Custom Inspector Past Paper 2021 (BATCH-1) Solved MCQs for preparation.
Partition of Bangal was made by
- Lord Curzon
- Lord wavell
- Lord canning
- King George V
Muhammad Zia Ul Haq became the CMLA of Pakistan in:
- 1977
- 1978
- 1975
- 1976
- 1971
Who wrote an “Essay on life of Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him)”?
- Shah Wali Allah
- Syed Salieman Nadvi
- Liaqat Ali Khan
- Hazrat Ali (R.A)
- Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
Zaboor was revealed on which prophet?
- Hazrat Mossa (a.s)
- Hazrat Issa (a.s)
- Hazrat Dawood (a.s)
- Hazrat Muhammad (a.s)
What is the meaning of Iman Mufassal:
- Prophethood
- The belief in short
- The belief in detail
- All of these
Which Short cut key for opening the font dialog box in Microsoft Word?
- none
When the constitution of 1962 was abrogated?
- 21th March 1968
- 22nd March 1969
- 25th March 1969
- 26th March 1968
- 28th March 1969
General Zia dissolve Assembly assembly according to which article ?
- 60
- 62
- 63
- 58 2 (b)
Short cut key to change font is?
- ctrl+}
- ctrl+{
- Both
- None
What is the default file extension for all Word documents?
- .txts
- .word
- .docs
- .docx
- Dox
Formula in Excell starts with
- +
- –
- =
- [
Second belief of Islam
- Prophet hood
- Oneness of Allah
- books
- Angles
Short cut key Ctrl+k is used for ____ .
- Insert link
- Insert hyperlink
- Formate latters
- None of these
Literal meaning of Aqeeda?
- The tie of knot
- Toheed
- Shirk
- None
Pakistan has been in the grey list of FATF since?
- June 2020
- June 2021
- June 2006
- June 2018
- June 2007
Who is the current president of UN General Assembly?
- Antonio Guterres
- Abdulla Shahid
- Maliha Lodhi
- Csaba Korosi
The Literal meaning of Shirk is ?
- To believe in one
- To Lie
- To Rectify
- Partnership
Which of the following is the biggest Sin in Quran?
- Shirk
- Non performance of Hajj
- Black magic
- None
Who became world’s richest person in 2021 ?
- Elon Musk
- Bill Gates
- Jeff Bezos
- Mark Zuckerberg
Phone me after 8 O’ clock .____ dinner by them
- I’ll finish
- I’ll have been finished
- I’ll have finished
- none
On which place, first Wahi was descended?
- Sore Cave
- Hira Cave
- Khana-Kaaba
- None of them
Give the fundamental beliefs of Islam in the proper order?
- Tauheed, Alhami Kutub, Risalat, and Malaika,
- Tauheed, Risalat, Malaika, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat,
- Tauheed, Risalat, Alhami Kutub, Akhirat and Malaika,
- Tauheed, Milka,Risalat, Alhami Kutub and Akhirat,
- None of these
According to Islam all praises are for
- Allah Almighty
- Prophet Muhammad
- Angles
- None
Short cut key for center align
- Shift +v
- Ctrl+a
- Both
- Ctrl+E
Name of the USA elected president is?
- Donald Trump
- Joe Biden
- Bernie Sanders
- Sir Aneerood Jugnath
MS office is ____?
- Application Software
- Compiler
- programming
- none
MS Word is related to?
- Microsoft
- Hard ware
- Internet
- None
Sovereignty belongs to ____
- Prophet
- Allah
- President
- None
Margin in page Layout is found in which Tab ?
- Home Tab in PPT
- Insert tab
- Animation Tab
- None
Who is the current president of FATF?
- Cristina Couch
- Antonio Gutteres
- Angela Markel
- Dr. Macrus Pleyer
- T. Raja Kumar
Ctrl+= shortcut key___?
- Subscript
- Super script
- Header
- Footer
Trump supporters attack on hill tower on which date
- 6th Jan 2021
- 6th Feb 2021
- 6th March 2021
- None of these
Which country will host 2023 South Asian Federation (SAF) games?
- Srilanka
- India
- Pakistan
The school have 90 male teachers out of 150. What is the percentage of female teacher ?
- 40 %
- 20 %
- 50 %
- None
Which country hosted Navy’s Aman Exercise in 2021 ?
- Pakistan
- Uk
- India
- None
Which is the short key to “find” and “replace” ___?
- Ctrl+S
- Ctrl+H
- Ctrl+K
- None of the above
He arrived ___ to catch the train ?
- On time
- In time
- at time
- none
He —- his job Last week ?
- Left
- Right
- Join
- None
Graphics in MS Word is called ?
- Clip art
- Word Art
- Home menu
- None
Ali is ___ shower for last 15 minute ?
- Taking
- bathing
- all
- none