FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-7 MCQs

FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-7 MCQs for preparation.

Who was the guest of honour at Pakistan Day Parade on 23 March 2019?

  1. Xi Jinping
  2. Mahathir Bin Mohamad
  3. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
  4. None

Who was the first finance minister of Pakistan?

  1. I.I Chandigarh
  2. Malik Ghulam Muhammad
  3. Liaqat Ali Khan
  4. Muhammad Ali

What was the initial estimate of CPEC Project ?

  1. $ 46 billion
  2. $ 49 billion
  3. $ 48 billion
  4. None

The book ” Friends not Masters” was written by__?

  1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  2. Liaquat Ali Khan
  3. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
  4. General Ayoub Khan

Who was the prime minister at the time of first Martial Law in Pakistan?

  1. Feroz Khan Nuun
  2. Liaqat Ali Khan
  3. Muhammad Ali Bogra
  4. None of the above

First Chief of Staff of Pakistan Army:

  1. General Zia-ul-Haq
  2. General Tikka Khan
  3. General Ayub Khan
  4. General Pervez Musharraf

The Tashkent declaration between Pakistan and India was signed on ?

  1. 10 January 1966
  2. 1 January 1965
  3. 15 January 1964
  4. 1 February 1966

Which flower is the National flower of Pakistan ?

  1. Rose
  2. Sunflower
  3. Lilly
  4. Jasmine

When Tashkent Declaration was signed president of Pakistan —–?

  1. Ayub Khan
  2. Zia ul Haq
  3. Zulifqar Ali Bhutto
  4. None

Which was the first battle of Islam___?

  1. Battle of Badr
  2. Battle of Uhad
  3. Battle of Khyber
  4. None of the above

Atique is the title of ?

  1. Umar
  2. Usman
  3. Abubakar
  4. None

When the Simla conference under the president ship of Lord Wavell was ended_______?

  1. June 14, 1945
  2. July 14, 1945
  3. June 14, 1947
  4. None

CNG stand for ____?

  1. Composed Natural Gas
  2. Compressed Neutral Gas
  3. Compressed Natural Gas
  4. None of these

The Shimla agreement between India and Pakistan was singed in ____ 1972.

  1. 1965
  2. 1969
  3. 1972
  4. 1974

Hazrat Bibi Fatima (RA) was the daughter of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) and ________?

  1. Rayhana bint Zayd
  2. Khadija bint Khuwaylid
  3. Zaynab bint Khuzayma
  4. Maria al-Qibtiyya
  5. None of these

Panama canal links:

  1. Mediterranean Sea with Red Sea
  2. Atlantic and Pacific ocean
  3. Mediterranean Sea with Baltic Sea
  4. Mediterranean Sea with Black Sea

When the General Zia Ul Haq addressed in UN ?

  1. 23 Oct 1985
  2. 23 Oct 1986
  3. 23 Oct 1989
  4. None

The country Panama is situated in:

  1. North America
  2. Central America
  3. South America
  4. None of the above
  5. Asia

Suez canal is located in :

  1. UK
  2. UAE
  3. Egypt
  4. Malaysia

Sulah Hudabia was signed in which year

  1. 6 hijri
  2. 2 hijri
  3. 4 hijri
  4. 8 hijri

In US senate which party got majority ___

  1. democratic
  2. Republicans
  3. Federalists
  4. None of these

How many teams was participating in FIFA World Cup 2022?

  1. 22
  2. 28
  3. 32
  4. 18
  5. 36

Who was Abul Masakeen?

  1. Hazrat Jafar Tyar
  2. Hazrat Ali
  3. Hazrat Umar
  4. None

East Pakistan was separated from West Pakistan on ______?

  1. 27 December 1971
  2. 16 December 1971
  3. 14 December 1971
  4. 25 December 1971

In which cave Muhammad PBUH stay during the migration from Makkah to Madina?

  1. Ghar e sor
  2. Ghar e Hira
  3. Gar Alperovitz
  4. None

Lord Mountbatten passed away on?

  1. 27 August 1979
  2. 27 August 1977
  3. 27 August 1975
  4. None

Number of Prime Ministers till 1958___?

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 9

How much carbon dioxide can a tree remove annually from the air ?

  1. 28 pounds
  2. 68 pounds
  3. 58 pounds
  4. 48 pounds

Who raised the flag in Ghazwa for the first time?

  1. Hazrat Umar (رضہ)
  2. Hazrat abu Salman (رضہ)
  3. Hazrat Hamza (رضہ)
  4. Hazrat Saad bin Maaz (رضہ)
  5. None of these

In which country FIFA World Cup 2018 was played?

  1. Russia
  2. Qatar
  3. France
  4. Germany

Pakistan last census was held in?

  1. 2019
  2. 2018
  3. 2017
  4. 2016

First elected president of Pakistan?

  1. Iskandar Mirza
  2. Ayub Khan
  3. zulifqar Ali Bhutto
  4. None

Chose the correct meaning of idiom: Beat around the bush ?

  1. Try to meet George Bush
  2. To avoid the main topic
  3. To make noise
  4. To accompany someone in a jungle

One unit was dissolved by

  1. Ayub khan
  2. Zulifqar Ali Bhutto
  3. Yahya khan
  4. Ch. Muhammad Ali

In which year West Pakistan become One Unit ?

  1. 1955
  2. 1956
  3. 1957
  4. 1958

Indian Prime Minister Nerandra Modi belongs to which political party?

  1. Bahujan Samaj Party
  2. Bharatija Janta Party
  3. Indian National Congress
  4. Nationalist Congress Party
  5. Muslim League

India Election 2019

  1. 1st half of 2019
  2. 2nd half
  3. Both
  4. none

5333 is what kind of number ?

  1. odd
  2. even
  3. Both
  4. None

Prime Minister of India affiliated with which political Party ?

  1. BJP
  2. JPJ
  3. Both
  4. None

There are how many types of Lunar Eclipse ?

  1. 4 types
  2. 5 types
  3. 3 types
  4. None

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