B.ED Pedagogy MCQs

B ED pedagogy mcqs for master and bachelor of education test preparation online.

B ED Pedagogy MCQs

To read the lesson before teaching it is called _____?

A. Measurement
B. Teaching practice
C. Preparation
D. Lesson plan

Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is?

A. 75 %
B. 50 %
C. 34%
D. None

The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called __?

A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence

Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as ______?

A. Average
B. Below average
C. Above average
D. All

Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to ______?

A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence

Without suitable curriculum, aims of education?

A. Can be achieved
B. Cannot be achieved
C. Can be changed
D. None

Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?

A. Designing
B. Implementing
C. Evaluating
D. All

Which one is not the component of the curriculum?

A. Design
B. Evaluation
C. Curriculum design
D. Abilities

Who is considered as “Father of Education”?

A. Maxwell
B. Horace Mann
C. Aristotle
D. All of these

During the teaching-learning process, peer assessment, in addition to Exit Tickets/Slips are performed in:________?

A. Diagnostic Assessment
B. Summative Assessment
C. Formative Assessment
D. Placement Assessment

A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child_________?

A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence

Detailed contents of the subjects for a class are called _____?

A. Course
B. Behavior
C. Design
D. Logical sequence

The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is _____?

A. Core curriculum
B. Activity curriculum
C. Subject curriculum
D. None

The concise Oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a ____?

A. Course of learning
B. Chariot race course
C. Course of study
D. None

The scope of curriculum include ______?

A. Programme of studies
B. Programme of Activites
C. Programme of Guidance
D. All

Intelligence level of gifted student is _____?

A. 140 and above
B. 110
C. 90
D. None

Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is ____?

A. Activity
B. Subject
C. Integrated
D. All of these

Component of curriculum is ______?

A. Evaluation
B. Objectives
C. Teaching strategies
D. All of these

Learning means _____?

A. Change in behavior
B. Teaching process
C. Curriculum
D. None

Curriculum is supposed to _______?

A. Achieve the objectives
B. Be organized by the school
C. Both
D. None

The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a ____?

A. Constitution in a country
B. Provision of latest knowledge
C. Preparation of students for service
D. None

Relationship of subjects at different level is called ____?

A. Centralization
B. De centralization
C. Horizontal organization
D. Vertical organization

Syllabus is a part of _____?

A. Student
B. School
C. Parents
D. Curriculum

curriculum provides guidance for ______?

A. Student
B. School
C. Parents
D. Teacher

Which of the following is the nature of curriculum?

A. Conservative
B. Critical
C. Creative
D. All of these

Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination?

A. Objectivity
B. Classroom
C. Affective
D. Students

Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistani is _____?

A. Objectivity
B. Curriculum wing
C. Affective
D. Students

Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the _______?

A. Objectivity
B. Classroom
C. Affective
D. Students

What is Curriculum?

A. Overall activities of an Institution
B. Objectivity
C. Classroom
D. Affective

Under wood Dispatch in 1857, three universities established were_________?

A. Bombay , Calcutta , Madras
B. Karachi
C. Peshawar
D. Lahore

The amount set apart by East India Company for educational purpose was RS________?

A. 100000
B. 15000
C. 1400
D. 12000

According to charter Act 1813, education was the responsibility of _____?

A. Governor
B. East India company
C. Madarus
D. Local Govt

The focus of national education policy 1978 was on ____?

A. Islamic values
B. Ideology of Pakistan
C. Both a and b
D. None

Open University was established under the policy?

A. 1972
B. 1985
C. 1964
D. 1932

Under National Education Policy 1972, free education was recommended up-to class?

A. 5
B. 12
C. 10
D. 18

Private educational institutions were nationalized under _____?

A. Education conference 1947
B. National Education commission 1959
C. National education policy 1970
D. Natural education policy 1972

National Education Policy 1970 was headed by _____?

A. Fazal ur Rehman
B. S.M Sharif
C. Noor khan
D. Abdul Hafeez Pirzada

Text Book Board was recommended to establish under ____?

A. Education conference 1947
B. National Education commission 1959
C. National education policy 1970
D. Natural education policy 1972

Objectives of education under National Education Commission 1959 were _____?

A. Spritual values
B. Ideology of pakistan
C. Development of individuality
D. All of the above

National Education Commission 1959 was established under the headship of ____?

A. Fazal ur Rhman
B. Liaqatali khan
C. S.M Sharif
D. Abdul rub nishtar

Council of Technical Education was recommended to establish under ____?

A. Education conference 1947
B. National Education commission 1959
C. National education policy 1970
D. Natural education policy 1972

The first head of the Deoband was ______?

A. Maulana shah waliullah
B. Maulana M. Yaqub Nanautwi
C. MaulanaMehmoodul Hassan
D. ShabirAhmandUsmani

Expected life outcomes from education are referred as ____?

A. Learning
B. Evaluation
C. Aims
D. Pedagogy

Every system of education is based on ______?

A. Ideology of nation
B. Social development
C. Intellectual development
D. Skill development

The first ever International day of Education was celebrated on ____ announced by the United Nations General Assembly?

A. 24 Jan 2019
B. 25 Jan 2019
C. 26 Jan 2019
D. 31 Jan 2019

The process with the help of which the students are divided into high / low achievers is?

A. Measurement
B. Exam
C. Evaluation
D. Test

Women are better teacher at primary level because ____?

A. they behave more patiently with children
B. they are ready to work
C. higher qualification is not needed
D. they have less chances in other profession

A teacher should be ____?

A. Honest
B. Diligent
C. Dutiful
D. Punctual

Teaching will be effective if the teacher:

A. Starts from what students know already
B. Is a master of the subject?
C. Uses many instructional aids
D. Has much experience

Why will you ask questions from students during the course of a lecture?

A. To learn which one of the students is the brightest one
B. Are the students carefully listening to your lecture?
C. To learn whether students are understanding (the lecture) or not
D. To assists the students

Character is developed by?

A. Willpower
B. Conduct and behavior
C. Morality
D. All of the above

The main objective of child centered teaching method is?

A. To develop the learning abilities in children in free way
B. To develop the skills in children
C. To develop independence in students
D. All of the above

What a teaching method is?

A. An art
B. A science
C. Both art and science
D. Can’t say

The meaning of teaching method is?

A. Style Of Teaching
B. Way Of Teaching
C. Art Of Teaching
D. Substitution Of The Knowledge From Outer World Into Child’s Intellect

Which Is Not The Advantage Of Team Teaching?

A Better Utilization Of Resources
B. Better Planning
C. Better Use Of Teaching Techniques
D. Better Financial Benefits Of Teacher

Mother is the _____ academy of a child?

A. Social
B. Natural
C. Optional
D. First

Which of the following is NOT an informal assessment?

A. Assignment
B. Observation
C. Rating scales
D. Discussion

Realistic Education system supports the ______ progress.

A. Natural
B. Social
C. Scientific
D. Technical

The main aim of classroom teaching is _____?

A. To give information
B. To develop inquiring mind
C. To develop personality of students
D. To help students pass examinations

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