What is the vertical distance between pump and water surface?
A. 5.0 m
B. 7.5 m
C. 10.0 m
D. 12.5 m
Heart of homogenizer is known as
A. Pump
B. Vibrator
C. Piston
D. None of the above
Slip is defined as
A. S = 1 – (Va/Vt)
B. S = 1 + (Vt/VA)
C. S = (Va/Vt) – 1
D. S = (Vt/ VA)
Among the all evaporators, which is the most efficient evaporators?
A. Falling film
B. Long tube
C. Vertical type natural circulation
D. Agitated film
What do you mean by the term “annual flood”?
A. Mean of floods in partial duration series
B. Mean annual flood
C. A flood with recurrence interval of 2.33 years
D. A flood with recurrence interval of N/2 years, where N = Number of years of record
An implement attached to swinging draw bar of the tractor will offer
A. Increase in turning radius
B. Decrease in turning radius
C. Increase in side draft
D. Noneof these
Generally the temperature in Flash Processing is kept between
A. 124° – 127°C
B. 110° – 115°C
C. 150° – 180°C
D. 18° – 75°C
Ignition delay of High speed engine is . . . . . . . . sec and of low speed engine is . . . . . . . . sec.
A. 0.001 and 0.002
B. 0.005 and 0.004
C. 0.002 and 0.003
D. 0.01 and 0.02
While designing the tractor seat suspension, the ratio of the tractor frequency to seat frequency is kept
A. 0.5
B. 1.5
C. 1.7
D. None of these
The size of MB plough is expressed in terms of its
A. Width of cut
B. Depth of cut
C. Length of share
D. None of these
Most commonly transmission system used in India is
A. Synchronoesh
B. Planetary gear
C. Selective gear
D. Hydrostatic
Which of the following pumps is this pump-It has no rotating or reciprocating parts involved. No leakage. Air/gas to impart energy.
A. Piston pump
B. Diaphragm pump
C. Gear pump
D. Air-lift pump
Psychrometric chart is a graphical representation of which properties of air?
A. Chemical
B. Aerodynamic
C. Hygroscopic
D. Thermodynamic
Thermal conductivity (k) of milk is
A. 0.50 – 0.53 watt/m-k
B. 0.25 – 0.50 watt/m-k
C. 1.5 – 2 watt/m-k
D. None of the above
Compressors are
A. Isentropic
B. Adiabatic
C. Isothermal
D. Isochoric process
The temperature difference across the rising film evaporator is . . . . . . . .°C.
A. 15
B. 17
C. 10
D. 14
Rehology depends upon
A. Force
B. Deformation
C. Time
D. All of the above
What is the length of the long tube evaporator?
A. 6 – 12 m
B. 10 – 15 m
C. 3 – 10 m
D. 20 – 30 m
Sphericity of food grains is
A. Above one
B. Less than one
C. Equal to one
D. Less than and equal to one
Crop probers shallow tillage is
A. Millets
B. Sesame
C. Flax
D. All of these
The type of furrow opener recommended for use in hard and trashy ground and also in wet, dry soil in
A. Single disc type
B. Hoe type
C. Stub runner type
D. Curved runner type
In India, the rainfall for 24 hours is recorded at . . . .
A. 8:30 am
B. 8:30 pm
C. 5:00 am
D. 5:00 pm
What is the average threshing outturn of a paddy in Kgs/hr?
A. 500
B. 650
C. 800
D. 1000
The power developed by average pair of bullocks varies from
A. 0 – 0.5 hp
B. 0.5 – 2.0 hp
C. 0.5 – 1.0 hp
D. 1.5 – 2.0 hp
In deep liter system, how many birds can (2.4 × 2.4 m) accommodate?
A. 12
B. 14
C. 16
D. 18
The working efficiency per day of deshi plough is
A. 0.3 ha
B. 0.8 ha
C. 0.4 ha
D. 1.0 ha
Overland flow is major flow in
A. Small watersheds
B. Large watersheds
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
The most common fumigant for storage of cereals is
A. Zinc phosphide
B. Ethylene dibromide
C. Aluminum phosphide
. . . . . . . . Vitamin is sensitive to heat.
A. C
B. A
C. D
D. B
In designing regime canal by using Lacey’s theory the velocity depends on several factors except
A. Depth of water
B. Hydraulic mean depth
C. Slope of channel
D. Lacey’s silt factor
Dielectric constant of a food material depends upon
A. Temperature
B. Moisture content
C. Density
D. Electrical conductivity
What is the thermal efficiency of a traditional challah?
