FPSC Inspector Inland Revenue Paper 2022 MCQs

FPSC Inspector Inland Revenue Paper 2022 MCQs for preparation.

Which of the following spelling is correct

  1. Aggrandize
  2. Aggraniz
  3. Aggraadiz
  4. None of these

The debate was ___ the following week

  1. Adjourned to
  2. Adjoruned with
  3. Adourned of
  4. None of these

Which of the following is the external aid to the interpretation of tax laws

  1. Preamble
  2. Title of a chapter
  3. Finance minister budget speech
  4. None of these

This place gets ___ crowded with tourists every summer.

  1. always more
  2. crowded and more
  3. more and more
  4. None

Tauheed is an _____ language word.

  1. Urdu
  2. Persian
  3. Arabic
  4. Sindhi
  5. None of these

I’ve read this paragraph three times, and I ___ understand it

  1. can’t still
  2. can’t yet
  3. still can’t
  4. none

Fiscal policy addresses :

  1. axation
  2. Government spending
  3. both
  4. none

The rate of amortization of pre commencement expenditure is :

  1. 25%
  2. 15%
  3. 30%
  4. None

Off- shore evader includes :

  1. A person who owns or is a beneficial owner of an off-shore asset
  2. A person who owns or is a beneficial owner of an off-shore liability
  3. Both
  4. None

In case of any “employee Share Scheme “

  1. The value of a right to acquire shares shall not be chargeable to tax
  2. Tax is charge able from the date of issuance
  3. both
  4. None

“Foreign source income ” means :

  1. Any income earned by a Pakistani citizen while working out of Pakistan
  2. Any income of a foreigner
  3. Both
  4. None

“Alternate corporate tax” means :

  1. The tax at a rate of 10 % of income
  2. Tax payable by all Corporate entities
  3. Both
  4. None

Subject to the provisions of sub-clause 1 of section 45 (A) who is empowered to prescribed records electronically or other means in respect of which monitoring, or packing of production, sales ,clearances stocks are monitored and implemented?

  1. The chief commissioner
  2. The Federal Government
  3. The Board
  4. None

Who is required to obtain the Brand licence for each brand or stock keeping unit 

  1.  registered person
  2. A recipient of the goods
  3. The manufacturers of the specified goods
  4. None

Time limitation for allowing the refund of duty is :

  1. Two years of its accrual
  2. One years of its accrual
  3. Three years of its accrual
  4. None

Who is empowered to post an officer of Inland Revenue to the premises of the registered person?

  1. The Federal Government
  2. Chief Commissioner
  3. The board
  4. None

Where recovery of tax has been stayed by the high court by an order, the validity of the interim order shall be ?

  1. Till the decision of case
  2. For a period of six months unless the appeal is decided or such order is withdrawn
  3. For a period of one year
  4. None

Time limitation for deciding a dispute refereed by board to alternate dispute resolution committee is :

  1. 180 days of its appointment
  2. 120 days of its appointment
  3. 90 days of its appointment
  4. None

The word Sales Tax mode is defined in :

  1. Subsection 22 of section 2 of the Act
  2. Subsection 21(a) of section 2 of the Act
  3. Section 11 of the Act
  4. None

“Non Tariff Area “means :

  1. zad Jammu and Kashmir
  2. Northern Areas
  3. Azad Jammu and Kashmir Northern Areas and such other territories or areas to which Federal Excise Act does not apply
  4. Non

Where the appellant is a company the prescribed fee for filling an appeal before the commissioner against any assessment order is :

  1. Rs 10000
  2. Rs 1000
  3. Rs 5000
  4. None

The board is empowered to levy fee and service charges for valuation :

  1. with the approval of Federal Government
  2. with the approval of Federal minister in charge
  3. with the consultation of chief commissioners
  4. None

Who is required to provide and make arrangement for providing real time access of information to the Board?

  1. National data Base and Registration Authority
  2. Pakistan railway
  3. Police
  4. None

Who has the power to save data or information including real time data, videos

  1. chief commissioner
  2. Commissioner
  3. The board

Which section of the act provides mechanism for serving of notices and other documents ?

  1. Section 48
  2. Section 47
  3. Section 50
  4. None

“Whistleblower” is a person who :

  1. s registered but not paying sales tax
  2. always deserves rewards
  3. is involved in tax frauds
  4. none

“Tier 1 Retailer ” means a retailer:

  1. Operating as a unit of chain of stores
  2. Who is not a wholesaler
  3. Who’s shop measures one hundred sequre feet or more
  4. None

In case of change of rate of tax a taxable supply shall be charged to tax :

  1. At such rate which is in force for that month
  2. At the rate of 17%
  3. At the rate as decided by the commissioner IR
  4. None

Where by a deliberate act, a tax has not been levied, the person liable to pay that tax shall be:

  1. Serves with a notice under section 11 of the act
  2. Arrested and prosecuted
  3. Warned in writing
  4. None

The Board may appoint Special Audit Panels comprising of :

  1. Inland revenue officer and a charted accountant or a cost and management accountant
  2. An economist and an auditor
  3. Any person the board may choose
  4. None

Any person who fails to issue any invoice shall pay a penalty of

  1. 10 % of the amount of tax involved
  2. 5 % of the amount of tax involved
  3. Rs 5000 or 3% of the tax involved, which ever is higher
  4. None

“Arrears” of sales tax can be recovered by:

  1. Sale of property of the defaulter
  2. Sealing of his assets
  3. Stopping of his vehicles
  4. None

For any amount due to be refunded of tax payer, a claim should only be filed :

  1. Electronically
  2. within one month
  3. within one year
  4. none

If the value of supply of agricultural produce exceeds certain amount of the same are chargeable to sales tax :

  1. At 10%
  2. Only sold by retailers
  3. When sold in the super markets
  4. None

“Supply” in sales tax includes

  1. any intellectual activity
  2. Sale of ideas and innovations
  3. Songs
  4. None

“Cottage industry ” means an industry which :

  1. Has no industrial gas connection
  2. Is located in rural areas
  3. Has labor force of less than 5 people
  4. None

Assessment of tax and determination of tax liability :

  1. Are the same things
  2. Different from each other
  3. Done by tax payer
  4. None

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