FPSC Development Officer Past Paper 28-08-2023 Solved MCQs

FPSC Development Officer Past Paper 28-08-2023 Solved MCQS for preparation.

Who wrote the first college text book Rural Sociology?

  1. Dumont
  2. Sir Henry Maines
  3. John Gillette
  4. None of these

When was the Journal entitled ‘Rural Sociology’ published?

  1. 1939
  2. 1935
  3. 1926
  4. 1937

_______ is a brief pointed say introducing antithetical ideas.

  1. Antithesis
  2. Epilogue
  3. Epigram
  4. None of these

Who described urbanism as a way of life ______?

  1. Park
  2. Hawley
  3. Wirth
  4. Burgess

Who is the author of the text ‘The City’?

  1. Max Weber
  2. George Simmel
  3. Talcott Parsons
  4. Karl Marx

If they had more money, they _______ a new house.

  1. Should buy
  2. Will be buying
  3. Would buy
  4. Have bought

The robbers set _____ the unarmed travellers.

  1. Upon
  2. With
  3. From
  4. To

Can I have some milk before ____ to bed.

  1. Going
  2. Goes
  3. Go
  4. am going

She _____ her degree twenty years ago.

  1. Has completed
  2. Was completed
  3. completed
  4. Has been completing

In which year Ali Garh Trusteeship bill was passed______?

  1. 1886
  2. 1888
  3. 1887
  4. 1889

Which country has been recently removed from the EU’s High-Risk Third Countries list?

  1. Egypt
  2. Pakistan
  3. Turkey
  4. Syria

Who is known as the father of computer?

  1. Barbara Liskov
  2. Tim Berners-Lee
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. John von Neumann
  5. None of these

Which Surah contains the order about wuzu, Ghusal and Tayammum?

  1. Al-Maidah
  2. Al-Baqara
  3. Al-Mominoon
  4. Both
  5. None

Which surah of the Holy Quran has Bismillah twice?

  1. Al Noor
  2. Al Nahl
  3. Al Naml
  4. Al Ra’d

Who becomes first Pakistani woman to summit world’s 10th highest mountain

  1. Nadia Kahef
  2. Naila Kiani
  3. Samina Baig
  4. None of these

Who is the first Pakistani to climb world’s 10th highest peak Annapurna without oxygen?

  1. Mirza Ali Baig
  2. Abdul Jabbar Bhatti
  3. Muhammad Ali Sadpara
  4. Sajid Ali Sadpara
  5. None of these

A CPU contains____?

  1. A card reader and a printing device
  2. An analytical engine and a control unit
  3. A control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
  4. An arithmetic logic and a card reader
  5. None

The synonym of ‘Spurious’ is?

  1. Pedantic
  2. Superstitious
  3. Fake
  4. Real
  5. All of these

The population of a town increased from 1,75,000 to 2,62,500 in a decade. The average percent increase of population per year is:

  1. 5 percent
  2. 15 percent
  3. 25 percent
  4. 35 percent

What type of operating system MS Dos is ___?

  1. Command Line Interface
  2. Graphical Line Interface
  3. Multitasking
  4. Menu Drawn Interface

Here are your shoes. I _____ them.

  1. Have just cleaned
  2. Just Cleaned
  3. Had Just Cleant
  4. just clean
  5. All of these

Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get ?

  1. 57
  2. 67
  3. 77
  4. 87

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