Important Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF to make your daily work life less hectic and more productive.
MS Excel Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
Important basic shortcut keys of ms excel for excel daily user to make their job more easy and timeless. All these Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF of MS Excel are an important part of daily routine.
Action in Spreadsheet
Opens the Help menu
Can edit the selected cell
Repeat the last action
Go to a specific cell
Spell check selected text
Create chart
Save as Option
Ctrl + D
Fill down the cell in selection
Ctrl + H
Find and Replace
Ctrl + K
Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + P
Print the Sheet
Ctrl + S
Save the Open Sheet
Ctrl + W
Close the Workbook
Ctrl + Y
Repeat the last action
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action
Ctrl + 0
Hide Selected Columns
Ctrl + 9
Hide Selected Rows
Ctrl + Shift + (
Unhide the rows
Ctrl + Shift + )
Unhide the Columns
Alt + Shift + F1
Insert new worksheet
Shift + F3
Open the formula box
Shift + F5
Open the search box
Ctrl + F9
Minimize current window
Ctrl + F10
Maximize the selected window
Ctrl + F6
Switch between open workbooks
Ctrl + Tab
Move between open Excel® files
Ctrl + Shift + ;
Enter the current time
Ctrl + ;
Enter the current date
Ctrl + Spacebar
Selects the entire column
Shift + F2
Edit a cell comment
Alt + F4
Exit from Excel
MS PowerPoint Shortcut keys
Open the help
Start the PPT slide show
Ctrl + N
Create a new presentation
Ctrl + S
Save the open presentation
Ctrl + M
Add a new Slide
Alt + N
Insert a picture
Alt + G
Select a theme design
Alt + H
Move to the Home tab
Ctrl + B
Bold Selected Text
Ctrl + C
Copy Selected Text
Ctrl + D
Duplicate the Slide
Ctrl + E
Align the Text in center
Ctrl + F
Open the find box
Ctrl + H
In slide show hide the cursor
Ctrl + O
Open a dialog box
Ctrl + P
Print View
Ctrl + T
Font Size, Style and Shape
Ctrl + Y
Redo the last action
Ctrl + Z
Undo the last action
Ctrl+ [
Decrease selected font size
Ctrl + ]
Increase selected font size
Shift + F3
Change Upper/Lower text case
Alt + F
Open File Menu
Alt + K
Open the Transitions tab
Alt + A
Open the Animations tab
Ctrl + H
Open the replace dialog box
Page UP Arrow
Move to the previous slide
Page down Arrow
Move to the next slide
Esc Button
End the Slide Show
Ctrl + Q
Close PowerPoint Window
MS PowerPoint Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
MS Words Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
Keyboard Shortcut
Action Done in MS Word
Ctrl + A
Select all text
Ctrl + X
Cut selected item
Ctrl + C
Copy selected item
Ctrl + V
Paste selected item
Ctrl + S
Save a document
Ctrl + B
Bold Selected Text
Ctrl + I
Make your Text italic
Under Line Text
Increase font size +1 point
Decrease font size -1 point
Ctrl + E
Align Text in Center
Ctrl + L
Align text Left
Ctrl + R
Align text Right
Ctrl + Z
Undo last action
Ctrl + N
Open a new blank document
Ctrl + F
Open find box
Ctrl + P
Open the print window
Ctrl + K
Insert a web link in a word or a Phrase
Ctrl + H
Find and replace a word
Ctrl + J
Justify paragraph alignment
Ctrl + M
Left Indent the paragraph
Ctrl + Q
Remove selected paragraph’s formatting
Ctrl + Y
Redo the last action performed
Ctrl + D
Font Option (body, style, size)
Ctrl + W
Close the window
Ctrl + 1
Single Space Between Line
Ctrl + 5
1.5-line spacing
Ctrl + Space
Reset highlighted text to default font
Ctrl + Alt + 1
Change texts to heading 1
Ctrl + Alt + 2
Change texts to heading 2
Spell check selected text
Save as Option
Open help Option
Repeat the last action
Shift + F3
Change Selected Text Case (Capital, Small)
Switch between open MS Windows Document
Find the misspelling or grammatical error
Opens menu (work same as right-click)
Shift + Home
Select from current position to beginning of line
Select from current position to end of line
Alt + Ctrl + P
Switch to Print Layout view
Alt + Ctrl + O
Switch to Outline view
Alt + Ctrl + N
Switch to Draft view
Alt + Ctrl + I
Switch to print preview
Ctrl + Shift + F
