ASF ASI Corporal 5 Years Past Papers From 2016 To Till Time MCQs for preparation.
Who is the Current Director-General (DG) of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)?
- Lt. Gen. Asif Ghafoor
- Lt. Gen. Nadeem Anjum
- Lt. Gen. Faiz Hameed
- None of these
Oldest human right organization”
- World Bank
- Anti-slavery International
When was Benazir First Government was elected
- 2 Dec 1988
- 2 January 1988
- 2 Feb. 1988
- none of these
When the second Martial Law was imposed in Pakistan?
- ctober 7, 1958
- March 25, 1969
- December 25, 1970
- March 23, 1970
Who is the current Director-General of Airport Security Force (ASF) ?
- Major General Zafar Ul Haq
- Maj Gen Sohail Ahmad Khan
- Maj General Adnan Asif Jah Shad HI(M)
- Maj General Sohail Ahmad Kha
Rangers headquarter in
- Sindh
- Punjab
- Islamabad
which is the largest of energy in Pakistan?
- Thermal
- Hydel
- Nuclear
- Solar
Who is the current president of United States of America (USA)?
- Donald Trump
- Joe Biden
- Bill Clinton
- Donald Blome
- Barack Obam
When the first constitution was abrogated and the first martial law was enforced?
- January 1958
- April 1958
- June 1958
- October 1958
- None of the above
and the first martial law was enforced?
- January 1958
- April 1958
- June 1958
- October 1958
- None of the above
and the first martial law was enforced?
- January 1958
- April 1958
- June 1958
- October 1958
- None of the above
Who was the second Prime Minister of Pakistan?
- Ch Muhammad Ali
- Kh. Nazim-ud-Din
- Liaquat Ali Khan
- D. Feroze Khan Noon
Who is the the current Attorney General of Pakistan?
- Khalid Jawad Khan
- Mansoor Usman Awan
- Mansoor Usman Awan
- Shehzad Ata Elahi
- None of these
Who is the first female martyr (Shaheed) of Islam?
- Hazrat Nafeesa(RA)
- Hazrat Sumaiyyah(RA)
- Hazrat Umm-e-Aimen (RA)
- None of these
Who collected verses of Quran__________?
- Hazrat Abu Bakra RA
- Hazrat Umar RA
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Usman RA
Which surah starts without Bismillah?
- Younas
- Fatiha
- Naml
- Touba
The Amount of Zakat cannot be used in ______.
- Madrassah
- Mosque
- Hospital
- None of these
What is the Ratio of Zakat in grams on Gold?
- 64.14 grams of gold
- 87.48 grams of gold
- 92.62 grams of gold
- 74.23 grams of gold
Who accepted Islam first in men?
- Hazrat Ali
- Hazrat Abubakar
- Hazrat Usman
- Hazrat Umer
- None of the above
Durand line is between:
- Pak-Afganistan
- Pak-China
- Pak-India
- none of the
if two sides of a triangle are of equal length, then it is called.
- Scale triangle
- Isosceles triangle
- Equilateral triangle
- none of these
Jihad become obligatory in.
- 1AH
- 2AH
- 3AH
- none of these
First president of Pakistan is:
- Khawaja Nazimuddin
- M Ali Jinnah
- Ghulam Muhammad
- Iskandar Mirza
Who translated the Holy Quran in Urdu for the first time_____?
- Shah Waliullah and Shah Abdul Aziz
- Shah Abdul Qadir and Shah Rafiuddin
- Syed Ahmad Baralvi and Shah Ismail Dehlavi
- None of these (please read details)
The current seats of senate are:
- 104
- 105
- 101
- 100
World oldest international organization was?
- World Bank
- League of Nation
Amnesty international Headquarter is an:
- Paris
- London
- Islamabad
- New York
- None of these
Who was the first male martyr( Shaheed) of Islam?
- Hazart Zaid Bin Haris(RA)
- Hazrat Shoaib Roomi(RA)
- Hazrat Ammar bin Yasir(RA)
- Hazrat Haris bin Halla (RA)
Xinhua news agency of which country.
- China
- India
- Thailand
- Malaysia
First constitution of Pakistan dissolved year.
- 1958
- 1956
- 1957
- 1973