FPSC English MCQs

Most repeated FPSC English MCQs for the preparation of English portion in one paper exams.

Important FPSC English MCQs

What is the synonym of LUCRATIVE?

  1. Fortunate
  2. Laborious
  3. Recreational
  4. Profitable
  5. All of these
What is the opposite of the word “irascible”?
  1. Determined
  2. Placid
  3. Reasonable
  4. Pliant
The opposite word of “FICTITIOUS” is________?
  1. Flattering
  2. False
  3. Negative
  4. Factual
  5. None of the above
Antonym: Redolent
  1. Shy
  2. Bellicose
  3. Odorous
  4. Ubiquitous
Antonym of OBSOLETE is:
  1. Conducive
  2. rare
  3. useless
  4. recent
  5. All of these
The vice-president will be seated _______ the chairman at the banquet.
  1. as
  2. by
  3. to
  4. from
  5. with
Here are your shoes. I ____ them.
  1. Have just cleaned
  2. Just Cleaned
  3. Had Just Cleant
  4. just clean
  5. All of these
Free books should be provided _________ poor students.
  1. for
  2. or
  3. on
  4. to
The synonym of EXACERBATE is
  1. Improve
  2. Compose
  3. Aggravate
  4. Alleviate
  5. Calculate

What is the synonym of “Exonerate”____?

  1. Confine
  2. Absolve
  3. Arrest
  4. Blame
The synonym of ‘Spurious’ is?
  1. Pedantic
  2. Superstitious
  3. Fake
  4. Real
  5. All of these
Antonym of ZEST
  1. restive
  2. callous
  3. indifference
  4. distaste
What is the synonym of CYNOSURE?
  1. Cynic
  2. Cypher
  3. Focus
  4. Reluctant
  5. All of these
What is the synonym of SUNDRY?
  1. aged
  2. supply
  3. several
  4. tremendous

Either you or he __ at fault.

  1. Are
  2. Have
  3. Is
  4. Will
  5. All of these
The idiom ‘once in a blue moon’ means?
  1. Once in a month
  2. By weekly
  3. Rare
  4. Every now and then

choose the correct plural form of the word “sheep”

  1. sheepes
  2. sheep
  3. sheepses
  4. sheeps

What is the synonym of GREGARIOUS?

  1. Sociable
  2. Reserved
  3. Shaky
  4. Egregious
کا درست ترجمہ کیا ہے Sentence of death
  1. سزاۓ موت
  2. موت کا پروانہ
  3. ظلم سزاۓ موت
  4. ان میں سے کوئی نہیں
What is the synonym of UMBRAGE?
  1. offense
  2. shelter
  3. peaceful attitude
  4. leave

What is the opposite of “demur”?

  1. Embrace
  2. Boisterous
  3. Crude
  4. Falter

What is the opposite of “supercilious”?

  1. Unimportant
  2. Relavent
  3. Serious
  4. Meek

Choose the superlative adjective in each group of sentence.

  1. This is a better play than the last one
  2. The box was blue and oddly shaped
  3. This is the most exciting doing I’ve ever experienced!
  4. I am noce

We all should go through a medical check-up twice a year, here the adverb ” twice a year” is an example of ___?

  1. adverb of time
  2. adverb of manner
  3. adverb of place
  4. adverb of frequence
The multiple-word conjunction EITHER ____OR, NRTTHER _______ NOR, and NOT ONLT _____BUT ALSO are called ___ conjunction.
  1. addition
  2. correlative
  3. alternative
  4. contrast

Synonym of Equanimity is ____?

  1. serenity
  2. excitement
  3. anxiety
  4. anger

Synonym of Gratuitous is ____?

  1. justifiable
  2. necessary
  3. costly
  4. superfluous

Choose the synonym of a capital word: Her father’s sense was usually described as “FLAMBOYANT” but n the night of the party, Tanya’s outfit was uncharacteristically modest.

  1. impeccable
  2. showy
  3. sloppy
  4. none

Choose the synonym: Aberration

  1. Normal
  2. Unusual
  3. deviation
  4. Disparate

Choose the antonyms: Denigrate

  1. Extol
  2. Belitte
  3. Decry
  4. Impugs

Choose the antonyms: Hapless

  1. fortunate
  2. woeful
  3. hexed
  4. jinxed
  1. Capital: government
  2. Bridge: architect
  3. House: person
  4. Kennel: veterinarian

“A Brown Study’ means____?

