ASF ASI Past Paper Test Solved 20-12-2023 MCQs

ASF ASI Past Paper Test Solved 20-12-2023 MCQs for preparation.

Quaid-e-Azam died of which disease?

  1. kidney failure
  2. tuberculosis
  3. lung cancer
  4. none of these

Lahore resolution was passed on ______?

  1. 14 March 1945
  2. 23 March 1940
  3. 12 March 1948
  4. 28 March 1947

Lahore resolution was passed on _____?

  1. 14 March 1945
  2. 23 March 1940
  3. 12 March 1948
  4. 28 March 1947

X-rays have been discovered by ______?

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
  3. Thomson
  4. Ernest Rutherford
  5. None of these

A fire man jumped ________ window.

  1. over
  2. in
  3. about
  4. out

The Muslim historian and thinker, Ibn Khuldun, was born in ___________?

  1. Syria
  2. Egypt
  3. Tunisia
  4. None of these

“Kindergarten” refer to _______?

  1. a nursery school
  2. a small garden
  3. a children playground
  4. none of these

In which year Pakistan won the T-20 World Cup?

  1. 2009
  2. 2010
  3. 2007
  4. none of these

Ethiopia was earlier known as _______?

  1. Christina
  2. Formas
  3. Abyssinia
  4. None pf these

Which river is often mentioned in the Bible?

  1. Colorado
  2. Ganges
  3. Jordan
  4. None of these

Status quo (choose the most appropiate similar wor)

  1. the same state as before
  2. adverse condition
  3. don’t write in this way
  4. none of these

Pima Facie (choose the most appropiate similar wor)

  1. human nature
  2. at first view
  3. valuable
  4. none of these

Nostalgic ( choose the most appropriate similar word )

  1. healthy
  2. angry
  3. homesick
  4. none of these

‘Burj al Khalifa’ the tallest standing structure at present is located in ____?

  1. Jeddah
  2. Cairo
  3. Doha
  4. None of these

Sohni Mahiwal is written by _______?

  1. Fazal Shah Sayyad
  2. Khawaja Khan
  3. Ishaq Shamim
  4. Hafiz Barkhurdar

Ghazwa Tabook was fought between ______?

  1. Jews and Muslim
  2. Kufar e makkah and Muslim
  3. Romans and Muslim
  4. None of these

17% is 51 = ?

  1. 100
  2. 120
  3. 200
  4. 300

5.9 x 40 ——-?

  1. 220
  2. 236
  3. 230
  4. none of these

367 is decreased how much from 400?

  1. 20
  2. 33
  3. 40
  4. none of these

10 machines complete work in 5 days, 5 machines would complete in —– days.

  1. 7 days
  2. 9 days
  3. 10 days
  4. none of these

12 men can work in 24 days how can doing the 8 men same work on which days?

  1. 34 days
  2. 36 days
  3. 40 days
  4. none of these

Aurangzeb died in ____?

  1. 1689
  2. 1701
  3. 1707
  4. none of these

Timbuktu is a city of _____?

  1. Niger
  2. Mali
  3. Cuba
  4. Congo
  5. Sudan

Thomas Cup is associated with which game?

  1. squash
  2. badminton
  3. hockey
  4. none of these

Most brightest planet is ______?

  1. sun
  2. mercury
  3. venus
  4. none of these

The age of the earth is ____?

  1. 3.5 million
  2. 4.54 million
  3. 4.5 billion
  4. none of these

Opposite of “Deluge”.

  1. flood
  2. torrent
  3. drought
  4. none of these

Which city is called the city of mosques (Masjid)?

  1. Peshawar
  2. Lahore
  3. Dhaka
  4. Delhi

Dr. Abdul Salam won the Nobel Prize for the subject of:

  1. Biology
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Physics
  5. All of these

Guddu thermal power plant is located in which district of Sindh?

  1. Kashmore
  2. Sanghar
  3. Sahiwal
  4. None

When State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) was inaugurated_______?

  1. 1st July 1947
  2. 1st August 1947
  3. 1st July 1948
  4. 1st August 1948

This is the best _______we can do

  1. that
  2. which
  3. of
  4. none

Quaid e Azam joined All India Muslim League in :

  1. 1908
  2. 1909
  3. 1907
  4. 1913

Namaz-e-Kasoof is offered at the time of ____?

  1. earthquake
  2. Lunar eclipse
  3. Solar eclipse
  4. heavy rain
  5. None of these

What is Big Ben?

  1. A galaxy of stars on the sky
  2. The world’s first railway engine
  3. Clock at British parliament building
  4. The world’s highest tower in Tokyo
  5. None of these

Vasco de Gama was a native of _______?

  1. Portugal
  2. Spain
  3. Greece
  4. United Kingdom

Which of the following lies in the South of Pakistan?

  1. Indian Ocean
  2. China
  3. Arabian Sea
  4. Strait of Humoz
  5. All of these

Ghazwa Mota took place in ____?

  1. Makkah
  2. Hijaz
  3. Madina
  4. Taif
  5. None of these

When Hajj was made compulsory?

  1. 8 A.H
  2. 7 A.H
  3. 10 A.H
  4. 9 A.H

Alexander invaded India in ____?

  1. 327 BC
  2. 527 BC
  3. 424 BC
  4. 261 BC

Sui gas was discovered in which year?

  1. 1956
  2. 1952
  3. 1955
  4. 1977

Which day Pakistani celebrate on 5th February ?

  1. Quaid-e-Azam Day
  2. Kashmir Solidarity Day
  3. Union Parishad Polls
  4. Defense Day

One nautical mile is equal to.

  1. 570 feet
  2. 5970 feet
  3. 6076 feet
  4. 6800 feet
  5. None of these

What is the most opposite word of “Harmony”?

  1. Riots
  2. peace
  3. shield
  4. dimand

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