ANF Auditor Past Paper 17 09 2022 MCQs

ANF Auditor Past Paper 17 09 2022 MCQs for preparation.

Ayat ul Kursi is in which Surah of the Holy Quran?

  1. Surah Al-Baqarah
  2. Surah An-Nisa
  3. Surah Al-ma’ida
  4. Surah Al- A’raf

According to division of assets by British Government between India and Pakistan how much came for Pakistan?

  1. 60 crore
  2. 75 crore
  3. 80 crore
  4. 11 crore
  5. 10 crore

Who issued Comrade English newspaper from Calcutta?

  1. Quaid-e-Azam
  2. Mualana Shibli Nomani
  3. Mualana Muhammad Ali Johar
  4. None

the famous newspaper “Comrade and Hamdard” was issued by?

  1. Quaid-e-Azam
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Mualana Muhammad Ali Johar
  4. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

The word famous Ancient archaeological site Mohanjo Daro is located in the Civil district of Sindh but Harrappa is suited in:

  1. NWFP
  2. Punjab
  3. Balochistan
  4. Rajastan

Designation of Governor-General abolished and changed to President on___________?

  1. 23rd March 1956
  2. 05 July 1955
  3. 16 October 1951
  4. 15 August 1947

The Chief Justice of Lahore High Court who administered oath of Quaid e Azam he was?

  1. Abdul Rasheed
  2. Abdul Haq
  3. Shab ud din
  4. None

what was the cause of Quaid-e-Azam death?

  1. Diabetes
  2. Cancer
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Hearth Attack

When Quaid-e-Azam died?

  1. 10 September, 1948.
  2. 11 September, 1948
  3. 12 September, 1948
  4. 13 September, 1948.

in Pakistan Banana is mostly cultivated in which province?

  1. Punjab
  2. FATA
  3. Sindh
  4. Balochistan

Which is the longest surah in the Holy Quran_?

  1. Kousar
  2. Baqarah
  3. Al Imran
  4. None of the above

Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s banks:

  1. Swamps
  2. Hinterland
  3. Isthmuses
  4. None of these

Which Sura is called ‘Aroos-ul-Qur’an (the Bride of the Qur’an)?

  1. Jinn
  2. Yaseen
  3. Fatiha
  4. Rahman
  5. None of these

Battle of Badr was the first major encounter between the Muslims and the Mushriqeen-e-Makkah. Hazrat Usman (RA) could not take part in that battle because?

  1. He was very old and could not fight
  2. He was very sick
  3. His wife Hazrat Ruqayya (RA) was sick
  4. He was not present in Madina

Which surah starts without Bismillah?

  1. Younas
  2. Fatiha
  3. Naml
  4. Touba

Pick out the name of the Pious Caliph who took over the control of the state of Madina in 632 AD and died two years later?

  1. Hazrat Ali (RA)
  2. Hazrat Usman (RA)
  3. Hazrat Umar (RA)
  4. Hazrat Abubakar (RA)

How many Surah are with the name of Prophets?

  1. 6
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 5
  5. None of these

In how many days Allah created the heavens and the earth?

  1. six
  2. five
  3. four
  4. seven
  5. None of these

Partition of Bengal came into force on:

  1. 16 October 1901
  2. 16 October 1905
  3. 16 October 1903
  4. 16 October 1902

The founder of ‘Zamindar’ (newspaper) was ____?

  1. Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
  2. Allama Iqbal
  3. Muhammad Ali Johar
  4. Sir syed Ahmed
  5. None of these

Bombay was separated from Sindh in which year ____?

  1. 1926
  2. 1936
  3. 1946
  4. 1956

sulfur deposits are found in the district of?

  1. Swabi and Swat
  2. Jacobabad and Mardan
  3. Mirpur and Nowshera
  4. Larkana and Hyderabad

Which is the largest Natural fresh Water Lake in the Subcontinent?

