Agriculture Entomology MCQs Online Test

Important agriculture Entomology mcqs online test for jobs test preparation in Agriculture department of Pakistan.

Entomology MCQs Online Test MCQs

Fly larvae (maggots) move away from a bright source of light. This is an example of a

A. Taxis
B. Reflex (involuntary movement)
C. Kinesis
D. Transverse orientation (Keeping a fix angle on a distance)

An ommatidium is best defined as a: ______?

A. Subdivision of the ventral nerve cord
B. Functional unit of the compound eye
C. Mechanoreceptor used for proprioception
D. Ventral lobe of the insect’s brain

Jassid, Aphid and bugs have ______?

A. Rasping
B. Siphoning type
C. Sponging type
D. Piecing sucking type

Hymenoptera are almost ______ long.

A. 0.02 mm
B. 0.2 mm
C. 0.03 mm
D. 0.3 mm

The ventral tube on the first abdominal segment of a springtail:

A. Costa
B. Collophore
C. Embolium
D. Ectoparasitoid

Parthenogenetic reproduction in which both male and female offspring are produced from unfertilized eggs:

A. Amphitoky
B. Anholocyclic
C. Ambulacrum
D. None of the above

A tail, including the tail-like structure of an aphid _____?

A. Cenchri
B. Annulate
C. Apical
D. Cauda

The arrangement (disposition and number) of bristles or setae on the body and appendages – of particular importance in the classification of Diptera and mites:

A. Chaetotaxy
B. Chela
C. Chitin
D. Both b & c

Type of reproduction in which two or more individuals are produced from a single egg ______?

A. Viviparity
B. Polyembryony
C. Paedogenesis
D. Parthenogenesis

Insect body divided into external grooves called Sutures ______?

A. Sutures
B. Somites
C. Sclerite
D. Acron

Lac is produced by _______?

A. Males insect only
B. Females insect only
C. More by females than males
D. More by males than females

Which one of the following produces silk?

A. Dysdercus koenigi
B. Bombyx mori
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Gurdaspur borer is a pest of ______?

A. Rice
B. Sugarcane
C. Wheat
D. Cotton

Mouthparts of Sugarcane pyrilla are ______?

A. Chewing
B. Siphoning
C. Biting
D. Sucking

Propagation and release of sterile incompatible individuals is done in pest population is called ______?

A. Chemical control
B. Genetic control
C. both  A & B
D. None of these

The use of all possible control strategies to manage the pest population below economic injury level is called:_______?

A. Pest outbreak
B. Pest resugrgence

All the practices used to control the pest population with in certain limit are called ______?

A. Chemical control
B. Natural control
C. Artificial control
D. Impossible to control

Cotton bollworms, sugarcane borers are _____?

A. Key pest
B. Secondary pest
C. Major pest
D. I do not agree with above statement

Desert locust is ______?

A. Key pest
B. Potential pest
C. Occasional pest
D. None of the above

Main kind of insect pests are ________?

A. Major pest & Minor pest
B. Migrant pest & potential pest
C. both A & B
D. None of the above

The insect head is essentially a capsule which encloses the brain and bears the usually external (ectognathous) mouthparts, the eyes and a pair of sensory antennae. The mouth part comprise basic sections as:

A. An ‘upper lip’ (labrum), lower (ventral) surface of which forms the epipharynx
B. a tongue-like hypopharynx; the jaws (mandibles)
C. The paired maxillae and a ‘lower lip’ (labium).
D. All of these

What KD50 ______?

A. Medium knock down
B. Highly knock down
C. Low knock down
D. None of above

Pheromone used against fruity fly is ____?

A. Dichlorvos
B. Malathion
C. Carbofuron
D. Mancoze

The width of the area treated in one pass by a sprayer or other applicator is called _____?

A. Drift
B. Swath
C. Aerosol
D. Toxin

The quality a of a pesticide to remain as an effective residue because of its low volatility and chemical stability is termed as _____?

A. Persistence
B. Aerosol
C. Defoliant
D. Desiccant

The concentration of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called ______?

A. LC50
B. LD50
C. None of the Above
D. LD75

Toxicant refers to a ______?

A. Poison
B. Poisonous material
C. None of the Above
D. Both of them

A material which is used to dilute active material is called _____?

A. Adjuvant
B. Adhesive
C. Carrier
D. Agitation

It is a substance added to a pesticide to impure the qualities of pesticide formulation is called ______?

A. Adjuvant
B. Synergism
C. Activator
D. Agitation

A chemical which inhibits clotting mechanisms of the blood is called ______?

A. Chronic poisoning
B. Bait
C. Defoliant
D. Acute poisoning

A chemical which causes plant does it called ____?