  1. Extra care
  2. A matter in dispute
  3. Deep in thoughts
  4. building castle in the air

The unruly behavior of the children —- their parents

  1. incensed
  2. impeached
  3. aggrieved
  4. tempered

We lost confidence in Slaim because he never __the grandiose promises he had made.

  1. delivered on
  2. forgot about
  3. tried of
  4. retreated from

Which of the following is an example of a correlative conjunction?

  1. and
  2. or
  3. but
  4. neither/ not

A superficial appearance or show designed to impress one with superiority means ____?

  1. obdurate
  2. exotic
  3. aesthetic
  4. veneer

I knew from Inga’s ___ reply that she was offended by my question.

  1. sinuous
  2. vivacious
  3. prolific
  4. brusque

Which of the following is an example of a transitive verb?

  1. laughed
  2. fell
  3. but
  4. ate

Shakespeare, a(n) ____writer entertained their audience by writing many tragic and comic plays.

  1. numeric
  2. obsinnic
  3. dutiful
  4. prolific

To set forth in detail; to explain means ____?

  1. inveigh
  2. expound
  3. credulous
  4. meticulous
Antonym of “quiescent” is___
  1. Lackadaisical
  2. Active
  3. Dull
  4. Prescient
I said to my classmate, “Please lend me a year bicycle”.choose the correct narration.
  1. I advised my classmate to lend me his bicycle
  2. I forbade my classmate to lend me his bicycle
  3. I ordered my classmate to lend me his bicycle
  4. none
The antonym of ‘Clandestine’ is?
  1. Spontaneous
  2. Unresolved
  3. Inadvertent
  4. Open
  5. All of these

The opposite word ‘PRODIGAL’ is?

  1. Thrifty
  2. Secondary
  3. Distant
  4. Squalid

Which word means the opposite of ‘timorous’?

  1. bold
  2. timid
  3. evaporate
  4. reserved
The matter is between ___?
  1. him and me
  2. Him and I
  3. Him and mine
  4. None of these
Synonym of Traduce?
  1. violate
  2. follows
  3. obeys
  4. observes
Choose the correct synonym of ‘Pristine’?
  1. Dirty
  2. Grimy
  3. Charming
  4. Pure
  5. Wide
Synonym: Sinew
  1. Muscle
  2. blood
  3. weakneass
  4. None
The appropriate synonym of ‘Recalcitrant’ is?
  1. Refractory
  2. Contrite
  3. Unwilling
  4. All of these
  5. None of these
The appropriate synonym of ‘Sobriquet’ is?
  1. Praise
  2. Nickname
  3. Brickbat
  4. All of these
  5. None of these
The synonym of ‘Maudlin’ is?
  1. Dishevelled
  2. Course
  3. Weakly sentimental
  4. All of these
  5. None of these
A record of complaints _______ kept in the purser’s office.
  1. Are
  2. Were
  3. Is
  4. Will
  5. Can
Giving is better than ___
  1. To receive
  2. will be receiving
  3. received
  4. receiving

He ran ____ as he could

  1. Quick
  2. Quickly
  3. faster
  4. None of these
This house is superior ________ the other.
  1. over
  2. from
  3. than
  4. to
Seeing is believing. Here “believing” is ________
  1. Noun phrase
  2. Adjective phrase
  3. Gerund phrase
  4. None of these
The antonym of ‘consonance’ is?
  1. Accord
  2. Discord
  3. Contradiction
  4. All of these
  5. None of these
The antonym of ‘unwonted’ is?
  1. Prize
  2. Expected
  3. Customary
  4. Expensive
  5. All of these
The appropriate word of ‘Nicety’ is?
  1. Rudeness
  2. Discourtesy
  3. Carelessness
  4. Piracy
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Loath’ is?
  1. Agreeable
  2. Achieveable
  3. Eager
  4. Attracted
  5. All of these
All cabin attendants must lock the cabin door ______ leaving the room.
  1. Afterwards
  2. Letter than
  3. After
  4. Therefore
Several ducks had dark green heads. Here ‘several’ is an example of__?
  1. Subject
  2. Conjunction
  3. Pronoun
  4. Adjective
  5. Verb
He sold his house to John. Here ‘John’ is an example of?
  1. Helping verb
  2. Direct Object
  3. Indirect Object
  4. Subject
Running fast they caught the last bus. Here ‘running fast’ is an example of?
  1. Adverb phrase
  2. Noun phrase
  3. Adjective phrase
  4. Object complement
  5. None of these
Swimming is my favourite recreation. Here ‘swimming’ is an example of?
  1. Complement
  2. Subject
  3. Gerund
  4. Object

The fabric felt soft. Here ‘felt’ is an example of?

