Assistant Anti Corruption 11-10-2020 MCQs

Assistant Anti Corruption 11-10-2020 MCQs for preparation.

Which country has maximum languages?

  1. Papua New Guinea
  2. Phalidiphia
  3. India
  4. Pakistan

Which country has maximum glaciers other than polar glaciers?

  1. Pakistan
  2. India
  3. American
  4. Canada

PIA first flight

  1. 1960
  2. 1950
  3. 1968
  4. 1955

Pakistan made J F 17 thunder with collaboration of

  1. China
  2. USA
  3. Canada
  4. Turkey

Musharraf was come back from Which country?

  1. China
  2. Uk
  3. USA
  4. Srilanka

What is the Circumference of Earth?

  1. 40,075 km
  2. 450000 km
  3. 30000 km
  4. 50, 075 km
  5. None of these

Synonyms of ambiguous

  1. Unclear
  2. Clear
  3. Clean
  4. None

Which of the following is the capital of USA?

  1. New York
  2. Phalidiphia
  3. Washington DC
  4. None

Ghazwa e Tabook was fought in the year:

  1. 9 Hijri
  2. 7 Hijri
  3. 10 Hijri
  4. 6 Hijri
  5. None of these

The Life spam of white blood cells?

  1. 13-20
  2. 14-15
  3. 15-30
  4. 10-40

Where SAARC summit was held in 2004?

  1. Karachi
  2. Katmandu
  3. Dhaka
  4. Islamabad

What is the second name of Ghazwa e Khandak?

  1. Ghazwa e Ahzab
  2. Ghazwa e Tabook
  3. Ghazwa e Badr
  4. None

Who was the slave of Hazrat Khadija?

  1. Mysra
  2. Bilal
  3. Both
  4. None

Who was the pupils of Imam Abu Hanifa?

  1. Abu yousaf
  2. Imam Muhammad
  3. Both
  4. None

Stethoscope was invented by ?

  1. Rene Laennec
  2. William harway
  3. Both
  4. None

When Pakistan joined WTO?

  1. 1999
  2. 1988
  3. 1978
  4. 1995
  5. 2004

Humidity in the air was measured by

  1. Barometer
  2. Hygrometer
  3. Both
  4. None

Which of the following scientific instruments is used to measure the atmospheric pressure?

  1. Odometer
  2. Barometer
  3. Seismograph
  4. Audiometer

War of independence end in

  1. 1858
  2. 1857
  3. 1888
  4. 1856

Synonyms of bravery

  1. Fearless
  2. Flawless
  3. Both
  4. None

Iron cross was highest Millatry award of which country?

  1. Germany
  2. Uk
  3. China
  4. Turkey

In which country Great Buddha of Kamakura located?

  1. Israel
  2. Japan
  3. Uk
  4. USA

Which province of Pakistan has highest COVID-19 cases?

  1. Kpk
  2. Gilgat
  3. Punjab
  4. Sindh

How many members of NAM ?

  1. 130
  2. 140
  3. 120
  4. 150

What is the meaning of Israel?

  1. God contends
  2. God not contends
  3. Both
  4. None

Tasmania island is located in which country?

  1. Austria
  2. Australia
  3. Uk
  4. USA

There are about___glaciers in the world?

  1. 198000
  2. 195000-200000
  3. 198000-200000
  4. None

Sudai generalist killed in which country?

  1. Turkey
  2. India
  3. Pakistan
  4. China

What is the opposite word of “Vicinity”____?

  1. Distance
  2. Remoteness
  3. Separation
  4. Neighborhood

Which countries have banned Huawei 5g ?

  1. Usa
  2. Uk
  3. China
  4. All

Samjhota express bomb blast occur in which year?

  1. 2007
  2. 2008
  3. 2009
  4. 2010

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