A. Bait
B. Defoliant
C. Chronic poisoning
D. Acute poisoning

What is antidote of anticoagulant rodenticide ______?

A. Vitamin K
B. Atropine
C. Diazepam
D. Earbiturate

What is antidote of organophosphate and carbamate poisoning _____?

A. Atropine
B. Diazepam
C. Earbiturates
D. None of the Above

What colour show moderately hazarous ____?

A. Red
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Brown

A mixture of active and inert ingredients is called ______?

A. Formulation
B. Dose
C. Active ingredient
D. Inert ingredient

Pesticide group which goes into the system of host and kills pest without harming host is called ______?

A. Systemic
B. Contact
C. Selective
D. Protect ant

Antecedents prevent pest to cause damage called ______?

A. Sterilant
B. Protectant
C. Systemic
D. Contact

For safe application of pesticide which things are required ?

A. Goggles, respirator
B. Overall,gloves
C. Head cores
D. All of above

A mixture included pesticides which decrease the efficiency of each other is called _____?

A. Additive mixture
B. Antagonistic mixture
C. Potentiating mixture
D. None of the Above

Volatile chemical which exist in the gaseous state in sufficient concentration to be lethal for a given pest is called ?

A. Fumigant
B. Arsenicals pesticide
C. Pyrethorid
D. carbamate

Carbamates contains _______?

A. Carbon, hydrogen
B. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen
C. Carbon, nitrogen and sulphur
D. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen

Example of inorganic pesticides are ______?

A. calcium cyanide, boric acid
B. Chlorine, nitrogen
C. Oxygen, sulfur
D. Phosphorus, chlorine

The chemical used for controlling of mites is called ____?

A. Acaricide
B. Nematicide
C. Nematicide
D. Mollusicide

The chemical used for killing birds is called ______?

A. Ovicide
B. Avicide
C. Pesticide
D. None of these

Ingredient added in pesticide to enhance and maintain efficacy of active ingredient is _______?

A. Dose
B. Active ingredient
C. Insert ingredient
D. Pesticide

Aphis lions are predator of _____?

A. Aphid
B. Jassid
C. Sugarcane borer
D. Pyrilla

The parasite which are capable of developing upon a few closely related host species is called _____?

A. Oligophagous parasites
B. Polyhagous parasites
C. Facultative parasites
D. Transitory parasites

The parasite which can live on more than one host is called ____?

A. Obligated Parasite
B. Facultative Parasite
C. Intermitted Parasite
D. Transitory Parasite

Mosquitoes, bed bugs are ______?

A. Permanent Parasite
B. Intermitttent Parasite
C. transitary Parasite
D. Obligate Parasite

Best example of predators are ______?

A. Dragon flies, Aphid lions,
B. Trichograma species
C. Lady beetle, flower beetle
D. Dragonflies, Aphid lions, Lady bird beetle, flower beetle

The parasites which requires several or different hosts for its complete development is called ?

A. Monoxenous parasite
B. Heteroxenous parasites
C. Phytophagous parasites
D. Entomophagous parasites

Insect that parasitic other insects are called ______?

A. Entomophagous parasites
B. Zoophagous parasites
C. Phytophagous parasites
D. non of theses

The insect that parasitize the larger animals are called ______?

A. Phytophagous parasites
B. Zoophagous parasites
C. Entomophagous parasites
D. None of the Above

Various methods of pest scouting are _______?

A. Maryo’s method
B. Diagonal method
C. Zig zag method
D. All the above

The living organisms that are smaller, weaker or less intelligent than be predor is called _____?

A. Host
B. Prey
C. Predator
D. Parasite

The living organism that live in or on the bodies of other living organisms from which they get their food, during at least one stage of their existence is called ___?

A. Predator
B. Parasites
C. Prey
D. Parasitism

Zinc phosphide is _______?

A. Rodenticide
B. Pesticide
C. Insecticide
D. Weedicide

The control of pest by human controlling activities and law is called ______?

A. Regularity method
B. Chemical method
C. genetic method
D. Physical method

Use of living organism to bring down the pest population to sub economic level is called ______?

A. Biological control
B. Cultural control
C. Physical control
D. Natural control

Reduction in pest population by the utilization of agricultural practices to make the environment unfavorable for pest is called ______?

A. Natural control
B. Mechanical control
C. Physical control
D. Cultural control

The collective action of environmental factors that maintain numbers of pest population with in certain limit over a time is called _____?

A. Artificial control
B. Natural control
C. Cultural control
D. Physical control

When damage cause by insect pest is slight such pest is referred as ______?

