ANF Constable Operator Past Paper 2020 MCQs

ANF Constable Operator Past Paper 2020 MCQs for preparation.

The largest Island of the world is :

  1. Iceland
  2. Cyprus
  3. Greenland
  4. None

Al- Biruni came to India with:

  1. Alexander the Great
  2. Mehmud Ghaznavi
  3. Muhammad Ghori
  4. None

Operation Zarb e Azab was started in___ year

  1. June 15, 2014
  2. July 15, 2014
  3. December 15, 2014
  4. December 15, 2015

Which river is not flowing from Jammu And Kahmir

  1. Indus
  2. Beas
  3. Ravi
  4. None

The first man to climb Mount Everest twice was:

  1. Tenzing Norgay
  2. Sherpa Samga
  3. Nawang Gombu
  4. None

PPC stand for:

  1. Pakistan Penal Code
  2. Pakistan Penal Court
  3. Pakistan Pass Code
  4. None

The academy of ANF is situated in which city?

  1. Islamabad
  2. LAhore
  3. Karachi
  4. Quetta
  5. None of the above

What is the rank of Force Commander of a regional directorate?

  1. Major General
  2. Colonel
  3. Brigadier
  4. Lieutenant General

___ was the first honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan?

  1. Justice Abdul Rashid
  2. Justice Muhammad Munir
  3. Justice Muhammad Shahabuddin
  4. Justice A.R. Cornelius

Injeel was revealed on which prophet by Allah____?

  1. Hazrat Moosa
  2. Hazrat Ibrahim
  3. Hazrat Isa
  4. None of the above

CPEC stand for:

  1. China Pakistan economic corporation
  2. China Pakistan economic corridor
  3. Pakistan China economic corporation
  4. Pakistan China economic corridor

On which Prophet Taurat (Torat) was revealed?

  1. Hazrat Issa
  2. Hazrat Mussa
  3. Hazrat Ibrahim
  4. Hazrat Dawood

Which is the capital city of China?

  1. Shanghai
  2. Beijing
  3. Wuhan
  4. New York
  5. None of these

When the constitution of 1962 was abrogated?

  1. 21th March 1968
  2. 22nd March 1969
  3. 25th March 1969
  4. 26th March 1968
  5. 28th March 1969

Which Continent has no desert?

  1. Europe
  2. Australia
  3. N.America
  4. S.America

What is the length of coastline of Pakistan is?

  1. 990 km
  2. 1125 km
  3. 1046 km
  4. 1058 km

When the battle of Yermuk was fought between Muslims and Romans in?

  1. 236 AD
  2. 336 AD
  3. 436 AD
  4. 636 AD
  5. None of these

When five prayers became Farz?

  1. 12th Nabvi
  2. 10th Nabvi
  3. 13th Nabvi
  4. 11th Nabvi

How many Takbeers are in Namaz-e-Janaza?

  1. Two
  2. Four
  3. Six
  4. One
  5. None of these

When the battle of Trench was fought?

  1. 327 AD
  2. 927 AD
  3. 227 AD
  4. 627 AD
  5. None of these

When the battle of Motah was faught?

  1. 3 hijri
  2. 12 hijri
  3. 5 hijri
  4. 8 hijri
  5. 9 hijri

Where headquarters of United Nations Organization (UNO) located?

  1. Washington
  2. Florida
  3. New York
  4. Texas
  5. None of these

What is the capital of the country ‘Eritrea’?

  1. Asmara
  2. Apia
  3. Nakfa
  4. None

How many Sajdas are there in the holy Quran?

  1. 11
  2. 12
  3. 13
  4. 14

The book Kitab al Umm is written by____?

  1. Imam Malik
  2. Imam Shafi
  3. Imam Abu Hanifa
  4. Imam Hambul
  5. None of these

The UNO was founded in the year:

  1. 24 October 1945
  2. 24 October 1946
  3. 20 October 1945
  4. 15 October 1946

When conquest of Makkah took place?

  1. 12 hijri
  2. 8 hijri
  3. 10 hijri
  4. 2 hijri
  5. None of these

Kalmah is__ pillar of Islam?

  1. 1st Pillar of Islam
  2. 2nd Pillar of Islam
  3. 3rd Pillar of Islam
  4. 4th Pillar of Islam

Fatimid Caliphate was established in which country?

  1. Egypt
  2. Iraq
  3. Iran
  4. none

What is the name of Qibla e Awal?

  1. Khaan Kaaba
  2. Aqsa Mosque
  3. Sultan Ahmed Mosque
  4. None of these

The first Muslim Nobel Prize laureate was?

  1. King Faisal
  2. Anwar Sadaat
  3. Moamor Gaddafi
  4. None

Who is the Current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), Pakistan?

  1. General Nadeem Raza
  2. General Sahir Shamshad Mirza
  3. General Rashad Mahmood
  4. None of these

The book ‘Reconstruction of Religious Thoughts’ is written by?

  1. Quaid e Azam
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
  4. None

Which country is known as “Land of Rising Sun”?

  1. Russia
  2. Canada
  3. Korea
  4. Japan

SAARC stands for ___?

  1. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
  2. South American Association for Regional Cooperation
  3. Small Agricultural Association for Regional Cooperation
  4. South Asia Association for Railway Cooperation
  5. All of these

Which is the largest Island of Indian Ocean ___?

  1. Sumatra
  2. Sri Lanka
  3. Maldives
  4. Madagascar
  5. None of these

Liaqat Ali Khan was assassinated in Rawalpindi on __

  1. 17 Nov 1951
  2. 17 Sep 1951
  3. 17 Aug 1951
  4. 16 Oct 1951

What is the average adult pulse rate?

  1. 60-80
  2. 100-200
  3. 500-570
  4. 10-30

What is the capital of Jordan?

  1. Amman
  2. Beirut
  3. Gaza
  4. New Delhi

Golan Heights are disputed between ____?

  1. Syria & USA
  2. Israel & Iraq
  3. Israel & Taiwan
  4. Syria & Israel

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