FBR RPM Operator Past Paper 07-12-2023 MCQs

FBR RPM Operator Past Paper 07-12-2023 MCQs

Where is ‘Date and Time’ located in Windows 10 operating system?

  1. My documents
  2. Taskbar
  3. Recycling bin
  4. My computer

JBR, KBR, LBR, what come next ________

  1. MBR
  2. NBR
  3. OBR
  4. PBR

Math: Square matrix related questions

  1. Square matrix related questions

Math: Questions asked about Probability

  1. Math: Questions asked about Probability

Questions asked about: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory sentences

  1. اوپر دیے گے تمام

Questions ask about types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.

  1. اوپر دیے گے تمام

F2 is used for?

  1. Spelling Checking
  2. Rename files and folders
  3. Hide file or folder
  4. Print document

The SI unit of power is __

  1. Force
  2. Charge
  3. Current
  4. watt

D is A’s son. C is the mother of P and wife of D. How is A related to C?

  1. Father
  2. Uncle
  3. Father-in-law
  4. None of these

if Pencil is equal to ODMBHK then Brush is equal to ________

  1. APTRG
  2. AQTSG
  3. AQTRI
  4. AQTRG

Choose the Synonym of Sparsely.

  1. meager
  2. scanty
  3. scant
  4. all of these

Choose the Synonym of Inveigh.

  1. Allure
  2. Remonstrate
  3. Entice
  4. Support

The antonym of Dunce is

  1. Intelligent
  2. Stupid
  3. Freedom
  4. Wonder

F5 is used for?

  1. refresh program
  2. universal help
  3. to help
  4. none

Largest dam of Pakistan is____________?

  1. Tarbela Dam
  2. Mangla dam
  3. Warsak dam
  4. None of these

Which is the secondary storage device_____?

  1. RAM
  2. ROM
  3. Diode
  4. Hard Disc
  5. Semi Conductor

During which year the first World War was started _________?

  1. 1912
  2. 1913
  3. 1914
  4. 1915

Ctrl + L Shortcut key is used for ____________?

  1. Left Indent
  2. Left Align
  3. Increase Left Margin
  4. Decrease Left Margin

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