A. Major pest
B. Minor pest
C. Key pest
D. Migrant pest

An insect pest normally present at some time during the growing season that causes the economic damage to a crop is called ?

A. Key pest
B. Secondary pest
C. Occasional pest
D. Migrant pest

The pest which causes no significant damage but due to unjudious use of chemical they cause significant loss is called ?

A. Secondary pest
B. Key pest
C. Occasional pest
D. Migrant pest

The lowest pest population that will cause economic damage is called ______?

A. Economic injury level
B. Economic threshold level
C. Economic damage
D. None of the Above

The pest which damages the crop and causes a loss in quality or quantity which can be calculated such pest is called _____?

A. Insect pest
B. Pest
C. Economic pest
D. Sub economic pest

An explosive increase in population of particular species that occurs over a short period of time is called ____?

C. Pest resurgence
D. Pest outbreak

The use of two or more pest control method except chemical control in a planned way to control pests is called ______?

A. Integrated pest management
B. Integrated pest control
C. Integrated insect pest management
D. Pest resource

Which is the strongest animal of the world ______?

A. Whales
B. Elephants
C. Ants
D. Beetles

Where the most insects are abundant ____?

A. Tropical region
B. Sub tropical
C. temperature region
D. None of the above

Insect are _____?

A. Cold blooded animals
B. Warm blooded animals
C. Grasshopper
D . None of the above

The fleas do ______?

A. Fly
B. Never flown
C. May or may not fly
D. non of these

Which insect cause ear splitting plain to some people _____?

A. Cicadas
B. Fireflies
C. Locust
D. Silver fish

Workers of honey bees have number of chromosome _____?

A. Diploid
B. Haploid
C. Triploid
D. None of above

What are helpful insects _____?

A. Predators, Pollinators, Parasites, Honey bees
B. Silkworm, Pollinators, Predators, Scavenges
C. Weed killers, scavengers, predator, pollinator, parasites
D. Predators, Pollinators, Lac insects

Termite workers are ______?

A. May be a non reproductive male or non reproductive female
B. A non reproductive male
C. A non reproductive female
D. None of above

Fire flies are _____?

A. Flies
B. Beetles
C. Fleas
D. Wasps

Commercial rearing of honey is called _____?

A. Sericulture
B. Apiculture
C. Floriculture
D. Lac culture

Commercial production of silk is called ____?

A. Sericulture
B. Apiculture
C. Floriculture
D. Lac culture

Silk is produced by _____ insect ?

A. Laceifer lacae
B. Bombyx mori
C. Apis cerana
D. Apis dorsata

Type of pheromone which get together the insects for food and mating is known as ______?

A. Alarm pheromone
B. Aggregation pheromone
C. Sex pheromone
D. Trial marking pheromone

In honey bees a flight for mating purpose is called ______?

A. Nuptial flight
B. Straight flight
C. Tactile flight
D. None of above

What is bee bread _____?

A. Honey and wax
B. Pollen and nectar
C. Honey and pollen
D. non of these

Royal Jelly made up of _______?

A. Pollen and water
B. Pollen, water, nectar
C. Pollen and nectar
D. Pollen, Water, Nectar

The bees are not reared for commercial purpose are called ______?

A. Domestic bees
B. Wild bees
C. None of the above
D. Wild bees

Those insects which lives in groups, clones or tribes form are called ______?

A. Gregarious insects
B. Social insects
C. Solitary insects
D. Household insects

What is the most social insects ______?

A. Black ants
B. Termites
C. Honeybees
D. None of the above

What is function of deterrent _____?

A. Chemical which prevent feeding
B. Prevent ovipositon of an insect
C. Prevent feeding and oviposition of an insect
D. None of the above

The phenomenon off insect resistance to one type of insecticide providing resistance to other insecticides with similar mode of action _____?

A. Cross resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. General resistance
D. Horizantal resistance

A level of resistance show by a cultivar is similar against all insect biotype such type of resistance is ____?

A. Cross resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. General resistance
D. Vertical resistance

A level of resistance show by a cultivar is similar against all insect biotype such type of resistance is ______?

A. Cross resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. General resistance
D. Vertical resistance

A type of resistance in which a series of different cultivars of the same crop are infested with a series of different insect biotypes of same species show a differentia interaction is known as ______?

A. Horizontal resistance
B. Vertical resistance
C. Specific resistance
D. Cross resistance

The ability of a plant by means of which it is less damaged by insects is ______?

A. Tolerance
B. Pest avoidance
C. Plant resistance
D. Resistance

Social behavior present in _______?

A. Termites
B. Ants bees
C. Butterflies
D. Termites, Ants< bees

The slow acting pheromones are _____?

