FPSC Medical Officer Past Papers

FPSC Medical Officer past paper MCQs with answers curated for the Medical Officer test preparation.

​FPSC Medical Officer Past Papers

Which of the following is a micro nutrient:

  1. Carbohydrate
  2. Protein
  3. Fats
  4. Calcium

Which of the following is the source of purest water in nature:

  1. River
  2. Rain
  3. Spring
  4. Well

Which of the following is the viral infection:

  1. Malaria
  2. Measles
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Whooping cough

In prevention of traffic accident, the most effective measure is:

  1. Licensing of the drivers
  2. Provision of seat belts
  3. Enforcement of traffic laws
  4. Inspection of vehicles
In case of muscles fatigue, which of the following vitamin should be taken:
  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin D
Which of the following correct about schedule of BCG vaccination:
  1. Twelve months and above
  2. Eighteen years and above
  3. Nine months
  4. At birth
To improve health of the nations, “The Sustainable Development Goals” are mainly focused on:
  1. women  education
  2. involvement of men in RH
  3. HIMIS
  4. health system research
Which of the following is correct regarding prioritization of selecting a topic in health research:
  1. burden of the disease
  2. cost benefit
  3. a rare disease
  4. to develop a new hypothesis
The route through which food is directly given in the veins is called:
  1. parental
  2. intravenous
  3. oral
  4. entera
Following are the steps in rapid sand filter except:
  1. coagulation
  2. rapid mixing
  3. filter cleaning
  4. sedimentation
Following are the diseases due to the presence of infection host except:
  1. guinea worm fish take worm
  2. hepatitis E
  3. typhoid
  4. dysentery
A person who has had a renal transplant, should regulate the intake of:
  1. carbohydrates
  2. fibers
  3. proteins
  4. fats
She is going to quit her job ________ they give her a pay rise:
  1. Or
  2. Until
  3. Unless
  4. Providing
Nuclear energy is _______ dangerous to be used widely:
  1. so
  2. such
  3. too
  4. that
If I have money, I___ it tomorrow:
  1. will purchase
  2. would purchase
  3. have purchase
  4. have purchased
Which poisoning retards putrefaction:
  1. arsenic
  2. mercury
  3. lead
  4. phosphrous
The route through which the food is directly introduced in the stomach or intestine is called:
  1. oral
  2. enteral roude
  3. par-enteral
  4. extra-enteral
The overcome diabetes mellitus, a person can increase the intake of _____and reduce the intake of:
  1. carbohydrate and protein
  2. carbohydrate and fats
  3. fats and carbohydrate
  4. protein and fats
A person who is suffering from hypertension should cut down on:
  1. potassium
  2. calcium
  3. megnesium
  4. sodium
The sternum is meant to protect which of the following organ:
  1. liver
  2. brain
  3. lungs
  4. heart
Which of the following bone is classified as “Short Bone”:
  1. mandible
  2. geranium
  3. carpals
  4. femur
Serum differs from blood as it lacks:
  1. antigens
  2. antibodies
  3. clotting factor
  4. laburnum
Which of the following blood cells play an important role in blood clotting:
  1. neutrophils
  2. thrombocytes
  3. leucocytes
  4. erythrocytes
What is the name of iron containing protein that gives red color to the blood:
  1. pyrite
  2. haemoglobin
  3. myoglobin
  4. homocysteine
The life span of RBCs is:
  1. 90 days
  2. 100 days
  3. 110 days
  4. 120 days
The percentage of daily total calories obtained from carbohydrates should be:
  1. 50-60%
  2. 20-30%
  3. 15-20%
  4. 5-10%
Which of the following is classified as long bone:
  1. ulna
  2. ribs
  3. skull
  4. mandible
Determinants of disease means:
  1. agent host environment
  2. case carrier and reservoir
  3. rate ratio and proportions
  4. time place and person
Health status of country can be best judges:
  1. infant mortality rate
  2. life expectancy at birth
  3. maternal mortality rate
  4. perinatal mortality rate
Incubation period of Influenza is:
  1. 1 to 2 days
  2. 1 to 5 days
  3. 4 to 6 days
  4. 8 to 10 days
The other name of ‘median’ is:
  1. 25th percentile
  2. 40th percentile
  3. 50th percentile
  4. 75th percentile
Medical ethics, privacy is the right of the person not to share information about:
  1. others
  2. patients
  3. themselves
  4. disease
The values of prevalence and incidence differs particularly in case of:
  1. acute abdominal pain
  2. injuries
  3. diabetes mellitus
  4. measles
The “prevalence” is the measure useful to evaluate the occurrence of:
  1. disease with long incubation period
  2. chronic disease
  3. acute disease
  4. rapidity fatal disease
Which of the following epidemiological study design is particularly suitable for research on rare disease:
  1. case control study
  2. cross section study
  3. cohort study
  4. longitudinal study
In case of hoarseness of voice the site of lesion is:
  1. base of tongue
  2. vallecula
  3. vocal cord
  4. pyriform fossa
  5. aryepiglottic folds
Which of the following is iceberg disease:
  1. acute gastroenteritis
  2. malaria
  3. dengue fever
  4. hypertension
  5. plague
The junction of the cornea and sclera is known as:
  1. angle of anterior chamber
  2. trabecular mesh work
  3. limbus
  4. collaret line
  5. sulcus
The levator palpebrae superioris muscle is supplied by:
  1. 3rd nerve
  2. 4th nerve
  3. 5th nerve
  4. 6th nerve
  5. 7th nerve
Which of the following is imidazole derivative:
  1. thiopentone sodium
  2. methohexitone
  3. propofol
  4. etomidate
The treatment of Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma is:
  1. radiotherapy
  2. chemotherapy
  3. surgery
  4. hormonal therapy
  5. I/V antibiotics

