European Union EU MCQs

European Union EU MCQs with Answers for competitive exams and one paper jobs test preparation online.

European Union EU MCQs

European Union (EU) founded in the year: 1993

European Union (EU) has ___ Main Official Languages: 3

European Union (EU) is a ___ organization : Political & Economic Forum

What is the name of the project European Union announced in December 2021 to support infrastructure development around the world approximate to China’s BRI: Global Gateway

Ukraine shares border with how many European Union Member states? 4

Separation of United Kingdoms from European union is called: Brexit

The Headquarters of the European Union is in : Brussels

How many countries are members of the European Union? 27

The first European country to ratify the European Union Constitution was : Italy

On which date, Britain and the European Union struck a free-trade deal: Dec 24, 2020

Most recent member of European union: Croatia

In June 2022, European Union signed gas deal with ______ to end dependency on Russia: Egypt & Israel

Who is the current president of European Union (EU)? Roberta Metsola

Which of the following European country is not member of European Union? Switzerland

Which from the following countries is not a member of European Union: Norway

Which country voted to join the European Union’s Defense policy in June 2022? Denmark

Which country applied to join European Union in February 2022? Ukraine

Which country is called cock pit of Europe? Belgium

Talks for Britain’s exit (Brexit) from European Union were held in which of the following country? Belgium

Oldest bank in the world is located in : Italy

European Union adopted Euro in: 1st Jan 1999

Who is the Current Ambassador of European Union to Pakistan? Dr Riina Kionka

How many white stars have on European union flag: 12

Which US convention has most signatories at its opening day ? UN convention on persons with disabilities

The United Kingdom (UK) left the European Union on : 31 January 2020

The ban on the sale of new gas and diesel cars by the European Parliament will come into effect from which year? 2035

The European Union is set to become the largest economy Bloc in the Word to complete ban save the conventional (combustion engine) cars by? 2035

The Euro currency is used by ___ countries: 20

The working capital of European Union is : Brussels

European Union was established with its headquarters at Brussels in: 1992

Which organization adopted first law to tackle violence against women? European Union

which organization has given final approval to the world’s first major AI law? European Union (EU)

IMPORTANT: Read General Knowledge MCQs and General Knowledge Quizzes for more practice of one paper mcqs test preparation online.

Also Read: MCQs Quizzes and One-liner for one paper test preparation.

EU related MCQs are frequently asked in one paper jobs test and competitive exams in Pakistan and India..

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