A. 5%
B. 6%
C. 7%
D. 8%
The barbed wire in fencing is made of
A. 12 gauge
B. 14 gauge
C. 20 gauge
D. None of the above
When n < 1, the fluids are called as
A. Pseudoplastic
B. Newtonian
C. Dilatant
D. Rheopectic
The requirement of air for full combustion of 1 kg fuel in S.I. engine is about . . . . . . Kg.
A. 15.1
B. 14.2
C. 12.5
D. 17.6
Till angle of a disc plough is
A. 0°
B. 15°
C. 20°
D. 45°
Injection pressure of the fuel nozzle in diesel engine is
A. 50 – 100 kg/cm2
B. 150 – 200 kg/cm2
C. 100 – 200 kg/cm2
D. None of these
Working life of a tractor drawn cultivator is usually
A. 10000 hours
B. 2500 hours
C. 15000 hours
D. 8500 hours
Tractors are generally fitted with
A. Sliding mesh gear box
B. Constant mesh gear box
C. Both A and B
D. Synchromesh gear box
In bricks masonry, the frog of the brick is normally kept on the
A. Top face
B. Bottom face
C. Side face
D. All of the above
Who is known as “Father of canning”?
A. Rosalind John
B. John Nicholas
C. Nicholas Appert
D. None of the above
A geological formation which is essentially impermeable for flow of water even though it may contain water in its pores is called
A. Aquifer
B. Aquifuge
C. Aquitard
D. Aquiclude
The throat of a reaper cutter bar is
A. 5 cm
B. 8 cm
C. 8.5 cm
D. 15 cm
Axial flow rasp bar cylinder gives better threshing efficiency than cross-flow rasp bar due to
A. Axial path increases residence time and number of impact on material
B. Greater peripheral speed results in higher threshing efficiency
C. Lesser concave clearance residence time
D. All of the above
Natural air flow take place in dryer due to
A. Volume of air
B. Pressure of air
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
In a normal distribution,
A. Mean = Mode = Median
B. Mean = Mode
C. Mean = Media
D. Mode = Median
The purpose of registration in a mower is
A. To get uniform length of cut of grass
B. To run the mower at uniform torque
C. To run the mower at minimum power
D. To reduce the occurrence of overload
A unit hydrograph has
A. One unit of direct runoff
B. One unit of peak discharge
C. One unit of rainfall duration
D. One unit of time base of direct runoff
For slabs and beams the grade of concrete mix generally used is
A. 1 : 2 : 4
B. 1 : 3 : 6
C. 1 : 4 : 8
D. 1 : 5 : 10
A stubble type mould board gives
A. Pulverization
B. Little pulverization
C. Thorough pulverization
D. None of the above
Spike tooth harrow stir the soil to a depth of
A. 2 cm
B. 5 cm
C. 10 cm
D. 15 cm
Logarithmic mean radius of the pipe in relation to its arithmetic mean radius is always
A. Smaller
B. Greater
C. Equal or smaller
D. Equal or greater
A reaper isused for
A. Cutting crop
B. Cutting and windrowing
C. Cutting and threshing
D. None of these
In size reduction of fine powders which of the following laws is more applicable?
A. Kicks’s Law
B. Rittinger’s Law
C. Bond’s Law
D. All of the above
Freezing temperature of brine is
A. Lower than water
B. Higher than CH3Cl
C. Higher than water
D. Higher than Feron-12
If the speed of a centrifugal pump is doubled, the power required will be increased by
A. 2 times
B. 4 times
C. 6 times
D. 8 times
Maximum noise level from a tractor near the operator’s ear should not exceed
A. 85 dB
B. 100 dB
C. 95 dB
D. 120 dB
Q = dE + w is the equation of
A. First law of thermodynamics
B. Second law of thermodynamics
C. Zeroth law
D. None of the above
Number of piston rings on piston varies between
A. 4 – 8
B. 3 – 7
C. 7 – 12
D. 10 – 15
Horizontal plate seed metering device is used in
A. Planter
B. Seed drill
C. Seed-Cum-Fertilizer drill
D. None of these
Dimension of stream frequency is . . . .
A. L-2
C. T
D. L-1
Stress is directly proportional to strain within elastic limit is known as
A. Bond law
B. Kick law
C. Hooke’s law
D. Rittinger law
Drip’ irragation is generally followed in the country
A. Germany
B. India
C. Australia
D. Israel
The pressure difference in the throttle of the carburetor is called
A. Intake depression
B. Inlet depression
C. Pressure difference
D. None of the above
Depth of penetration of a harrow increased by
A. Increasing till angle
B. Increasing disc angle
C. Increasing gang angle
D. All of the above
Rotavator working in reverse direction for compacting the soil and giving good touch to inter culturing is called
A. Rotary tiller
B. Power tiller
C. Power harrow
D. Treader
The FPO standard for acidity of squash is
A. 1%
B. 0.5%
C. 0.75%
D. 1.5%
Which one of the following will have least value of thermal conductivity?
