The Family in which spouses, their off spring and other relatives through marriage, live together, is called as: Conjugal family
Who has written the book ‘Social structure’: Murdock
Which among the following describes correctly the changed position of woman in a modern family: Woman becoming head of the family
Gender is a: Social concept
Which one of the following is the advantage of rules of descent: Kinship hierarchy is established
Which among the following is not included among the affinal kin: Younger sister
In the Ho tribes marriage by capture is called: Oportipi
The form of marriage in which one man marries several women is called: Polygamy
Find out the incorrect match: Gonds ⇔ Ka Khadduh
Family is “a system of relationship existing between parents and children” according to: Tonnies
The type of marriage in which a husband can have more than one wife is known as: Polygyny
In a Muslim marriage, a wife can obtain release from her marriage by giving consideration to the husband whose consents is essential. This is called: Khula
Which one of the following is not an important cause of instability of modern family: Arranged marriages
A system of marriage in which a husband is allowed to have only one wife is known as: Monogamy
In primary kinship relationship is: Direct and close
What is matrilocal family: A family in which the husband lives at his wife’s parent’s house
In Mahabharata reference of ‘Promiscuity’ is found which means: Sexual license
A family in which an individual is born is known as: Orientation family
The institution of marriage can not curve to an end because: It performs the basic function of procreation of children
Who gave warm bath theory: Talcott Parsons
. . . . . . . . in any society consists of a set of prohibitions which out law heterosexual relationships between various categories of Kinsman: Incest taboo
The Special Marriage Act is applicable in whole of India except: Jammu and Kashmir
Who is the author of the text ‘Gender Trouble’: Judith Butler
Which one of the following is not an important cause of weakness of modern family: The society has under-estimated the need of regulation of marriage
Monoandry is a form of marriage in which a woman: Belongs to the group as a whole
Who has said that ‘Women are unpaid servant of the house’: Jessica Bernard
Father is a . . . . . . . . term in Kinship: Descriptive
The first significant contribution to the study of kinship terms was made by: Morgan
Which one of the following is not an important cause of the weakness of modern family: It is not supposed to socialise the members
Consanguineous Kinship is the one which is between: Uncle and nephew
The systems under which marriage between blood relations was not forbidden is known as: Concanguine
The . . . . . . . . tribe has a double standard morality whereby a woman as a wife (ranti) has to observe a strict sex moral code, but as a daughter (dhyanti) has a free scope to have as many liaisons and amours as she likes: Khasa
Which of the following acts first recognised Monogancy as the accepted form of marriage: The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
The marriage which is the result of mutual affection and love is called: Gandharva
According to anthropologists in India they always prefer to marry within lineage of: Descent groups
. . . . . . . . is a conjugal family in which single relatives, such as unmarried or widowed brother, sister or the cousin of the husband or wife, live with the family: Expanded family
The bond between the blood relatives is called: Consanguineal Kinship
The Indian Succession Act was enacted in which of the following year: 1925
The system under which maternal uncle gets prominent place in Kinship is known as: Alunclate
Under the Hindus Marriage Act two persons tracing their common ascendency through their father’s life are collaterals if they lie within: Five degrees on the father’s side
Which of the following is a nuclear family: A family in which one husband, wife and their children live together
. . . . . . . . is a form of marriage in which men of lower caste marry women of superior caste: Pratiloma
The most fundamental unit of society is known as: Family