A. Primers
B. Releasers
C. Semio chemicals
D. Allelo chemicals

A chemical or secretions which are thrown outside the body for transmitting message to the individual of same species is _____?

A. Hormone
B. Pheromone
C. Juvinile Hormone
D. Ecdysone

Locomotion in response to odour is ____?

A. Chemokinesis
B. Hydrokinesis
C. Stereokinesis
D. Klinokinesis

The haring organs in grasshopper ______?

A. Johnston’s organ
B. Tympanal organ
C. Chorodotonal organ
D. None of the above

Type of reproduction in which young ones are produced by larval or pupal stages is ______?

A. Paedogenesis
B. Polyembryony
C. Viviparity
D. Polyembrony

Which insect have bacteria and in their digestive system ___?

A. Termites
B. Ants
C. Silver fish
D. None

Which enzyme breaks protein ______?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipases
C. Proteases
D. Amylase

Proventriculus also called as ______?

A. Gizzard
B. Crop
C. Esophagus
D. Pharynx

Which hormone cause moulting in insect ____?

A. Ecdysone
B. Juvenile
C. Activation hormone
D. None of the above

The last segment of insect which bears a structure which help during mating is ____?

A. Paraproct
B. Subgenital plate
C. Acron
D. Somites

The insect skeleton is composed of series of plates called ____?

A. Sclerites
B. Conjunctivae
C. Sutures
D. Somites

Function of endo cuticle is ______?

A. Prevent evaporation
B. Rigidity of body parts
C. Extensiblity of integument and flexibility
D. Impermeability of water

Function of epiculticle in insect is _____?

A. Rigidly of body parts
B. Impermeability of water
C. Prevent evaporation
D. Impermeability of water and prevent evaporation

Tentorium is _______?

A. Exoskeleton of head
B. Internal skeleton of head
C. Internal skeleton
D. None of the above

Metalegs of worker honey bee is ______?

A. Antenna cleaner
B. Silk secreting
C. Cursorial
D. Pollen collecting

Dragonfly and damselfly have type of legs ______?

A. Fossorial
B. Metatorial
C. Raptorial
D. Basket like

Butterflies having wing coupling apparatus is ____?

A. Overlapping
B. Jugum
C. Frenulum
D. Overlapping and Jugum

Beetles, weevils, earwigs. have fore wing very thick and hard structure is _____?

A. Hemelytra
B. Elytra
C. Stripy
D. Halteres

Hind winds of true flies are modified in to tiny knobbed structure is known as ____?

A. Filohalteres
B. Pseudohalteres
C. Halteres
D. Membranous

Moths and butterflies have types of pupae _____?

A. Obtect
B. Coarctate
C. Exarate
D. Platyform

Syrphid flies have type of larvae _____?

A. Platy form
B. Carabiform
C. vermiform
D. Eruiform

Larvae with both thoracic and abdominal legs is _____?

A. Cruciform
B. carabifrom
C. Vermiform
D. Platy form

The mixing of pesticide through agitator to prevent it form separating in the sprayer tarik is called _____?

A. Activator
B. Synergism
C. Adjuvant
D. Agitation

What is T.S.O ?

A. Technical sales officer
B. Technical scientific officer
C. Tehsil sale officer
D. None of the Above

What is DDT ______?

A. Dichloro-diphenyl,trichloro,ethane
B. Dimethory diphenyl,trichloro,ethane
C. Dichloro diphenyl teracholoride
D. None of the Above

Against Lepidopterous larvae we apply ____?

A. Lefenuron, Chlorfluazuron, Flufenoxum
B. Formothion
C. Methamidohpos
D. All the above

Against sucking and chewing insect pest we apply ____?

A. Monocrotophos, Diazinon, Profenophos
B. Endosulfan, Deltamethrin, Dimethoate
C. Cypermethrin, Permethrin,Malathion
D. All the above

A dose of a toxicant that kills 50% of the exposed organism is called ____?

A. LC50
B. LD50
C. None of the Above
D. LD75

Toxic refers to a ______?

A. Poison
B. Poisonous material
C. None of the Above
D. Both of them

A substance that destructive to nerve tissue is called ______?

A. Toxicant
B. Neurotoxin
C. Drift
D. Swath

A poison produced by a plant, animal or organisms is called ____?

A. Toxin
B. Toxicant
C. Neurotoxin
D. None of the Above

A substance used in a pesticide, it helps the spray material to adhere to the sprayed surface is called ____?

A. Adhesive
B. Adjuvant
C. Activator
D. Agitation

Chemical added to pesticide to increase its activity is called ____?

A. Activator
B. Agitation
C. Adjuvant
D. Synergism

Death of an insect from a single dose is called _____?

