Computer MCQs Quiz 25

Computer MCQs Quiz 25

1 / 20

Computer spreadsheet capability to allow a pie chart to be generated from data in spreadsheet cells is termed as __________ ?

2 / 20

Which of following is not an element of computer spreadsheet interface?

3 / 20

in MS-Excel ______ short cut key is used for hiding rows.

4 / 20

Title bar in MS-Excel displays name of the ____ ?

5 / 20

What is the intersection of a column and row called in Excel?

6 / 20

What is the function of the SUM function in Excel?

7 / 20

What is the function of the IF function in Excel?

8 / 20

What is the function of the VLOOKUP function in Excel?

9 / 20

In assembly languages symbols are used instead of binary code, these symbols are called?

10 / 20

Window 9 main features are ______?

11 / 20

css stands for ?

12 / 20

What is a shortcut key of “Change the font’ in MS Word?

13 / 20

To insert chart in MS Excel, which shortcut key used?

14 / 20

Default file name in MS Excel is?

15 / 20

Maximum zoom percentage in Excel is _____?

16 / 20

In 1997, which technological design was named after a Viking king?

17 / 20

A computer cannot “boot” if it does not have the _____system.?

18 / 20

Who Invented the First Computer Mouse?

19 / 20

Who is the father of MS Word?

20 / 20

Which feature starts a new line whenever a word or sentence reached a border

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The average score is 57%


Computer Hardware And Software Quiz

In this important Computer Hardware And Software Quiz, there are a total of twenty questions to solve online.

This quiz mcqs questions will help the job seekers aspirants to understand basic concepts of computer quiz. 

Candidates must attempt all the questions in this computer quiz. After the completion, the students must submit their quiz to see their marks for this quiz.

This computer test contains most important questions, mostly from the past papers. We have an average number of other aspirants who participate in this Computer Hardware And Software Quiz. 

The average number of others in this computer quizzes series, helps the aspirants to compare their preparation level with competitors.

This Computer Hardware And Software Quiz is an effort from to support candidates in preparation of their upcoming computer quiz.

Read More: Computer MCQs

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