Custom Inspector Past paper 2021 (BATCH-2) Test Solved MCQs

Custom Inspector Past paper 2021 (BATCH-2) Test Solved MCQs for preparation.

Muslims of subcontinent met the viceroy for demanding separate electorates in which year ?

  1. 1906
  2. 1905 ,
  3. 1908
  4. none

Which Article deals secret balloting?

  1. 229
  2. 225
  3. 220
  4. 226

When did Simon commission arrive in India?

  1. 1928
  2. 1939
  3. 1930
  4. none

According to Which report suggested federal government in India?

  1. Quaid e Azam 14 points
  2. Nehru Report
  3. Act 1909
  4. None

Who is the Current President of Russia?

  1. Vladimir Putin
  2. Xi Jinping
  3. Donald John Trump
  4. none

Act of 1919 also called?

  1. Minto Morley reforms
  2. Montague Chelmsford Reforms
  3. Both
  4. None

The Holy Quran contains ___Makki Surahs and ____ Madani Surahs______?

  1. 88 — 26
  2. 90 — 24
  3. 86 — 28
  4. 100 — 14

When professional footballer Diego Maradona died passed away____?

  1. 5th November 2020
  2. 15th November 2020
  3. 25th November 2020
  4. 14th November 2020

Benazir Second govt dismissed by?

  1. Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari
  2. Ghulam Ishaq
  3. Nawaz Sharif
  4. Pervez Musharraf

Who is the present Emir of Kuwait?

  1. Sheikh Nawaf Al Ahmed
  2. Salman bin Abdul Aziz
  3. Sheikh Mishal
  4. Sheikh Sabah I bin Jaber
  5. None of these

Sanctions against Belarus president imposed Aleksandr Lukashenko imposed on which date?

  1. 6th November 2020
  2. 7th November 2020
  3. 8th November 2020
  4. none

If I ___ hungry, I —– eaten something.

  1. get have
  2. Had been , would have
  3. Have been , have
  4. None

Iran Afghanistan railway started on?

  1. 20th December 2020
  2. 30th December 2020
  3. 10th December 2020
  4. none

I ran ten kilometres with out

  1. Stopping
  2. stopped
  3. none
  4. stop

Which organization suggest consortium for digital currency?

  1. IMF
  2. WEF
  3. OIC
  4. none

Pakistan presented dossier against India to p5 on?

  1. 18th November 2020
  2. 19th November 2020
  3. 14th November 2020
  4. none

OIC foreign ministers conference will held in?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Pakistan
  3. Turkey
  4. None

Name the second country who has hoisted flag on moon?

  1. India
  2. China
  3. UK
  4. USA

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