A. Defoliant
B. Bait
C. Chronic poisoning
D. Acute poisoning

A chemical which attracts pest to a trap is called ____?

A. Bait
B. Defoliant
C. Acute poisoning
D. Chronic poisoning

Diazepam is an antidote of ____?

A. Organophosphate
B. Carbamte
C. Organ chlorine
D. Pyrethorid

What is antidote ______?

A. Treatment given to counteract the effects of a poison
B. Increase the effects of a poison
C. No action against pesticide
D. None of the Above

What colour show extremely hazard to human being ___?

A. Red
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Brown

The pesticide does not allow larval insect pest to moult further is called ____?

A. Insect growth regular
B. Fumigants
C. Sterilant
D. Protectant

The group of pesticide which makes pest unable to reproduce is called _____?

A. Sterilant
B. Protectant
C. Selective
D. Fumigants

A mixture included pesticides which do not increase or decrease the efficacy of each other is called _____?

A. Additive mixture
B. Antagonistic mixture
C. Potentiating mixture
D. None of the Above

Cypermethrin, deltamerthrin, permethrin are example of ___?

A. Organophosphrous
B. Pyrethroids
C. Organochlorine
D. Carbamate

Methamidophos, moncrotophos are example of _____?

A. Organophosphrous pesticides
B. Carbamates
C. Organoctilorine pesticide
D. Pyerthorids

The pesticide are derived from naturally occuring element with out carbon is called ____?

A. Inorganic pesticide
B. Organic pesticide
C. Fumigants
D. Natural pesticide

The chemical used for controlling fish is called ______?

A. Ovicide
C. Pesticide
D. herbicide

The pesticide which is used for killing or controlling the eggs of insects is called _____?

A. Avicide
B. Ovicide
C. Pesticide
D. Fungicide

The ingredient of pesticide formulation responsible for toxic effect is called _____?

A. Active ingredient
B. Insert ingredient
C. Dose
D. Pesticide

The parasites which capable of parasitizing a considerable number of host species is called ______?

A. Polyhagous parasites
B. oligophagous parasites
C. Facultative parasites
D. Transitory parasites

Cotesia flavipers is endo larval parasite of _____?

A. Sugarcane stem borer
B. Sugarcane top borer
C. Sugarcane root borer
D. Sugarcane black borer

The insect which Parasitizes one species of host is called _____?

A. Obligated Parasite
B. Permanent Parasite
C. Transitory Parasite
D. Intermitted Parasite

Best example of parasites are ______?

A. Ichneumon, Fleas
B. Trichograma sp, Horse flie
C. Cotesia sp
D. All of above

The parasites whose hosis are also parasites collectively termed as _____?

A. Hyperparasites
B. Phytophagous parasites
C. Heteroxenous parasites
D. None of the Above

The parasite which requires only one host for its complete life cycle is called ____?

A. Monoxenous parasites
B. Zoophagous parasites
C. Phytophagous parasites
D. Entomophagous parasites

Some insects which are used as bio control agents for used control is called _____?

A. Entomophagous parasites
B. Zoophagous parasites
C. Phytophagous parasites
D. None of the Above

An egg parasitoid of lepidopterous insects is ______?

A. Trichogramma sp
B. Apanteles sp
C. water joint beetle
D. Ichneumon

The living organisms that are usually larger, stronger or more intelligent then the parasite is called _____?

A. Host
B. Pray
C. Predator
D. Parasite

The free living insects that catch and devour smaller or more helpless creatures, usually killing them in getting a single meal is called ?

A. Predator
B. Parasites
C. Prey
D. Parasitism

The spreading habit of the crop caused by insect which makes cultivation, weeding and harvesting more difficult is process of ______?

A. Haemospora
B. Fore casting
C. Surveillance
D. Pest scouting

Population prediction of a particular species with in the field is called ____?

A. Fore casting
B. Haemospora
C. Surveillance
D. Pest scouting

Propagation and release of sterile incompatible individuals is done in pest population is called ____?

A. Genetic control
B. Chemical control
C. Regularity control
D. Physical control

The use of all possible control strategies to manage pest population below economic injury level is called _____?

C. Pest outbreak
D. Pest resurgence

All the practices used to control the pest population with in certain limit are called _____?

A. Artificial control
B. Natural control
C. Cultural control
D. Chemical control

Potential pest also called _____?

A. Secondary pest
B. Major pest
C. Minor pest
D. Key pest

Cotton bollworms, sugarcane borers are _____?

A. Major pest
B. Key pest
C. Minor pest
D. Secondary pest

Desert locust is _____?

A. Migrant pest
B. Occasional pest
C. Key pest
D. Potential pest

Main kind of insect pests are ______?