  1. Action verb
  2. Auxiliary Verb
  3. Linking verb
  4. Helping verb

What is the antonym of Meretricious?

  1. Subtle
  2. Cheap
  3. False
  4. None
What is the antonym of Tranquil?
  1. Loud
  2. Quite
  3. Clam
  4. None
Synonym of Historic?
  1. Major
  2. Small
  3. Little
  4. None

Antonym of Slander

  1. Praise
  2. Defamation
  3. Libelling
  4. None
Synonym of Facet
  1. Aspect
  2. Back
  3. fear
  4. None

Synonym of Nomadic

  1. static
  2. peregrine
  3. stationary
  4. none

Synonym of Ephemeral

  1. permanent
  2. eternal
  3. temporary
  4. none

Smoking is injurious to health. “Smoking” is which noun

  1. Noun
  2. Gerund
  3. Adjective
  4. Adverb
The antonym of ‘Vulnerable’ is?
  1. Weak
  2. Unsafe
  3. Protected
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Visited Eiffel Tower in Paris (Find out noun)

  1. Paris
  2. Visted
  3. Eiffel Tower
  4. None

He is __ at copying.

  1. Adept
  2. Adopt
  3. Edept
  4. None of these
If you work in collaboration, you _____ rapid progress.
  1. Would make
  2. Will make
  3. Will be making
  4. Have been made
  5. None of these
Ms. Kate ____ her youngest child for three years
  1. Is nursing
  2. Will been nursing
  3. Has been nursing
  4. None of these
The examiner _____ that the candidate was cheating
  1. Knows
  2. Known
  3. Knew
  4. Knowing
Many things happened ___ I left the school.
  1. Because
  2. But
  3. Since
  4. From
  5. Until
I have never seen him ______ that unfortunate incident.
  1. When
  2. Since
  3. Before
  4. After
____ I have some more tea please?
  1. Shall
  2. Would
  3. Could
  4. May
People use this footpath all the time. (Passive Voice)
  1. This footpath is used by the people
  2. This footpath is used all the time
  3. This footpath was used all the time
  4. None of these
Some professors have signed ___ letter of protest and have sent it to the government.
  1. A
  2. An
  3. The
  4. No Article Required
The fire alarm rang ________ yesterday’s meeting.
  1. When
  2. While
  3. During
  4. Between
She _____ her degree twenty years ago.
  1. Has completed
  2. Was completed
  3. completed
  4. Has been completing
Can I have some milk before ____ to bed.
  1. Going
  2. Goes
  3. Go
  4. am going
The robbers set _____ the unarmed travellers.
  1. Upon
  2. With
  3. From
  4. To
If they had more money, they _______ a new house.
  1. Should buy
  2. Will be buying
  3. Would buy
  4. Have bought