Change options for font
Ctrl + Shift + >
Increase selected font size +1
Ctrl + Shift + <
Decrease selected font size -1
Alt + Ctrl + F
Insert a footnote
Alt + Ctrl + D
Insert an endnote
Shift+ Alt + T
Insert the Current time
Shift + Alt + D
Insert the Current Date
Exit from MS Word
MS Words Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
MS Office Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
Cursor Move
Go to beginning of current line
Ctrl + Home
Go to beginning of document
Go to end of current line in document
Ctrl + End
Go to end of document
Ctrl + Left Arrow
Move One word to the left
Ctrl + Right Arrow
Move One word to the right
Left Arrow
Move One character to the left
Right Arrow
Move One character to the right
Ctrl +Up Arrow
One Paragraph up
Ctrl + Down Arrow
One Paragraph down
Alt + Ctrl + Page Up
Move To the top of the Document
Alt + Ctrl + Page Down
Move To the end of the Document
Ctrl + Page Up
To the top of the previous page
Ctrl + Page Down
To the top of the next page
Turn on Extend mode for arrow Keys
Shift + Page Down
Extend a selection one page down
Shift + Page Up
Extend a selection one screen up
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow
One word selection to the right
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow
One word selection to the left
Shift + Down Arrow
Extend a selection one line down
Shift + Up Arrow
Extend a selection one line up
Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
Extend a selection to the end of a paragraph
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
Extend a selection to the beginning of a paragraph.
MS Office Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
MS Office Deletions Computer Shortcut Keys
Delete one character to the left
Ctrl + Delete
Delete word to right of cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace
Delete word to left of cursor.
Delete one character to the left
Shift + Delete
Delete files permanently without placing in recycle bin.
MS Office Deletions Computer Shortcut Keys
MICROSOFT® Windows User® (Browser) Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
Keyboard Command
Action in Browser
Alt + Tab
Switch between open applications
Alt + Shift + Tab
Switch backwards between open applications
Alt + F4
Close current open program
Alt + F
File menu options in current program
Alt + E
Edit options in current program
Ctrl + Alt + Del
Reboot/Windows® task manager
Alt + Esc
Switch between applications on taskbar
Ctrl + Esc
Bring up start menu
Opens task manager
Move through property tabs
Opens context menu (same as right-click)
Refresh Browser
Browser Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF
WINKEY Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF:
WINKEY (Window Symbol on Keyboard) SHORTCUTS Keys:
Lock the computer
Minimize all windows
Bring desktop to the top of other window
Display the Microsoft® Windows® help
Open the run window
Open Microsoft Explorer
⊞ WINKEY + Tab
Cycle through open programs on taskbar
Display the search for computers window
Open utility manager
WINKEY Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF:
Microsoft Outlook Shortcut keys
Shortcut Keys
Action Done
Alt + S
Send a message
Alt + H
Go to Home Tab
Alt + N
Insert a new file
Alt + H, (R, P)
Reply to message
Alt + F
Forward Message
F3 or Ctrl + E
Open Search Bar
Ctrl + Shift + K
Open New Task
Ctrl + 2
Go to Calendrer
Alt + J
Go to Send/Receive tab
F9 or Ctrl + M
Check new messages
Ctrl + Shift + M
Create Message
Ctrl + 1
Go to Mail View
Ctrl + 3
Go to the Contact
Alt + O
Open Folder Tab
Ctrl + Shift + A
Create Appointment
Ctrl + Shift + E
Create Folder
Ctrl + Shift + X
Create a fax
Alt + P
Print an item
Alt + D
Color categories dialog
Alt + F11
Open Visual Basic Editor
Alt + A
Open menu list
Ctrl + 4
Tasks view
Ctrl + Y
Go to a different folder
Alt + R
Go to Reply button
Ctrl + 5
Go to the Notes
Ctrl + 8
Open Journal
Alt + B
Back to previous view
Tab or F6
Move b/w Outlook window
Delete task/message etc
Close a menu
Microsoft Outlook Computer Shortcut Keys A to Z PDF