CSS Complete Solved Paper 2022 MCQs for preparation.
Pakistan Resolution was passed in?
- 4 March 1945
- 23 March 1940
- 12 March 1948
- 28 March 1947
Pakistan has borders with _______ and _____.
- Saudi Arabia/Iraq
- China/Iran
- Yemen/Qatar
- Canada/USA
- None of these
There are _______ federating units in Pakistan.
- Four
- Six
- Three
- Eight
- Ten
Who is the head of the state of Pakistan?
- Prime Minister
- Chief Justice
- President
- Army Chief
- Attorney General
FATA was merged with KPK under which constitutional amendment?
- 22nd
- 23rd
- 24th
- 25th
- None of these
During Ayoub era, presidential elections held in:
- 1950
- 1955
- 1960
- 1965
- 1970
Pakistan became member of United Nation on _____
- 30 Sep 1947
- 30 Sep 1948
- 30 Sep 1949
- None of these
What is the name of Islamic constitutional organization of the Government of Pakistan ?
- Pakistan Sharia Council
- Islamic Ideology council
- Islamic economic council
- None
Who became President of Pakistan after Ayub Khan?
- Mr. Z.A Bhutto
- Mr. Pervez Musharaf
- Mr. Fazl Elahi Choudhary
- Gen. Yahya Khan
- Justice Rafique Tarar
Geographically, Pakistan is located in which of the following regions?
- North Asia
- South Asia
- Central Asia
- None of these
A polygon which consist of 8 sides is called :
- Nonagon
- Decagon
- Octagon
- None
Which is the longest surah in the Holy Quran_?
- Kousar
- Baqarah
- Al Imran
- None of the abov
OIC Stands for:
- Organization of Islamic Cooperation
- Organization of Islamic Coordination
- Organization Upper Islamic Cooperation
- Organization of Islamic Cooperative
- None of the
he gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is___________?
- Nitrogen
- Carbon Dioxide
- Methane
- Ammonia
- None of these
Choose the correct one —-
- A cat can see in the darkness
- The cat can see in the darkness
- A cat can see into the darkness
- None
______ will be the next leap year.
- 2022
- 2023
- 2024
- 2025
- 2026
The wealth or property left by deceased is called ?
- Taraka
- Sadaqa
- Asaba
- None
The Namaz e Janaza is ___
- Farz e Kaffaya
- Sunnat
- Wajab
- None
What is the real name of Imam Abu Hanifa ?
- abit bin Numan
- Numan bin sabit
- Muhammad bin Numan
- None
What are Hanfi, Malki, Shafi a
- Creed based doctrines
- Fiqhi doctrines
- Kalmi doctrines
- None
Social Boycott of Banu Hashim was continued for ___ years
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 8
FATF stands for?
- Financial Action Task Force
- Financial Action Tast Force
- Financial Action Task Free
- None
The instrument used to measure blood pressure is:
- E.C.G
- Tethoscope
- Sphygmomanometer
- Arm band
- None of these
Meesaq-e-Madina was signed between?
- Muslims & Christians
- Muslims & Hindus
- Muslims & French
- Muslims & Jews
USB stands for ___ :
- Universal serial Bussiness
- Universal Serial Bus
- Universal Secondary Bus
- Unary Serial Bus
Under Indus Water Treaty which of the following rivers were given to Pakistan?
- Indus, Jhelum and Chenab
- Ravi and Indus
- Indus and Jhelum
- Chenab and Ravi
- None of the above
The planet that moves around the Sun at the highest speed is_________?
- Mercury
- Jupiter
- Venus
- Mars
- All Of These
The antonym of ‘Clandestine’ is?
- Spontaneous
- Unresolved
- Inadvertent
- Open
- All of these
Life of red blood cells ____ days :
- 120
- 130
- 112
- 110
How many head of zakat?8
- 7
- 6
- 4
- 8
How many clauses did the treaty of Hudaybiyyah contain?
- 7
- 5
- 3
- none
Pakistan first issued national identity card ?
- 1947
- 1956
- 1962
- 1973
Benazir Bhutto became the first female prime minister of Pakistan in ?
- 1988
- 1999
- 1977
- 2000