FBR UDC RTO Sukkur Dated 27-10-2022 MCQs

FBR UDC RTO Sukkur Dated 27-10-2022 MCQs

Which is the largest lake in Pakistan?

  1. Karambar Lake
  2. Attabad Lake
  3. Manchar Lake
  4. Rama Lake

World’s largest delta is in:

  1. India
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Japan
  4. Sri lanka

Current Hijri Year is ______?

  1. 1446 AH
  2. 1445 AH
  3. 1444 AH
  4. None of these

Sir Creek is located between ———-?

  1. India & China
  2. Pakistan & India
  3. Pakistan & Afghanistan
  4. Pakistan & Iran

Pakistan’s largest oil fields are located in District:

  1. Badin
  2. Tando Muhammad Khan
  3. Hyderabad
  4. Attock

what is the eldest son of king Shah Jahan?

  1. Alamgir
  2. Dara Shhiko
  3. Shah Shuja
  4. Shaft Murad

Pakistan became member of United Nation on ___________

  1. 30 Sep 1947
  2. 30 Sep 1948
  3. 30 Sep 1949
  4. None of these

Quaid e Azam joined All India Muslim League in :

  1. 1908
  2. 1909
  3. 1907
  4. 1913

OIC Stands for:

  1. Organization of Islamic Cooperation
  2. Organization of Islamic Coordination
  3. Organization Upper Islamic Cooperation
  4. Organization of Islamic Cooperative
  5. None of these

Which animal is the national animal of Pakistan ?

  1. Tiger
  2. Lion
  3. Arabian horse
  4. Cow
  5. Markhor

Rooh Ullah is a title of which prophet

  1. Hazrat Musa
  2. Hazrat Isa
  3. Hazrat Ibrahim
  4. None

The pilgrims throw pebbles at Satans. What is the name of this act:

  1. Rami
  2. Sayee
  3. Ziarat
  4. Tawaf

Hazrat Ali ibn Abu Talib (R. W) is buried at?

  1. Kufa
  2. Mashhad
  3. Baghdad
  4. Najaf

Ghazwa e Badr occurred in ___ hijrah ?

  1. 2nd
  2. 3rd
  3. 4th
  4. 1st

How many Sajdas are there in the holy Quran?

  1. 11
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. 14

The Shimla agreement between India and Pakistan was singed in __________ 1972.

  1. 1965
  2. 1969
  3. 1972
  4. 1974

Benazir Bhutto became the first female prime minister of Pakistan in ?

  1. 1988
  2. 1999
  3. 1977
  4. 2000

The smallest sea of the world is:

  1. Red sea
  2. Baltic Sea
  3. North sea
  4. Bering sea
  5. None

First president of Pakistan is:

  1. Khawaja Nazimuddin
  2. M Ali Jinnah
  3. Ghulam Muhammad
  4. Iskandar Mirza

The battle of Badr was fought in the month of?

  1. Muharram
  2. Ramazan
  3. Shawal
  4. Zil-Hajj
  5. Zu al qad

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