FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-1 MCQs

FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-1 MCQs for preparation.

Gomal Zam Dam is in which province?

  1. Baluchistan
  2. Sindh
  3. Punjab
  4. KPK

Urdu was declared the national language of Pakistan in which year?

  1. August 1947
  2. April 1954
  3. April 1956
  4. April 1958

The 1962 Constitution of Pakistan was passed during the regime of?

  1. Ayoub Khan
  2. Sikandar Mirza
  3. Ch. Muhammad Ali
  4. Yahya Khan
  5. None of these

The Current Chairman of Senate of Pakistan is?

  1. Ahsan iqbal
  2. Dr.zafar Iqbal
  3. Raza Rabbani
  4. Sadiq Sanjrani

The First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was dissolved By Governor General Malik Ghulam Muhammad on___?

  1. October 24, 1954
  2. October 24, 1956
  3. October 24, 1955
  4. None of these

When Mohammad Ali Bogra presented Bogra Formula in the assembly?

  1. October 1953
  2. September 1953
  3. April 1953
  4. January 1953

Planned Completion year of one Belt one Road (OBOR) is _______?

  1. 2022
  2. 2030
  3. 2049
  4. None of these

Which is the national bird of Pakistan?

  1. Parrot
  2. Markhor
  3. Chakor
  4. Pigeon
  5. None of these

Ozone layer protect us from

  1. Heat
  2. Cold
  3. UV rays
  4. None

The name of the fifth Kalimah is?

  1. Kalimah Shahdat
  2. Kalimah Istighfar
  3. Kalimah Tamjeed
  4. Kalimah Tauheed
  5. None of these

In which night Quran was revealed?

  1. 27 Rajab
  2. 12 Rabi ul Awal
  3. Lailat ul Qadr
  4. None

What is the meaning “Zam Zam”?

  1. To flow
  2. To Stop
  3. To Burst
  4. To Outflow

Who accepted Islam first in men?

  1. Hazrat Ali
  2. Hazrat Abubakar
  3. Hazrat Usman
  4. Hazrat Umer
  5. None of the above

The headquarters of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) is at:

  1. Islamabad
  2. Ankara
  3. Tehran
  4. None

The hottest place in Pakistan is ____?

  1. Multan
  2. Bahawalpur
  3. None of them
  4. Turbat

According to Holy Quran What is the chosen religion of Allah?

  1. Islam
  2. Fire worship
  3. Idol worship
  4. Sun worship
  5. None of these

Joe Biden sworn in as ___ US president on January 20, 2021?

  1. 45th
  2. 46th
  3. 47th
  4. None of these

What is the name of current Crown prince of Saudi Arabia?

  1. Mohammed bin Salman
  2. Muhammad bin Nayof
  3. Nayef bin Muhammad
  4. Salman bin Muhammad
  5. None of these

Prophet Hazrat ___ has the title Najeeb Ullah

  1. Hazrat Ibrahim
  2. Hazrat Noah
  3. Hazrat Isa
  4. Hazrat Dawood

Ashab e Kahf slept for how many years?

  1. 302
  2. 305
  3. 309
  4. 311

How many manzils (Stages) are there in Quran?

  1. 9
  2. 7
  3. 5
  4. 2
  5. None of these

The average of 6 numbers is 30. If the average of the first four is 25 and that of the last three is 35, the fourth number is

  1. 25
  2. 30
  3. 25
  4. 20

I saw him jumping _______ the wall.

  1. on
  2. at
  3. over
  4. None

Who taught you English ?

  1. By whom was you taught English ?
  2. By whom you were taught English ?
  3. By which were you taught English.
  4. By who were you taught English.

Separation of United Kingdoms from European union is called________?

  1. Withdrawal
  2. Brexit
  3. Bexit
  4. None

Two and two make four. The word AND is ____ conjunction:

  1. Interjection
  2. Conjunction
  3. Subordinate
  4. Co-ordinate

I am very much ______ to meet you.

  1. delighted
  2. delighting
  3. delight to
  4. delight

G20 Summit 2018 held in Buenos Aires – Argentina was the _______ meeting of G-20 countries?

  1. 10th
  2. 20th
  3. 13th
  4. 22th

Agricultural GDP of Pakistan in 2019

  1. 22.4%
  2. 23.4%
  3. 20%
  4. 15%

‘Cyclone in Pakistan’ is a poetical work by:

  1. Monika Verma
  2. Sunita Namjoshi
  3. Kamala Dass
  4. Mamta Kalia

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