word:
- Acere
- Acidos
- Acare
- Acre
A substance which produces hydrogen ion (H+) in the aqueous solution is called:
- Base
- Acid
- Oxidizing agent
- Reducing agent
A substance which produces hydroxyl ion (OH)- in the aqueous solution is called:
- Oxidizing agent
- Reducing agent
- Base
- Acid
The resulting solution is neither acidic nor basic neutral. This process is called:
- Ionization
- Oxidation
- Decomposition
- Neutralization
The reaction in which an acid and a base react to form salt and water only is known as ____ reaction:
- Neutralization
- Ionization
- Oxidation
- Decomposition
The soapy touching property of substance are known as:
- Acids
- Bases
- Salts
- Oxides
Tartaric Acid is found in:
- Orange and Mango
- Lemon and Apple
- Tamarind and Grapes
- All of these
Some fruits like mango, lemon, raw grapes, oranges, etc have a sour taste to the presence of:
- Tartaric acid
- Malic acid
- Oxalic acid
- Citric acid
Lactic Acid is found in:
- Yogurt
- Milk
- Butter
- Ice Cream
Ascorbic Acid is found in:
- Mangoes and Grapes
- Alma and Citrus Fruits
- Bananas and Apples
- Pineapples and Watermelon
Which of the following would be most useful in testing if a substance is either an acid or a base:
- pH indicator strips
- Acid-base indicator
- Litmus paper
- Filter paper
When blue litmus paper dipped acids, its colour change to:
- Pink
- Blue
- Yellow
- Red
When red litmus paper dipped basic, its colour change to:
- Blue
- Pink
- Red
- Dark
The pH scale is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, and it ranges between:
- 1 – 10
- 1 – 14
- 5 – 15
- 0 – 12
Which best describes milk:
- Slightly Acidic
- Slightly Basic
- Strongly Acidic
- Strongly Basic
Which lists the substances from least to most acidic:
- Blood, milk, ammonia, orange juice
- Blood, ammonia, milk, orange juice
- Milk, blood, orange juice, ammonia
- Ammonia, blood, milk, orange juice
Which substance has a pH value closest to neutral:
- Ammonia
- Blood
- Milk
- Organic juice
Which substance is the most alkaline:
- Milk
- Blood
- Ammonia
- Organic juice
In an acidic medium, phenolphthalein is colourless and in a basic medium, it is:
- Green
- Blue
- Yellow
- Pink
In an acidic medium, bromophenol blue is yellow and in a basic medium, it is:
- Blue
- Pink
- Red
- Yellow
In an acidic medium, methyl orange is orange (red) and in a basic medium, it is:
- Red
- Yellow
- Pink
- Blue
What is the colour of phenolphthalein indicator in basic medium:
- Red
- Yellow
- Pink
- Blue
Force per unit area is called:
- Volume
- Density
- Velocity
- Pressure
Force has:
- Magnitude and Direction
- Velocity and Acceleration
- Mass and Volume
- Energy and Momentum
A truck has tyres of area 3 m^2. It puts a pressure of 4000 N/m^2 on the road. What is the weight of the truck? (Hint: Weight =Force):
- 8000 N
- 12000 N
- 16000 N
- 20000 N
A unit of pressure is equal to 1 newton per square meter (N/m^2) is known as:
- Newton
- Joule
- Pascal
- Kelvin
Pascal’s Principle is widely used in a:
- Electrical System
- Hydraulic System
- Pneumatic System
- Mechanical System
A branch of science that deal with practical applications of liquid in motion is called:
- Hydrology
- Pneumatic
- Hydraulics
- Hydrostatics
Which fluid is used in hydraulic power systems:
- Water
- Oil
- Non-compressible fluid
- All of these
The greater the speed of gas particles in a container, the:
- Lower the pressure
- Greater the pressure
- No effect on pressure
- Constant pressure
If the container of enclosed gas heated, what will happen inside the container:
- Pressure will be increased
- Pressure will be decreased
- Pressure will remain constant
- Volume will be increased
If an enclosed gas container with moveable piston is heated. What will happen:
- Volume will be decreased
- Volume will remain constant
- Volume will be increased
- Pressure will be increased
What is relation between Volume of a gas and Pressure:
- Directly Proportional
- Exponentially Related
- Not Related
- Inversely Proportional
Pressure increases when:
- Volume is increased
- Temperature is increased
- Area of contact is decreased
- Area of contact is increased
Pressure in gases is due to:
- Collision of molecules with walls of containers
- Vibration of molecules
- Rotation of molecules
- Electromagnetic attraction between molecules
Which of the following factor does not affect the pressure of the gas in a container:
- Temperature
- Volume
- Density of gas
- Container material
Amount of pressure of liquid increases with increase of:
- Depth
- Volume
- Temperature
- Surface tension
The study of the behaviour and applications of compressed air is called:
- Hydraulic Technology
- Pneumatic Technology
- Aerodynamic Technology
- Hydrostatic Technology
Pneumatic systems is (are) used in:
- Spray guns
- Pumps
- Vacuum cleaner
- Dental drill or dentistry tools