Aphakia is defined as:

  1. presence of lens in its normal position
  2. absence of lens from its normal position
  3. subluxation of lens
  4. upward deviation
  5. change in colour of lens
Which of the following is the most common cause of neonatal deaths in developing countries:
  1. neonatal sepsis
  2. amoebiasis
  3. neonatal tetanus
  4. meningitis
  5. birth asphyxia
It is true regarding facial nerve paralysis, except:
  1. also seen in herpes-zoster
  2. bell’s paralysis
  3. it can be detected on C.T. scan
  4. supra-nuclear damage
Which hormone causes ejection of milk from a lactating mammary gland:
  1. oxytocin
  2. FSH
  3. growth hormone
  4. LH
  5. Prolactin
Tumour secreting placental alkaline phosphatase is:
  1. carcinoid tumour
  2. arrhenoblastoma
  3. granulosa cell tumour
  4. dysgerminoma
which one of the following is true about Acute Myloid Leukemia:
  1. never caused by chemotherapy
  2. not associated with DIC Sac
  3. More than 20% blasts for Diagnosis
  4. Most common in children
In the P wave:
  1. it represent activated of Rt atrium
  2. P wave is upright in lead AVR
  3. Normal P wave is 3 m.m is height
  4. Normal P wave is 2.5 m.m n width
  5. it is biphasic normally
Regarding the normal ketone body level in human is as under:
  1. 1.5 —–2 mg/dl
  2. 1.8—–3 mg/dl
  3. 1.9—-3.5 mg/dl
  4. 2.5—–3.8mg/dl
Regarding rheumatic fever the diagnostic is:
  1. ASO titer
  2. Serum urea
  3. Serum creatinine
  4. Throst swab culture
  5. Urine routine assay
The inspiratory centre is situated in:
  1. upper part of medulla oblongata
  2. nucleus ambiguous anteriorly
  3. reticular formation of lower pons
  4. dorsolateral part of reticular formation in upper pons
  5. lower part of pons
Conjunctival follicles are seen in:
  1. trachoma
  2. spring catarrh
  3. keratitis
  4. muco purulent conjunctivitis
  5. strepto coccal conjucticitis
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy:
  1. it occurs in 2nd trimester
  2. it can cause acute hepatic failure
  3. treatment is immediate delivery of fetus
  4. the cause of fatty live is pregnancy
  5. the cause is unknown
Immunization against hepatitis B also protects against which of the following infection:
  1. hepatitis A
  2. hepatitis C
  3. hepatitis E
  4. hepatitis D
  5. none of these
Best high risk disease management protocol in gestational trophoblastic disease includes:
  1. EP/EMA or TE/TP
  2. EMA.CO therapy
  3. Methotrexate only
  4. Methotrexate and Actinomycin
  5. Methotrexate
After gastrectomy which one of the following conditions may happen:
  1. alkalosis
  2. malabsorption
  3. streatrorrhra
  4. anemia
  5. protein losing diarrhea
Regarding the drug of choice in Chalmydia Trachomatis infection during pregnancy:
  1. metronidazole
  2. cephazolin
  3. amoxicillin
  4. tera cyclin
  5. clindamycin
Which of the following occur in long standing case of chronic suppurative otitis media:
  1. Acoustic neuroma
  2. Glomus tumor
  3. Persistent T.M perforation
  4. Base cell carcinoma
  5. Mienier’s Disease
Regarding causes of acute sore throat includes all except:
  1. acute tonslitis
  2. pharyngeal diphtheria
  3. acute pharyngitis
  4. quinsy
Common site for tracheostomy is:
  1. 1st and 2nd tracheal rings
  2. 3rd and 4th tracheal rings
  3. 5th and 6th tracheal rings
  4. just above the 1st tracheal rings
  5. just below the cricoid cartilage
When the number of calculated females is expressed as a % of total female present in the village. it is called:
