FIA Inspector Investigation Past Paper 21-08-2023 (BATCH-3) MCQs

FIA Inspector Investigation Past Paper 21-08-2023 (BATCH-3) MCQs for preparation.

Founder of Bait ul muqadas?

  1. Shoaib(A S)
  2. Sulaymaan (A S)
  3. Abraheem(A S)
  4. None of these

Flag Length 40 Cm to Width 60 cm Ratio?

  1. 2:5
  2. 2:3
  3. 3:2
  4. 3:5


  1. 40%
  2. 45%
  3. 50%
  4. 55%

He is __ at copying.

  1. Adept
  2. Adopt
  3. Edept
  4. None of these

Which Range Separated Indus Region & Balochistan?

  1. Suliman and Kirthar
  2. Jacobabad
  3. Khyber
  4. None of these

Ammar ibn Ali Al-Mawsili invented?

  1. Syringe
  2. laser
  3. radio
  4. None of these

Ibn e sina Famous For?

  1. madicine
  2. sicence
  3. mathematics
  4. none of these

Aluminium powed + Nitrate Called

  • Ammonal
  • Aluminium nitrogen
  • Nitrate solid
  • None of these

Semiconductors Band Gap?

  1. Half filled
  2. very wide
  3. partially filled
  4. None of these

LASER stands for?

  1. Light Absorbent and Stimulated Emission of Radiations
  2. Light Absorbing Solar Energy Resource
  3. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiations
  4. Light Amplification of Singular Emission of Radiations

Torque is a ?

  1. vector quality
  2. scalar quality
  3. solar quality
  4. none

Elephantiasis is caused by:

  1. Ringworm
  2. Roundworm
  3. Hukworm
  4. None

If a body is moving in a circular motion, its angular momentum will be?

  1. Remain constant
  2. Increase
  3. Decrease
  4. None

The current Indian Secretary for Foreign Affairs?

  1. Harsh Vardhan Shringla
  2. Vinay Mohan Kwatra
  3. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar
  4. None

How many ways to express ratio?

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

In an election, out of 75000 eligible voters, 50000 cast their votes. What was the percentage of people casting their votes?

  1. 33.33%
  2. 44.5%
  3. 66.66%
  4. None

House of_____ was given status of Dar ul Amaan during the time of the conquest of Makkah

  1. Abu Sufyan
  2. Abdullah bin Saad
  3. Abu Jundle
  4. None of abov

Visited Eiffel Tower in Paris (Find out noun)

  1. Paris
  2. Visted
  3. Eiffel Tower
  4. None

Gap between semiconductor

  1. half filled
  2. very wide
  3. partially filled
  4. None of these

Tritium Nucleus Composed of?

  1. one proton
  2. 2 neutron
  3. 1 proton and 2 neutron
  4. None of these

The law of inertia also called?

  1. First Law of motion
  2. Second Law of Motion
  3. third Law of Motion
  4. None

The 2015 climate change conference is called?

  1. Paris
  2. America
  3. London
  4. None

Ripened ovary or fertilized ovary is called

  1. embryo
  2. endosperm
  3. fruit
  4. egg

What element is used in welding?

  1. oxygen and hydrogen
  2. oxygen and nitrogen
  3. oxygen and acetylene
  4. none

Hibernia was the Roman name for which country?

  1. Ireland
  2. Armenia
  3. Ethiopia
  4. Argentina

Of the following metals which one pollutes the air of a big city?

  1. nickel
  2. lead
  3. chromium
  4. cadmium

Sutherland Waterfall is located in which country

  1. England
  2. New Zealand
  3. Canada
  4. Malaysia
  5. None

Hiroshima is located in which island?

  1. Honshu and Shikoku
  2. Honshu and Kyushu
  3. Kyushu and Shikoku
  4. None

1 tonne = ?

  1. 1000 kg
  2. 2000kg
  3. 3000 kg
  4. none

Agha Khan University was established in ______?

  1. . 1983
  2. 1985
  3. 1984
  4. None of these

Annapurna Mountain range in which country?

  1. Nepal
  2. India
  3. Bangladesh
  4. China

NWFP was separated from Punjab in which year?

  1. 1904
  2. 1901
  3. 1903
  4. None

The tenure of Wafaqi Mohtasib is ___years

  1. 6
  2. 5
  3. 4
  4. 3

Who is the Current Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Pakistan?

  1. Gen Raheel Sharif
  2. Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa
  3. Gen Ashfaq Parvaz kayani
  4. Syed Asim Munir

When Pakistan launch the country first ever national security policy (NSP)?

  1. 14.01.2022
  2. 15.01.2022
  3. 16.01.2022
  4. None of these

On July 9, 1948, Government of Pakistan issued for the very first time?

  1. Coins
  2. Currency note
  3. Postal stamp
  4. 100 rupee note
  5. CNIC

When Hajj was made compulsory?

  1. 8 A.H
  2. 7 A.H
  3. 10 A.H
  4. 9 A.H

In which Islamic month first wahi was descended?

  1. Safar
  2. Rajab
  3. Ramzan
  4. None

Kashmir Day is observed in Pakistan on:

  1. 5th February
  2. 1st May
  3. 21st March
  4. 6th June
  5. None of these

Act of 1919 also called?

  1. Minto Morley reforms
  2. Montague Chelmsford Reforms
  3. Both
  4. None

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