A. Major pest and minor pest
B. Key pest
C. Migrant pest and potential pest
D. All the above

The pest population at which control measure should be taken to prevent the pest population to build up to reach economic injury level is called _______?

A. Economic threshold level
B. Economic injury level
C. Economic damage
D. None of the Above

The amount of pest induced injury to the crop which will justify the cost of artificial control measures is called _____?

A. Economic damage
B. Economic threshold
C. Economic injury level
D. None of the Above

The rapid reappearance of the pest population in injurious number is called ______?

C. Pest resurgence
D. Pest outbreak

Any organism which harm or causes damage man directly or indirectly called as ______?

A. Insect
B. Insect pest
C. Pest
D. none of the above

Which insect cut the root of plants _____?

A. Mole cricket
B. Ground beetles
C. Pyrilla
D. Gryllobllated

The largest insect of the world _______?

A. Elephant beetle
B. Hairy winged beetle
C. Grasshopper
D. Locust

Most of the insect require _____?

A. Vitamin B
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin A
D. Vitamin D

Which families are most of them are scavenger ?

A. Tineidae
B. Pyralidae
C. Tineidae and Pyralidae
D. Culicidae

What is the family of mosquito ____?

A. Culicidae
B. Pyralidae
C. Tineidae
D. Bombicidae

Photogenic organ are present in ______?

A. Flies
B. Fire flies
C. Wasps
D. Honey bee

The workers of ant, of ant, bee and wasps are _____?

A. May be a non reproductive male or non reproductive female
B. A non reproductive male
C. A non reproductive female
D. none of the above

What types of insects are injurious _____?

A. Agricultural pest, house hold, Store grain, Pollinators
B. Agricultural pest, Parasite, Predator
C. Store grain, Parasite, Predator
D. Agricultural pest, house hold pest, Store grain, insects of domestic animals

What are productive insects _____?

A. Silk worms Lac insects Honey bees
B. Parasites, Predators, Pollination
C. Silk worm, Pollinators, Predators
D. Lac insect, Honey bees, pollinator

Queen and drones have ______ number of chromosome ?

A. Diploid
B. Haploid
C. Triploid
D. None of above

Commercial production of lac through lac insects is called _____?

A. Sericulture
B. Apiculture
C. Floriculture
D. Lac culture

Lac is produced by insect _____?

A. Bombyx mori
B. Laceifera lacca
C. Apis dorsata
D. Apis cerana

Types of pheromone which motivate the insects to follow each other is known as ____?

A. Alarm pheromone
B. Aggregation pheromone
C. Sex pheromone
D. Trial marking pheromone

Types of pheromones which alert the insect from any danger known as _____?

A. Alarm pheromone
B. Aggregation pheromone
C. Sex pheromone
D. Trial marking pheromone

Difference between workers and drones _____?

A. Drones are female while workers are sterile
B. Drones are male while workers are sterile
C. Drones are sterile while workers are sterile
D. None of the above

The artificial food of Queen is known as ______?

A. Jelly
B. Royal Jelly
C. Bee bread
D. Nectar

The bees which are reared artificially as commercial business are called ____?

A. Domestic bees
B. Wild bees
C. None of above
D. Jelly

The colony of termites is called _____?

A. Termitorium
B. Cage
C. Hive
D. Comb

The insects which spend their lives individually and do not lives in colonies are known as _____?

A. Social insects
B. Solitary insects
C. Gregarious
D. Stored grain insects

These insects which lie in organized colonies or possess cast system is called _____?

A. Social insect
B. Stored grain insect
C. House hold insect
D. None of the above

A population or group of insects composed of a single genotype is called _______?

A. Pilosity
B. Biotype
C. Genotype
D. Phenotype

When some cultivars are resistance and some cultivars are susceptible, when they are infested with same insect biotype such type of resistance is called _____?

A. General resistance
B. Specific resistance
C. Cross resistance
D. Horizontal resistance

A type of resistance in which a series of different cultivars of the same crop are infested with a series of different insect biotype of same species show no differentia intersction, such type of resistance is _____?

A. Specific resistance
B. Horizontal resistance
C. General resistance
D. Cross resistance

Total complete resistance against any adverse condition is called _____?

A. Immunity
B. Tolerance
C. Resistance
D. Plant resistance

It is the tendency of a plant to escape infestation is known as _____?

A. Plant resistance
B. Resistance
C. Pest avoidance
D. Tolerance

Chemicals, which transmit the chemical message, to individual of various species ____?

A. Semio chemicals
B. Allelo chemicals
C. Primers
D. Releasers

Fast acting pheromones and called _____?

