Election Officer Paper 2021 MCQs

Election Officer Paper 2021 MCQs for preparation.

Objective resolution was passed on ?

  1. 12 march 1947
  2. 12 march 1948
  3. 12 march 1949
  4. 12 march 1956
  5. None of these

The area around the river is known as __?

  1. Doab
  2. Delta
  3. Dalta
  4. Bar
  5. Bela

Mughal Emperor Zahiruddin Babur was buried in which city?

  1. Kabul
  2. Agra
  3. Delhi
  4. Ajmer Sharif
  5. Ferghana

Drinking water quality standards in Pakistan as recommended by _______?

  1. World Bank
  2. Asian Bank
  3. WHO
  4. Ministry of Health
  5. All of these

The Six Books of Hadith are known as ___________?

  1. Kutub e Arbaa
  2. ArbaŹ½een
  3. Usul e Sitta
  4. Siha e Sitta
  5. All of these

“Miraj Shareef” event occurred on:

  1. 8th nabvi
  2. 9th nabvi
  3. 10th nabvi
  4. 11th nabvi
  5. 12th nabvi

Article 10-A, right to fair trial was inserted through ___ amendment

  1. 8th amendment
  2. 10th amendment
  3. 15th amendment
  4. 18th amendment
  5. None of the above

Arafat is gathering is held on _____?

  1. 7 Zil Hajj
  2. 8 Zil Hajj
  3. 9 Zil Hajj
  4. 10 Zil Hajj
  5. All of these

The constituency for all seats reserved for non-Muslim in the national assembly shall be the __ ?

  1. Each Districts
  2. Each Division
  3. Each Province
  4. Whole Country
  5. None of these

The Ridda wars were fought by which Caliph?

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)

The other name of Battle of Badr in the Quran?

  1. Yaum ul Furqan
  2. Yaum ul Fatha
  3. Yaum ul Arfa
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

The Chief Election Commissioner have tenure of ___?

  1. 4 years
  2. 5 years
  3. 6 years
  4. 7 years

Which organism is known as the powerhouse of the cell?

  1. organ powerhouse
  2. cell membrane
  3. cytoplasm
  4. mitochondria

Syed Ahmad Shaheed was martyred in?

  1. 1731
  2. 1831
  3. 1732
  4. 1832
  5. None of these

Fats and Oil are triglycerides the major constituent of lipids overall included the ____?

  1. Triglycerides,
  2. Phospholipids
  3. Sterol
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

The idea of SAARC was initiated by?

  1. Pakistan
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. India
  4. Nepal
  5. Bangladesh

Water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body _____?

  1. vitamins B-complex
  2. vitamin C
  3. vitamin A
  4. vitamin D
  5. Options A & B

Mangrove swamps serve all the following function.

  1. Erosion protection for the coastline
  2. Prevention of Typhoid and hurricane damage
  3. Entrapment of sediment washed off land
  4. Nursery for many aquatic organisms
  5. All of these

In developed countries, the two most deadly sources of indoor pollution are _____?

  1. radon and cigarette smoke
  2. pesticides and cleaning agents
  3. radiation from electronic equipment and pesticides
  4. pesticides and cigarette smoke
  5. All of these

Which of the following is a way to reduce the Traffic noise on the highway?

  1. Increase the speed of the vehicles
  2. Horning in unnecessary time
  3. Using old engine vehicles
  4. Using new engine vehicles
  5. Constructing the vertical barriers

The force which is caused by the rotation of the earth in as perpendicular direction and will therefore change the direction of the wind is called

  1. Radiative Forces
  2. Cyclone
  3. Coriolis Forces
  4. Gravitation Forces
  5. All of these

“Delimitation of local government Constitution” by Election Commission in Pakistan Act, 2017 section 222 was inserted through amendment.

  1. 10th amendment
  2. 18th amendment
  3. 19th amendment
  4. 26th amendment
  5. None of the Above

An Election Official on Duty In Connection With the Election Who Is Guilty Of the Offence under Subsection (1) Shall Be Punished With:

  1. 6 Days or with fine up to 1000 or Both
  2. 6 weeks or with fine up to 10,000 Rupees or Both
  3. 6 Months or with fine up to 100,000 Rupees or Both
  4. 6 Years or with fine up to 100,0000 Rupees or Both
  5. None of these

The parliamentary committee shall be 12 members of out of which __________ shall be from the Senate.

  1. 2/3
  2. 1/3
  3. 1/4
  4. 2/4
  5. None of these

An Appellate Tribunal shall __ decide an appeal filed under subsection (1) within such time as may be notified by the commission and any order passed on the appeal shall be ___?

  1. Summarily
  2. Final
  3. Regular
  4. A & B
  5. A & C

The commission shall also frame a code of conduct for, Except:

  1. Personnel
  2. Media
  3. Security
  4. Election Observers
  5. All of these

Every member of assembly shall submit to the ___, on or before __ each year, a copy of his statement of assets and liabilities.

  1. Commission
  2. Commissioner
  3. Secretary
  4. 31st December
  5. A and D

Commission May exercise contempt of court power in accordance with.

  1. contempt of court Act, 2007
  2. Contempt of Court Act, 2017
  3. Contempt of Court Order, 2005
  4. Contempt of Court Act, 2003
  5. Contempt of Court Order, 2003

Return of the election expenses of the returned candidates can be submitted to the returning officer on:

  1. Form A
  2. Form B
  3. Form C
  4. Form D
  5. None of These

Fatimid caliphate was established in ____?

  1. Turkey
  2. Iraq
  3. Egypt
  4. Hijaz
  5. All of these

Who is the writer of ‘Mediaeval India under Mohammedan rules’?

  1. Stanley Wolpert
  2. Stanley Lockhart
  3. Stanley William
  4. Stanley Lane-Poole
  5. None of these

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