  1. Manchar Lake
  2. Keenjar Lake
  3. Wular Lake
  4. Hali Lake
  5. None of these

which member of the Simon Commission resigned and was replaced by another member?

  1. Stephen Walsh
  2. C R Attlee
  3. Lord Barnham
  4. none of these

Who moved the resolution for establishing Muslim League?

  1. Nawab of Dacca
  2. Nawab od Dehli
  3. Nawab of Chittagong
  4. None Of These

Pakistanis population was only_____ million at the time of Independence?

  1. 20
  2. 30
  3. 33
  4. 40

Constitution of ANF is under:

  1. CNC act 1907
  2. ANF act 1997
  3. ANF Act 1947
  4. None of these

The Karakoram Highway being contrasted with the assistance of the Chines government, was completed in?

  1. 1972
  2. 1974
  3. 1976
  4. 1979

The first nuclear power plant in Pakistan was set up in Karachi was?

  1. 1971
  2. 1972
  3. 1973
  4. 1974

The largest mosque of Pakistan, located in Islamabad is called ____?

  1. Badshahi Mosque
  2. Shah Faisal Mosque
  3. None of them
  4. Garrison Mosque
  5. None of these

which of the following is the name of the US parliament?

  1. Democrats and republication
  2. Senate
  3. Congress
  4. House Commons

What is the rank of DG in ANF?

  1. General
  2. Brigadier
  3. Major General
  4. Lieutenant General
  5. None of these

Give the name of the scholar who was the first to translate the Holy Quran into German language?

  1. Lil Philips
  2. Martin Luther
  3. Stevenson
  4. Rchards

What is the greatest miracle of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

  1. Salat
  2. Meraj Shareef
  3. Holy Quran
  4. Breaking of moon in two parts

What was the age of Hazart Umer R.A when he embraced Islam?

  1. 29 years
  2. 28 years
  3. 27 years
  4. 32 years
  5. None of these

In which year battle of Qadsia was fought?

  1. 15 Hijri
  2. 12 Hijri
  3. 14 Hijri
  4. 16 Hijri

What percent of Zakat is essential on the honey which is obtained from a forest?

  1. Twelve percent
  2. Ten percent
  3. Fifteen percent
  4. Twenty percent

I am intent ___

  1. for winning
  2. to win
  3. on winning
  4. of winning
  5. wins

The idiom ‘To cut long story short’ means:

  1. Come to the point
  2. Tell the story briefly
  3. Miss the main points
  4. Cut a bread
  5. None of these

Professor Noor was completely caught up in his lecture. Here ‘caught up’ means:

  1. Engrossed
  2. Consumed
  3. Captured
  4. Absorbed

Which is the fourth largest country in the world in population?

  1. China
  2. USA
  3. India
  4. Pakistan
  5. Indonesia

Smallest province of Pakistan by area

  1. KPK
  2. Punjab
  3. Baluchistan
  4. Sindh

Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered his famous Allahabad Address in?

  1. 29 December 1928
  2. 29 December 1929
  3. 29 December 1930
  4. 29 December 1945
  5. 29 December 1947

Gobi desert is in

  1. China and Mangolia
  2. Iran and Iraq
  3. Saudi Arabia and Yamen
  4. All

The synonym of CONFRONT is:

  1. Succumb
  2. Face
  3. Eliminate
  4. Tolerate
  5. Kill

I have often ____ why he went to live abroad.

  1. Puzzled
  2. Wondered
  3. Thought
  4. Surprised
  5. All are correct

The news of the secret deal soon ـــ despite official silence.

  1. Discovered
  2. Disclosed
  3. Leaked out
  4. Divulged
  5. All options are correct

Everyone should ____ himself against illness since medical care has now become expensive.

  1. Vaccinate
  2. Insure
  3. Brace
  4. Ensure
  5. All of these

The railway track runs ___ the river.

  1. Over
  2. By
  3. Across
  4. On

He lives in the world of __

  1. Allusions
  2. Illusions
  3. Conclusions
  4. Delusions

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