  1. frequency
  2. ratio
  3. rate
  4. proportion
The best period of gestation to carry out chorion villous biopsy for prenatal diagnosis is:
  1. 8-10 weeks
  2. 10-12 weeks
  3. 12-14 weeks
  4. 14-16 weeks
At the beginning of the forced expiration:
  1. lung elastic recoil increases
  2. airway resistance decreases
  3. intrathoracic airway widen
  4. transmural airway pressure remains low
  5. O2 pressure increase in airways
Which of the following is a winged insect:
  1. lice
  2. sand fly
  3. flea
  4. mite
  5. tick
Which of the following statements is true for polio vaccines:
  1. salk is an inactivated polio vaccine
  2. salk and sabin polio vaccine
  3. sabin is a live attenuated vaccine
  4. all of these
Regarding nuclear changes in cell injury include:
  1. karyolysis
  2. enocytosis
  3. pinocytosis
  4. autophagic vacuoles
  5. residual body
Which of the following is the most common & widely distributed air pollutant:
  1. sulphur dioxide
  2. lead
  3. hydrogen sulphide
  4. carbon dioxide
  5. carbon monoxide
Florescent microscopy is used for the following purpose except:
  1. glomerular disease
  2. tumours of uncertain origin
  3. bullous dermatosis
  4. serum auto antibodies
User Regarding the antiemetics function as cholinergic muscarine antagonist:
  1. ondansetron
  2. metoclopramide
  3. hyoscine
  4. domperidone
  5. prepatent
Regarding the death during food poisoning, the causative agent is:
  1. Bacteroides
  2. clostridium botulinum
  3. staphy lococci
  4. shigella
  5. vibrio cholera
Kluver-Bucy syndrome is due to the lesion of which of the following:
  1. Cerebellum
  2. Amydala
  3. Fornix
  4. Hypothalamus
  5. Tnalamus
Malabsorption due to a mucosal intestinal defect occur is:
  1. chronic pancreatitis
  2. celiac disease
  3. ulcerative colitis
  4. cystic fibrosis
Anaemic heart disease is a complication of:
  1. Hook worm
  2. Whip worm
  3. Thread worm
  4. Round Worm
  5. Flariases
Which of the following s the risk factor for preeclampsia:
  1. BMI <25
  2. Diabetes
  3. Interpregnancy interval of >8 years
  4. Antiphospholipid antibodies
  5. Multiparity
An increased number of Eosinophils in Nasal smear is scanned in:
  1. Atrophic Rhinitis
  2. Rhinitis Medical Mentos
  3. Allergic Rhinitis
  4. Vasomotor Rhinitis
  5. Rhinitis Sicca
Each of the following is a recognized feature of anorexia nervosa except:
  1. Hypokalemiz
  2. Low LH
  3. Impaired glucose tolerance
  4. Low FSH
  5. Reduced growth hormone level
Primary haemorrhage in Tonsillectomy can occur in all, except:
  1. Infection
  2. Rough dissection
  3. Fibroses Tonsils
  4. Post operative persistent cough
  5. Rise of blood pressure
Which of the following infection agent may lend to development of liver cancer:
  1. Hepatitis B virus
  2. Human Immuno deficiency virus (HIV)
  3. Adenovirus
  4. Polio virus
  5. Entero Virus
The ability to perform alternating movements of the hands is referred to as:
  1. Dysdiadochokinesia
  2. Dyskinesia
  3. Romberg’s sign
  4. Chorea
  5. Athetosis
Which of the following is Antifungal agent:
  1. Gentamycin
  2. Tobramycin
  3. Canestin
  4. Penecillin
  5. Asprin
All are lipid storage disease, except:
  1. Sach’s disease
  2. Berie berie disease
  3. Gaucher’s disease
  4. Niemann’s disease
Malignant tumors of the larynx spread via:
  1. Lymphatic channel
  2. Nerve
  3. Blood
  4. Direct spread to distant structures
  5. All of these