A. Releasers
B. Primers
C. Semiochemicals
D. Allelochemicals

Locomotion in response to touch is _____?

A. Chemokinesis
B. Stereokinesis
C. Hydrokinesis
D. Klinokinesis

Iocomotary movement of an organ towards a stimulus, but stimulus does not control direction of the movement is _____?

A. Kinesis
B. Orthokinesis
C. Uniokineses
D. Hydrokinesis

Type of reproduction in which young ones Produced form unfertilized eggs is _____?

A. Parthenogenesis
B. Pacdogenesis
C. Vtviparity
D. Polyenibryony

Which enzyme responsible for the break down of fat and oil _____?

A. Carbohydrates
B. Lipases
C. Proteases
D. non of theses

What is the function of carbohydrates enzymes in insects ______?

A. Sugar breakers
B. Fat and oil breakers
C. Protein breakers
D. Oxygen breakers

Juvenile hormone ensures ____?

A. Causes moulting
B. Larval organism is to be made after moulting
C. Maintains immature forms during larval moults
D. 2nd and 3rd both

The process of periodic shedding of hard secretion cuticle which occurs during developmental stages of insects is called ____?

A. Moulting
B. Ecdysis
C. Exuvium
D. Moulting and Ecdysis

It is a nitrogenous polysaccharides which are more than 50% of substance of cuticle is called _____?

A. Sclerotion
B. Resilin
C. Chitin
D. Cuticulin

Function of Exo cuticle insect is ____?

A. Rigidity of body parts
B. impermeability of water
C. Prevent evaporation
D. Toughness and flexibility

The body wall of insect which includes cuticle, epidermis and basement membrane is _____?

A. Integument
B. Exoskeleton
C. Internal skeleton
D. None of the above

Jumping legs present in grasshopper known as ______?

A. Saltatorial
B. Raptiorial
C. Cursorial
D. Netatiorial

Ants butterflies, wasp, moths have type of legs ______?

A. Basket like
B. Cursorial
C. Netatorial
D. Fossorial

Honey bees with a row of minutes hooks on the anterior wings that catch in to the up-rolled hind border of the fore wing is ____?

A. Frenulum
B. Jugum
C. Retainaculum
D. hamuli

Wings are modified into rod like structure in Thrips are type of wings _____?

A. Membrarieous
B. halteres
C. Stripy
D. Elytra

When the fore wings are modified into halteres. they are called _____?

A. Filohalteres
B. pseudohalteres
C. Halteres
D. Hemelytra

Grasshopper and cockroaches have type of wings is ______?

A. Tegmina
B. Hemelytra
C. Stripy
D. hemelgtra

Type of pupae with appendages are free and no glued to the body is ____?

A. Obtect
B. Coarctate
C. Exarate
D. Platyform

larvae with cylindrical, elongated, narrow body anterionly and with out legs is _____?

A. campo deiform
B. Eruci form
C. Vermiform
D. Scarabaeiform

Campo deiform is type of ______?

A. Larvae
B. Pupae
C. Eggs
D. Naiad

Apical margin of wing of insect is _____?

A. Hinder margin
B. Frontal margin
C. Outer margin
D. Inner margin

The long axis of head is horizontal and in line with insect body, mouth parts directed forward is type of head ____?

A. Prognathous
B. Hypognathous
C. Opisthognathous
D. Opis thosynchous

Costal margin of wing of insect is ____?

A. Frontal margin
B. Outer margin
C. Hinder margin
D. Inner margin

Grass hopper, cricket have mouth parts ____?

A. Biting chewing type
B. Piercing sucking type
C. Chewing lapping type
D. Biting and sponging type

Asymmetrical mouths parts present in ____?

A. Aphid
B. Thrips
C. Housefly
D. None

White files have eggs _____?

A. Elongate
B. Conical
C. Stalked
D. Oval

The ventral selerotized region of insect body is called _?

A. Pleuron
B. Tergum
C. Sternum
D. None of the above

The dorsal sclerotized region of insect body is called ________?

A. Tergum
B. Pleuron
C. Sternum
D. None of the above

The study of functions of different parts of insects is called _____?

A. Insect ecology
B. Insect morphology
C. None of the above
D. Insect Physiology

Three main part of antennae are _______?

A. Scape pedicel, flagellum
B. Ring, funicle, club
C. Scape, club, flagellum
D. Pedicle, scape, club

Insect which are found every where are called _______?

A. Cosmopolitan insects
B. Household insects
C. Store grain
D. None of the above

A free living animal that attack and feed on other organism is called _____?

A. Predator
B. Parasite
C. Scavenger
D. Parasite

Insects which are mainly during evening or morning twilight are called _____?

