ASF Corporal Past Paper 2022 Solved for the preparation of ASF test preparation online.

Currency of Ukraine is:

  • Hryvnia
  • Lira
  • Tolar
  • Rubble

The capital of Thailand is:

  • Mexico
  • Bangkok
  • Tokyo
  • Dhaka

Which city is the capital of china?

  • Beijing
  • New York
  • Islamabad
  • Istanbul

The capital of Canada is _____ ?

  • Ottawa
  • Tokyo
  • New Delhi
  • London

The currency of Algeria is ?

  • Franc
  • Dinar
  • Dollar
  • Suham

K-2 is the second highest peak in the world is located along the border of Pakistan and :

  • China
  • India
  • Bangladish
  • Iran
  • Afghanistan

During which year the first World War was started ___?

  • 1912
  • 1913
  • 1914
  • 1915

Guddu thermal power plant is located in which district of Sindh ?

  • Kashmore
  • Sanghar
  • Sahiwal
  • None

where is Kalash valley?

  • KPK
  • Sindh
  • Baluchistan
  • None

Guddu thermal power plant is located in which district of Sindh ?

  • Kashmore
  • Sanghar
  • Sahiwal
  • None

where is Kalash valley?

  • KPK
  • Sindh
  • Baluchistan
  • None

What was the occupation of Hazrat Dawood alaihis salaam?

  • He made and sold armour.
  • Agriculture
  • Raise goats and sheep
  • None

In 14 hijri battle of _____ took place

  • Yarmuk
  • Mota
  • Khaiber
  • None

What is a cell?

  • largest and basic unit of life
  • smallest and basic unit of life
  • smallest and advanced unit of life
  • None

0.024 + 0.024/250

  • 0.024096
  • 0.024095
  • 0.024099
  • None

____ was the founder and first Emperor of the great Mughal dynasty in India.

  • Babur
  • Akbar
  • Shah Jahan
  • None

____ rules apply to ASF Officers and members as Punishments and Rewards?

  • ASF Act, 1975
  • Pakistan Army Act, 1952
  • Aviation Division rules
  • ASF (Amendment) Ordinance 1984

SAARC stands for __?

  • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  • South American Association for Regional Cooperation
  • Small Agricultural Association for Regional Cooperation
  • South Asia Association for Railway Cooperation
  • All of these

Which is the third fundamental pillar of Islam?

  • Zakat
  • Hajj
  • Fasting
  • None of the above

Area wise second largest province of Pakistan is?

  • Baluchistan
  • Punjab
  • Sindh
  • None of these

How many Madni Surahs are there?

  • 44
  • 88
  • 28
  • None of these

Area wise second largest province of Pakistan is?

  • Baluchistan
  • Punjab
  • Sindh
  • None of these

How many Madni Surahs are there?

  • 44
  • 88
  • 28
  • None of these

How many members are there in UNO ?

  • 193
  • 192
  • 194
  • None of these

What was the age of Holy Prophet when his mother died?

  • 6
  • 4
  • 3
  • 8

How many member nations UNESCO has

  • 188
  • 193
  • 185
  • 195

Who is referred in the Quran as Roh-al-Ameen

  • Hazart Jibrael (AS)
  • Hazart Mekael (AS)
  • Hazart Izrael (AS)
  • Hazart Israfeel (AS)

Jalianwala Bagh massacre took place in the year of:

  • 1909
  • 1919
  • 1929
  • None of these

Simla deputation took place in

  • 1906
  • 1908
  • 1909
  • 1910

OPEC is an organization for

  • Peace
  • Scientific research
  • Aviation industry
  • None

Our body needs vitamin D for:

  • Immune System Health
  • Healthy Skin
  • Proper absorption of Calcium, stored in bones
  • All of the above

OPEC is an organization for

  • Peace
  • Scientific research
  • Aviation industry
  • None

Our body needs vitamin D for:

  • Immune System Health
  • Healthy Skin
  • Proper absorption of Calcium, stored in bones
  • All of the above

Main function of ASF at airport is to safeguard

  • unlawful interference's
  • adopting counter terrorism measures
  • preventing crime and maintaining law
  • All

The ASF was established in ___ ?

  • 1975
  • 1976
  • 1947
  • 1988

The atomic number of sodium is 11. Then the number of electrons in sodium ion is _?

  • 10
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14

The headquarter of OPEC is located in:

  • Vienna
  • Brussels
  • Berlin
  • Riyadh

Currency of South Korea?

  • Rupee
  • won
  • Krone
  • Dollar

Gomal Zam Dam is in which province?

  • Baluchistan
  • Sindh
  • Punjab
  • KPK

The most abundant element in earth crust is:

  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Ozone
  • Oxygen
  • Both A & B
  • None of these

Non-permanent member of the security council of UN are __

  • 5
  • 10
  • 193
  • 15

The Current Chairman of Senate of Pakistan is?

  • Ahsan iqbal
  • Dr.zafar Iqbal
  • Raza Rabbani
  • Sadiq Sanjrani

Pakistan became a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on __?

  • 1st June 2017
  • 5th June 2017
  • 7th June 2017
  • 9th June 2017

What is the chemical name of bleaching powder?

  • Calcium hypochlorite
  • Sodium chloride
  • Both
  • None

Which country defeated Pakistan in Asia Cup on 28 August 2022?

  • Australia
  • England
  • New Zealand
  • India
  • Bangladesh

Who was the third governor general of Pakistan?

  • Ghulam Muhammad
  • Jinnah
  • Sikandar Ali Mirza
  • none of the above

First school at ____ was established by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

  • Lahore
  • Hyderabad
  • Muradabad
  • None

___ is the world's highest value currency

  • Kuwaiti Dinar
  • Turkish Lira
  • Dollar
  • Euro

Solve: 0.00025+0.285*250=?

  • 73.25025
  • 72.25025
  • 71.00025
  • 71.25025

In periodic table symbol for Gold is ?

  • Au
  • Ag
  • S
  • None

correct spelling of announcement , anouncement ,anouncement

  • Announcement
  • anouncement
  • anouncement
  • None

ASF service rules framed in

  • 1967
  • 1998
  • 1980
  • 1978

Fencing security wall around the airport is built to stop

  • Animal
  • Terrorists
  • illegal entry
  • all of these

How many official working languages are recognized by UNO ?

  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

What is a synonym famine?

  • drought
  • poverty
  • misery
  • All

What is the old name of Attock?

  • Campbellpur
  • Shalkot
  • NeroonKot
  • None of these

Read More: ASF ASI Paper 2022


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