FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-8 MCQs

FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-8 MCQs for preparation.

Operation Zarb e Azab was started in___ year

  1. June 15, 2014
  2. July 15, 2014
  3. December 15, 2014
  4. December 15, 2015

The Iran Pakistan gas pipeline is also called:

  1. Friendship pipeline
  2. Future pipeline
  3. Peace Pipeline
  4. Unity Pipeline

Pakistani teenager Ahmed Raza will be conducting the coin toss in the game between _____ and Costa Rica in their FIFA World Cup match on 23-06-2018?

  1. Brazil
  2. India
  3. China
  4. Bangla dish

Pakistan is the winner of Hockey World Cup in ____ ?

  1. 1971
  2. 1978
  3. 1982
  4. 1994
  5. All of these

Boundary agreement was signed between Pakistan and China in?

  1. 2 March 1963
  2. 2 March 1962
  3. 2 March 1969
  4. 2 March 1947

Which vitamin deficiency leads to scurvy,breakdown of skin, blood vessels and teeth

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin C
  3. Vitamin D
  4. None

Mangla Dam was constructed on the river

  1. Indus
  2. Sutlej
  3. Jhelum
  4. None of the above

Human rights day is observed on which date?

  1. 10 December
  2. 11 December
  3. 15 December
  4. 19 December

Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in the well for____ days?

  1. 7 days
  2. 5 days
  3. 3 days
  4. 12 days
  5. None of these

Hazrat Ayub was famous for his

  1. Patience
  2. Beauty
  3. Tolerence
  4. None

World AIDS day is observed on_____?

  1. 1st June
  2. 1st December
  3. 1st October
  4. 1st April
  5. 1st July

What was the name of first woman Muslim?

  1. Hazrat Khdija
  2. Hazrat Zainab
  3. Hazrat Fatima
  4. Hazrat Ayesha

How many Words are there in First Kalimah?

  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 9

The volume of Blood in a Human body to be approximately ____ of body weight?

  1. 2%
  2. 5%
  3. 7%
  4. 8%
  5. 9%

How many Muhajar in Ghazwa e Badr

  1. 1000
  2. 82-85
  3. 231
  4. 61

Third most abundant element in the Sun is:

  1. Hydrogen
  2. Helium
  3. Oxygen
  4. None

Was she sewing the curtains? (Make Passive Voice)

  1. Were the curtains being sewed by her?
  2. Are the curtains being sewed by here?
  3. Will the curtains being sewed by here?
  4. Was the curtains being sewed by here?
  5. None of these

When is World Arthritis Day observed?

  1. October 12
  2. October 14
  3. October 12
  4. None of the above

Who was the President of Pakistan during the Indo­ Pak war 1965?

  1. Yahya Khan
  2. Pervez Musharraf
  3. Ayub Khan
  4. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto

Fat soluble vitamins are

  1. A
  2. D
  3. E&K
  4. All

Charter of Medina was drafted by Muhammad ﷺ himself. In which Hijra Charter of Madina was drafted?

  1. 3rd
  2. 2nd
  3. 1st
  4. 4th
  5. None of these

Which of the following number is least prime number

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 5
  4. 7

How many times Kalima Tayiba is mentioned in the Holy Quran ?

  1. 6 times
  2. 3 times
  3. 2 times
  4. 4 times
  5. None of these

Who is the Current Ambassador of Pakistan to Afghanistan?

  1. Qazi.M.Khalil Ullah
  2. Zahid Nasr UllahKhan
  3. Obaid Ur Rehman Nizamani
  4. None of these

Hazrat Umar was born on ___?

  1. 1st Muharram 22 A.H
  2. 1st Muharram 23 A.H.
  3. 584 AD
  4. 1st Muharram 25 A.H.

Sun is a ___?

  1. Planet
  2. Element
  3. Asteroid
  4. Star
  5. All

Which Tawaf is known as Welcome Tawaf?

  1. Tawaf Al-Wadaa
  2. Tawaf-ul-Qudoom
  3. Tawaf al-Ifadha
  4. Tawaf Al-Nafl
  5. None of these

What is the most Important Ebadat of Islam from the choices given below :

  1. Zakat
  2. Roza
  3. Hajj
  4. Namaz

What is the meaning of Tehlil?

  1. The recitation of Tauheed
  2. The recitation of Quran Majeed
  3. The recitation of first Kalima
  4. all of them
  5. None of these

Hazrat Qasim and Hazrat Abdullah sons of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ are burried in ___.

  1. Jannat al-Mu’alla
  2. Jannat ul Baki
  3. Maqbara Shabeka
  4. Al adl Cemetery
  5. None of these

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