- All of these
Which one among the following is not an example of pneumatic system:
- Spray gun
- Bicycle pump
- Vacuum cleaner
- Car brake
A suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in air or another gas is called an:
- Pneumatic
- Hydraulic
- Aerosols
- None
A thick layer of air that surrounds the earth is known as:
- Ozone
- Atmosphere
- Stratosphere
- Hydrosphere
At higher altitude, the temperature and density of the air are:
- Lower
- Higher
- Constant
- Unchanged
Atmospheric pressure is calculated by the:
- Height of water column in a pipette
- Volume of gas in a cylinder
- Resistance in an electric circuit
- Height of mercury column in barometer
Atmospheric pressure acts in:
- Only upwards
- Only downwards
- All directions
- Horizonal only
A quantity that can be measured is called:
- Physical Quantity
- Physical Constant
- Mathematical Quantity
- Standard Quantity
Which of the following is not the base quantity/quantities:
- Length
- Mass
- Time
- Acceleration
The quantities that cannot be explained in terms of other quantities are known as:
- Derived physical quantities
- Mathematical quantities
- Fundamental physical quantities
- None
When a standard is set for a quantity then standard quantity is called:
- Unit
- Measurement
- Quantity
- Dimension
Which of the following units is a fundamental unit:
- Meter
- Joule
- Second
- Kelvin
The unit of time in SI system is:
- Second (s)
- Minutes (min)
- Hour (h)
- Day (d)
The unit of amount of substance in SI system is:
- Liter (L)
- Mole (mol)
- Gram (g)
- Kilogram (Kg)
The unit of luminous intensity in SI system is:
- Lumen (lm)
- Watt (W)
- Candela (cd)
- Lux (lx)
What is the correct order, in increasing size, for measurement of length:
- Meter, Centimetre, Millimetre
- Centimetre, Meter, Millimetre
- Meter, Millimetre, Centimetre
- Millimetre, Centimetre, Meter
10^-3 second is called as:
- Millisecond
- Microsecond
- Nanosecond
- Picosecond
A mass of 4 kg is equal to:
- 400 g
- 4000g
- 40 g
- 40000 g
0.05 kilometre is equal to:
- 5m
- 500m
- 50m
- 5000m
A measuring cylinder is used in a laboratories for measuring exact volume of a:
- Solid
- Gas
- Powder
- Liquid
Increase of the size (length, area and volume) of a body due to change in temperature is called:
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Contraction
- Thermal Density
- Thermal Compression
Decrease of the size (length, area and volume) of a body due to change in temperature is called:
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Contraction
- Thermal Density
- Thermal Compression
Which does not make use of the expansion and contraction:
- A thermometer
- An electric iron
- A railway track
- An electric fan
The water has minimum density at:
- O°C
- 2°C
- 3°C
- 4°C
Rivet is used to fasten:
- Soft material with soft material
- Hard material with hard material
- Soft material with hard material
- Hard material with soft material
Bimetallic strip is used in:
- Electric fan
- Electric motor
- Electric iron
- Electric toaster
In mercury thermometer, mercury of bulb expands and rises in the tube which has linear scale:
- -20°F – 100°F
- 35°F – 105°F
- 100°F – 120°F
- 94°F – 108°F
In a mercury thermometer, what is the range of the linear scale that the mercury rises in the tube:
- 35°C – 42°C
- 20°C – 30°C
- 50°C – 60°C
- 80°C – 90°C
Which substance expands the most; for the same rise in temperature:
- Water
- Air
- Copper
- Class
An optic piece of curved transparent glass or plastic that refract the light in a specific way is called:
- Prism
- Filter
- Lens
- Mirror
The lens which refract the parallel rays of light are called:
- Diverging Lens
- Prim
- Cylindrical Lens
- Converging Lens
The lens which coverage a beam of parallel rays of light are called:
- Diverging lens
- Converging lens
- Cylindrical lens
- None
Concave lenses are also known as:
- Converging Lens
- Diverging Lens
- Cylindrical lens
- None
The point through which a ray of light passes without changing its path is the:
- Focal Point
- Principal Axis
- Optical Centre
- Centre of Curvature
A horizontal line that passes through the lens is called:
- Focal Point
- Optical Centre
- Centre of Curvature
- Principal Axis
The distance between the optical center and the principal focus is called:
- Focal Length
- Focal Point
- Optical Centre
- Centre of Curvature
The part of an eye acting as a film of camera is:
- Retina
- Iris
- Lens
- Cornea
The part of an eye acting as a diaphragm of camera is:
- Cornea
- Lens
- Iris
- Retina
The part of an eye acting as a aperture of camera is:
- Iris
- Pupil
- Cornea
- Retina
The part of an eye acting as a black point of camera is:
- Sclera
- Retina
- Optic disc
- Choroid
Which of the following helps to change the shape of the lens in the eye:
- Ciliary Muscles
- Extraocular Muscles
- Iris Muscles
- Conjunctiva Muscles