The optical condition in aphakia is:
  1. Hypermetropia
  2. Myopia
  3. Astigmatism with rule
  4. Presbyopia
  5. Astigmatism against rule
Plummer Vinson syndrome is characterized by all except:
  1. clubbing
  2. dysphagia
  3. angular stomatitis
  4. anaemia
  5. pake conjunctiva
Which of the following is Ototoxic drug:
  1. Gentamycin
  2. Contimycin
  3. Amoxicillin
  4. Erythrocin
  5. Penecillin
Reed-stenberg cells are characteristic of:
  1. Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  2. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  3. Burkitt’s lymphoma
  4. B-cell lymphoma
  5. T-cell lymphoma
Which of the following is not the branch of the ophthalmic nerve:
  1. supraorbital
  2. supratrochlear
  3. infraorbital
  4. external nasal
What is the normal fetal heart rate:
  1. 60-100 beats per minute
  2. 100-120 beats per minute
  3. 120-160 beats per minute
  4. 160-200 beats per minute
Which specimen is used for the recovery of the Philadelphia chromosome:
  1. stomach
  2. Bone marrow
  3. Saliva
  4. Urine
Glans panis drain into:
  1. special inguinal lymph node
  2. deep inguinal lymph node
  3. external iliac lymph node
  4. para aortic lymph node
What is the recommended type of cut in an episiotomy:
  1. Median cut
  2. Transverse cut
  3. Mediolateral cut
  4. Vertical cut
Pine is a:
  1. tree
  2. fruit
  3. vegetable
  4. none of these
The birthplace of Lord Buddha is:
  1. Lumbini, Nepal
  2. Bodh Gaya, India
  3. Sarnath, India
  4. Varanasi, India
A patient with smallpox infection is infectious until:
  1. Rash appears
  2. Rash disappears
  3. Fever subsides
  4. Scabs fall off
Direct inguinal hernia is:
  1. Medial to inferior epigastric vessels
  2. Lateral to inferior epigastric vessels
  3. Through Hesselbach’s triangle
  4. Through femoral ring
Complications of measles include:
  1. Pneumonia
  2. Encephalitis
  3. Blindness
  4. All of these
“^#$%” is the word language of:
  1. English
  2. French
  3. Spain
  4. None of these
A 64-year-old male presents with dry eyes. Which ganglion is most likely to be affected:
  1. Otic ganglion
  2. Submandibular ganglion
  3. Pterygopalatine ganglion
  4. Ciliary ganglion
The epithelium on the surface of the ovary is:
  1. Simple squamous epithelium
  2. Simple cuboidal epithelium
  3. Stratified squamous epithelium
  4. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Interstitial Keratitis is common in:
  1. Diabetes mellitus
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis
  3. Syphilis
  4. Glaucoma
The most important cause of Edema in nephrotic syndrome is:
  1. Proteinuria
  2. Hypertension
  3. Hyperlipidaemia
  4. Hypoproteinaemia
The triangle of Hessel Bach is the area for the following Hernia:
  1. Indirect Inguinal Hernia
  2. Direct Inguinal Hernia
  3. Femoral Hernia
  4. Umbilical Hernia
Signet ring cells are characteristics of:
  1. Hypernephroma
  2. Gastric Cancer
  3. Breast Cancer
  4. Lung Cancer
Where is the headquarters of Shanghai Cooperation Organization:
  1. Shanghai, China
  2. Moscow, Russia
  3. Astana, Kazakhstan
  4. Beijing, China
Cyanosis of tetralogy of Fallot is mainly due to:
  1. Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
  2. Overriding aorta
  3. Right ventricular hypertrophy
  4. Pulmonary stenosis

Read More: Prepare for the FPSC Medical Officer exam’s general knowledge section with our specialized quizzes on GK and Pakistan Studies.

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