A. Crepuscular insects
B. Nocturnal insects
C. Diurnal insects
D. None of the above

Insects which are active at night are called _____?

A. Diurnal insects
B. Nocturnal insects
C. Crepuscular insects
D. None of the above

Viviparous insects which produced ______?

A. Eggs
B. Young ones
C. Nymph
D. None of the above

Examples of monophagous insect is _____?

A. Helicoverpa armigera
B. Ants
C. Green lacewing
D. Pectinophora gossypiella (Pink bollworm)

Suffering cause in insects due to lack of food is called __?

A. Aestivation
B. Starvation
C. Dormancy
D. Non of the above

Costal margin of wing of insect is ____?

A. Frontal margin
B. Outer margin
C. Hinder margin
D. Inner margin

Housefly have mouth parts ______?

A. Sponging type
B. Siphoning type
C. Rasping type
D. Piecing sucking type

Butter flies have antennae_____?

A. Capitate
B. Clavate
C. Geniculate
D. Flabellate

The main body regions of insects are called _______?

A. Tagmata
B. Antecosta
C. Acrotergata
D. None of the above

The lateral selertized region of insect body is called ______?

A. Pleuron
B. Tergum
C. Sternum
D. None of the above

House has antennae _______?

A. Aristate
B. Stylate
C. Ensiform
D. Capitate

Male mosquitoes have antennae while female mosquitoes have antennae ____?

A. Aristate, plumose
B. Plumose, pilose
C. Pectinate, Pilose
D. Pectinate, plumose

The study of form and structure of insects are called _______?

A. insect morphology
B. insect physiology
C. insect Ecology
D. No of above

A few species of ants and termites which depend on cultivated plants are ____?

A. Agricultural insects
B. Insect pest
C. Pest
D. None of the above

It is an organism which lives on or within another living organism is called ____?

B. Parasite
C. Predator
D. Parasitoid
E. Scavengers

Insects which are during day light hours are called _____?

A. Diurnal insects
B. Nocturnal insects
C. Crepuscular insects
D. Non of the above

Aphid is example of _____?

A. Oviparous
B. Viviparous
C. Paedogenesis
D. All type of production

Examples of poly phagous insect is _____?

A. Helicoverpa armigera
B. Ants
C. Green lacewing
D. Pink bollworm

Insects feed on one type of food are called _____?

A. Monophagous
B. Polyphagous
C. Omnivorous insects
D. Carnivorous insects

Type of diapause occur in summer or under drought condition is called _______?

A. Dormancy
B. Torpor
C. Aestivation
D. Starvation

The physiological state or arrested metabolism in which development of insects is delayed irrespective of environmental factors is ________?

A. Tor por
B. Quiescence
C. Diapause
D. Hibernation

Young ones of fly is ______?

A. Imago
B. Maggot
C. Grub
D. Puparium

The young ones of exopteryotes butt aquatic in habit is?

A. Naiad
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Adult

Resting stage in endopteryota is called?

A. Larva
B. Adult
C. Pupae
D. Nympth

Insects which develop their wings externally?

A. Exopterygota
B. Endopterygota
C. Apterabola
D. None of the above

______ is a practice of dinning on one’s own species?

A. Cannibalism
B. Hibernation
C. Diapause
D. Non of the above

Any organism which harms or causes damage to man directly or indirectly is called ?

A. Inset pest
B. Pest
C. Agricultural Insect
D. None of the above

Insects belong to class _____?

A. Symphyla
B. Pauropoda
C. Crustacea
D. Hexapoda

The type of diapause which occur in winter is _____?

A. Hibernation
B. Aestivation
C. Stravation
D. Dormancy

The form off insect after complete metamorphosis is _____?

A. Imago
B. Pupa
C. Puparium
D. Grub

The study of insect is called ?

A. Entomology
B. Applied Entomology
C. Zoology
D. Non of the above

Legless larvae of coleopteran having a tiny head and a few sense organs is _____?

A. Maggot
B. Imago
C. Grub
D. None of these

The young ones of hemimetabolous insects or exopteryota which are terrestrial in habbit is _____?

A. Pupa
B. Nymph
C. Larva
D. Naiad

The young one of holemetabola is _____?

A. Nymph
B. Naiad
C. Larvae
D. Pupa

Insects in which the young ones pass through complex or indirect metamorphosis are said to be ___?

A. Hypermetamophosis
B. Holometabola
C. Ametabola
D. Hemimetabola

An abnormal proliferation of plant cells resulting from outside stimulus (Insect, a fungal growth, a mite) is called ?

A. Gall
B. Boring
C. Malformation
D. Malnutrition

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