____ is a brief pointed say introducing antithetical ideas.

  1. Antithesis
  2. Epilogue
  3. Epigram
  4. None of these
The synonym of ‘Omniscient’ is?
  1. Unconscious
  2. All-Knowing
  3. Inadvertent
  4. Supernatural
  5. All of these
The synonym of AMBIVALNCE is?
  1. Stupidity
  2. Arrogance
  3. Antagonism
  4. Inconclusiveness
  5. All of these
The synonym of ‘Resuscitate’ is?
  1. Re-emphasize
  2. Revive
  3. Rehabilitate
  4. Complicate
  5. All of these
The synonym of RHETORIC is?
  1. Oratory
  2. Rhythm
  3. Renunciation
  4. Abundance
  5. All of these
The synonym of INERT is?
  1. Introvert
  2. Inadequate
  3. Defamatory
  4. Passive
  5. Active
The synonym of ‘Precipitation’ is?
  1. Prediction
  2. Probability
  3. Promulgation
  4. Rain
  5. All of these
The similar word of ‘Entrepreneur’ is?
  1. Interpreter
  2. Counterpart
  3. Efficient
  4. Businessman
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Innocuous’ is?
  1. Unconvincing
  2. Identical
  3. Harmful
  4. Inevitable
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Misanthropist’ is?
  1. Sadistic
  2. Genius
  3. Capitalist
  4. Humanist
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Pragmatism’ is?
  1. Pessimism
  2. Idealism
  3. Valour
  4. Skepticism
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Commemorate’ is?
  1. Command
  2. Overlook
  3. Counter
  4. Narrate
  5. Genius
The opposite word of ‘Humane’ is?
  1. Sober
  2. Cruel
  3. Harmonious
  4. Divine
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Communism’ is?
  1. Socialism
  2. Imperialism
  3. Colonialism
  4. Capitalism
  5. All of these
The antonym of ‘Revere’ is?
  1. Demoralize
  2. Rectify
  3. Pre-empt
  4. Deride
  5. All of these

Choose the synonym for the Capital letter: He JUXTAPOSED the book ideas with current events, showing us how they related.

  1. caused confusion
  2. bend and fold
  3. place side by side
  4. there away
Choose an option that is correct according to the standard of English: after the picnic, we had lots of bread left
  1. after the picnic, we had lots of bread left
  2. after the panic we had lot of breads left
  3. after the picnic we had lot of bread left
  4. after the picnic we had lots of breads left
Depressed is to Elated, as submissive is to:
  1. exhausted
  2. angry
  3. resistant
  4. none
Which of the following are SYNONYMS for the word ELECT?
  1. Diverge, stray, differ, digress
  2. Residue, Leftoversm remains, around
  3. Draw out, obtain, extract
  4. Disappointment, reversal, failure
She assured me ________ her help.
  1. with
  2. to
  3. on
  4. of
No Pakistani is _________ this committee.
  1. for
  2. on
  3. of
  4. with
I was amazed _______ his wonderful performance.
  1. at
  2. in
  3. on
  4. with

He is heir ___ his grandfather prosperity.

  1. of
  2. on
  3. for
  4. to
Professor tends to get bored sitting on the beach, watching the waves, getting sand in his swimsuit, and reading detective novels for a week. it is a ________ sentence.
  1. simple
  2. compound
  3. complex
  4. compound-complex
Choose the correct sentence: write a paragraph on ‘Good Manner’ in your notebook
  1. write a paragraph on ‘Good Manners’ in your notebook
  2. write a paragraph on ‘Good Manners; in your copy
  3. write a paragraph on ‘Good Manners’ in your diary
  4. write a paragraph on ‘Good Manners’ in your noting book
Choose the correct sentence: certain pollens are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than another’s.
  1. certain pollens are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than anothers.
  2. certain pollens are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than other
  3. certain pollens are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than another
  4. certain pollens are more likely to cause an allergic reaction than others.
Which sentence uses the correct pronoun case?
  1. Him and me went to the store
  2. He and I went to the store
  3. Me and him went to the store
  4. I and him went to the store
Which sentence is grammatically correct? John and me are going to the party
  1. John and me are going to the party
  2. John and I are going to the party
  3. Me and John are going to the party
  4. I and Johan are going to the party
Which sentence is the grammatically correct sentence? Him and me went to the store, He and I went to the store
  1. He and I went to the store
  2. Him and me went to the store
  3. Me and him went to the store
  4. I and him went to the store
The officers threatened to take reprisals if the lives of their men were __ by the conquered natives.
  1. Destroyed
  2. Enhanced
  3. Endangered
  4. Irritated
__ this country is currently enjoying a rapidly expanding market, we can offer unique competitive prices, ___ keeping the highest quality.
  1. owing to the fact that / while
  2. although / we are
  3. it is no wonder that / at the same time
  4. because / and
He came in as quietly as he could _____ not to wake the children.
  1. because of
  2. so as
  3. although
  4. whether
Many a man __ suffered during the war.
  1. have
  2. has
  3. have had
  4. had

Most Important FPSC English MCQs for Federal Public Service Commission one paper English part online.

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