Which cells are responsible for vision in bright light and coloured vision:
- Rod Cells
- Cone Cells
- Bipolar Cells
- Ganglion Cells
Short-sightedness defect can be corrected by wearing a:
- Convex Lens
- Concave Lens
- Prism Lens
- Cylindrical Lens
The blurred image is formed in front of eyes due to:
- Light focused in front of the retina
- Light focused behind the retina
- Light focused at a point on retina
- Light focused at a point beyond retina
To obtain sharp image in a camera:
- Lens is moved up and down
- Lens is moved side to side
- Lens is moved back and forth
- Lens is fixed in place
Flow of electrons is called:
- Electric Charge
- Electric Potential
- Electric Power
- Electric Current
Which part of a bicycle dynamo spins to generate electricity:
- Magnet
- Gear
- Axle
- Coils
What type of energy wind produces which is used to rotate the blades of fan of energy system:
- Potential energy
- Kinetic energy
- Thermal energy
- Electrical energy
A form of energy which can be found in the nucleus of an atom of an element:
- Kinetic Energy
- Potential Energy
- Nuclear Energy
- Chemical Energy
When animals and plants are decayed in absence of air, there produces a gas called:
- Natural Gas
- Biogas
Which of the following is used as a fuel to produce heat energy:
- Biomass Energy
- Solar Energy
- Hydro Energy
- Wind Energy
Which of the following is NOT a renewable energy source:
- Solar energy
- Natural gas
- Hydro energy
- Wind energy
The flow of charge that changes direction periodically is called:
- Electric Potential (EP)
- Electric Resistance (ER)
- Alternating Current (AC)
- Direct Current (DC)
The electricity we used in our homes and schools is called:
- Electric Potential (EP)
- Electric Resistance (ER)
- Direct Current (DC)
- Alternating Current (AC)
The electricity from a cell is called:
- Direct Current (DC)
- Alternating Current (AC)
- Electric Potential (EP)
- Electric Resistance (ER)
The unit of electric resistance is:
- Volts (V)
- Ohms (Ω)
- Amps (A)
- Watts (W)
IC stands for:
- Insulated Cable
- Intelligent Chip
- Integrated Circuit
- Internal Component
Silicon is an example of:
- Conductor
- Insulator
- Resistor
- Semiconductor
Sputnik-1 was the first manmade spacecraft, which was launched on October 4, 1957 by the:
- Soviet Union
- United States of America
- China
- Great Britain
How many lenses are present in refracting telescope:
- Five lenses
- Three lenses
- Four lenses
- Two lenses
A Refracting telescope consists of:
- A primary mirror and A secondary mirror
- A primary lens and A secondary lens
- A primary lens and A secondary mirror
- A primary mirror and A secondary lens
A Reflecting telescope consists of:
- A primary lens and A secondary lens
- A primary lens and A secondary mirror
- A primary and A secondary mirror
- A primary mirror and A secondary lens
An optical instrument used to measure the properties of visible light is called:
- Spectroscope
- Telescope
- Microscope
- Binoculars
The set of colours obtained in seven different colours components way is called:
- Rainbow
- Spectrum of Light
- Dispersion
- Prism
Which colour has largest wavelength in the spectrum of white light:
- Violet
- Green
- Red
- Blue
Which colour has smallest wavelength in the spectrum of white light:
- Red
- Blue
- Yellow
- Violet
A Spectroscope is used to:
- Measure the distance of a star from Earth
- Identify the chemical elements present in a star
- Determine the temperature of a star
- Calculate the velocity of a star
A man-made object developed to accomplish a certain task in space:
- Spacecraft
- Space Station
- Satellite
- Telescope
Which among the following is manned spacecraft that took the humans to the moon:
- Apollo-15
- Apollo-16
- Apollo-17
- Apollo-18
Venera-9 was the first spacecraft landed on the surface of:
- Jupiter
- Mercury
- Neptune
- Venus
MRI or CT scan resulted from the image exploration of:
- Moon
- Saturn
- Jupiter
- Sun
A scientific method which monitors the movement of vehicles, ships and aircrafts is known as:
- Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Geographic Information System (GIS)
- Geophysical Positioning System (GPS)
A Global Positioning System (GPS) comprises how many satellites:
- More than 10
- More than 20
- More than 30
- More than 40
The distance between two crests or troughs of a wave is called:
- Frequency
- Amplitude
- Velocity
- Wavelength
Which of the following gas mainly responsible for ozone layer depletion:
- Chlorofluorocarbon
- CO2
- Nitrogen oxide
- Sulphur dioxide
The reaction which releases or gives off heat is called:
- Exothermic Reaction
- Endothermic Reaction
- Oxidation Reaction
- Neutralization Reaction
The chemical formula of ozone gas is:
- O2
- NO2
- O3
- CO2
Read More: General Science MCQs for all classes and one paper mcqs test preparation online.