A. Copper
B. Water
C. Glass
D. Air
Commonly used herbicide under zero tillage is
A. Paroquat
B. Diguat
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
Calorific value of high speed diesel is . . . . . . . . kcal/kg.
A. 8,500
B. 10,550
C. 81,550
D. 12,500
If size of seed drill is doubled and speed is halved then coverage will be
A. Unchanged
B. Doubled
C. Halved
D. None of these
Electrical resistance of a thermistor
A. Increases as the temperature increases
B. Decreases as the temperature increases
C. Remains unaffected with change in temperature
D. Increases at low temperature and decreases at high temperature
Physical condition of soil resulted due to tillage is called
A. Texture
B. Structure
C. Tilth
D. None of these
The most commonly used pumps in tractor hydraulic system are
A. Centrifugal type
B. Gear type
C. Vane type
D. None of these
V-shaped sweeps are best suited for
A. Primary tillage
B. Stubble mulch tillage
C. Rotary tillage
D. Minimum tillage
Approximate ratio weight of air fuel in diesel engine is
A. 10 : 1
B. 5 : 1
C. 15 : 1
D. 20 : 1
What is the common size of screen openings for wells?
A. 5.0 to 10mm
B. 1.5 to 5.00 mm
C. 15 to 20 mm
D. 4.5 to 5.00 mm
The differential speed of rolls of wheat mill is
A. 2 : 1
B. 2.5 : 1
C. 3 : 1
D. 3.5 : 1
The rotary or oscillating tool which does not tum the soil upside down is
A. Power tiller
B. Rotavato
C. Power harrow
D. Treader or rotary tiller
Important property of soil is
A. Size distribution of aggregates
B. Friability of soil
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
The area of double pipe heat exchanger should be
A. 9 – 14 m2
B. 15 – 25 m2
C. 3 – 7 m2
D. 12 – 14 m2
The capacity of each pen in the poultry house should not exceed . . . . . . . . birds.
A. 400
B. 350
C. 250
D. 200
Cold spark plug is used on
A. Heavy engines
B. Small engines
C. IC engines
D. All of the above
The unit draft of an indigenous plough making a 20 cm wide and 10 cm deepV shaped-furrow in 70 kg per sq. cm. The draft is
A. 40 kg
B. 50 kg
C. 70 kg
D. 60 kg
The maximum torque can be increased by
A. Increasing the stroke-bore ratio
B. Increasing the volumetric efficiency
C. Decreasing the stroke-bore ratio
D. None of these
Paddy transplanter is being manufactured in India by
A. M/s Escorts Ltd.
B. M/s Mitsubishi Ltd.
C. M/s Eicher Tractors Ltd.
D. M/s H.M.T.
Work is expressed by the formula as
A. Work = Force (kg) × Distance (m)
B. Work = Force (g) × Distance (cm)
C. Work = Force (kg) × Distance (cm)
D. Work = Force (g) × Distance (m)
Crop responds well for deep ploughing is
A. Sugarcane
B. Potato
C. Cotton
D. All of these
What is the calorific value (Kcal/kg) of cow-dung cake?
A. 4500
B. 4300
C. 4000
D. 3500
The operation of surface finishing of the engine cylinder is called
A. Reboring
B. Scuffing
C. Honing
D. Scavenging
Temperature at which ice cream hardening room operates is
A. -50°C
B. -30°C
C. -10°C
D. 0°C
Q = KIA represents which equation?
A. Rational
B. Manning’s
C. Lacey’s
D. Darcy’s law
Drillability of fertilizers is . . . . . . . . proportional to the kinetic angle of repose.
A. Inversely
B. Directly
C. Unaffected
D. None of these
Thermal efficiency of a tractor is in proportion to specific fuel consumption.
A. Direct
B. Inverse
C. Unaffected
D. None of these
Unit of enthalpy is
A. Kw/kg.m
B. Kj/kg.cm
C. Kw
D. Kj/kg
In mould board plough, Soft Centred stell is in used for making of . . . . . . . .
A. Frog
B. Mould Board
C. Land Side
D. None of these
The pressure drop across a fluidised bed will depend upon
A. Depth of bed
B. Porosity of the bed
C. Density of the particles
D. All of the above
Functions of seed cum fertiliser drill
A. To carry the seeds and fertiliser in separate compartments
B. To open furrows at uniform depth
C. To cover the seed and fertiliser
D. All of the above
Seed drill have slip equals to
A. Zero
B. Positive slip
C. Negative slip
D. None of these
Toothed roll crusher are mainly used for
A. Wheat flour
B. Sugarcane juice
C. Grains
D. None of the above