MCQs of Pak Study

Important MCQs of Pak study dates and year in Pakistan history for competitive exams.

712- Muhammed Bin Qasim Conquered Sindh

1000- Mahmud Ghaznvi first invasion in India

1025- Ghazni attack on Somnat Temple

1030 - Kitab ul Hind written by Al Biruni

1191 - First Battle of Tarain

1192 - Second Battle of Tarain

1206 - Mamluk Dynasty (Beginning of Delhi Sultanate)

1241 - Mongols conquered Lahore

1290 - Beginning of Khilji Dynasty

1299 - Alauddin Khilji defeated Mongols

1320 - Beginning of ughlaq Dynasty

1333 - Ibne-Batuta visited India

1398 - Amir Timur Invaded India in

1414 - Beginning of Sayyed Dynasty

1451 - Beginning of Lodhi Dynasty

1526 - Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodhi (Beginning of Mughal Empire)

1527 - Babar defeated Rana Sanga in Khanwa

1539 - Battle of Chausa between Humayun and Sher Shah suri

1540 - Battle of Bilgram (Sher Shah Defeated Humayoun, Beginning of Sur Empire)

1555 - End of Sur Empire

1556- Second Battle of Panipat between Hemu and Akbar

1556 - Beginning of Akbar Reign

1582 - Akbar Introduced Deen-e-illahi

1592 - Emperor Shah Jehan Was born at Lahore

1600 - East India Company Established

1627 - Beginning of Shah Jehan Reign

1632 - Construction of Taj Mahal Started.

1653 - Taj Mahal Construction Completed

1658 - Beginning of Aurangzaib Rein

1673 - Construction of Badshahi Masjid Lahore

1707 - Death of Emperor Aurangzaib

1757 - Battle of Plassey between British East India Company and Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah

1761 - Third Battle of Panipat between Maratha and Durani Empire

1764 - Battle of Buxar

1767 - First Mysore war (1767 - 1769)

1780 - Second Mysore war (1780 - 1784)

1790 - Third Mysore war (1790 - 1792)

1837 - Urdu replace Persian as official language of India

1843 - Annexation of Sindh by the British

1849 - Annexation of Punjab. Fall of Sikh Empire (1799 - 1849)

1853 - First Indian Railway Track

1857 – War of independence.

1858 – Govt of India act.

1861 – Indian Council act.

1864 - Sir Syed Formed Scientific Society at Ghazipur with aim to translate western into vernacular languages.

1866 - Darul Uloom Deoband was established in Saharanpur.

1867 - Urdu-Hindi Controversy.

1875 - MAO College Ali Gerh Established by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

1876 - Queen Victoria had been named Empress of India.

1885 – Indian National Congress founded by A.O Hume.

1905 – Partition of Bengal.

1906 - Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined Indian National Congress.

1906 – Foundation of All India Muslim League on 31st December.

1907 – Seditious meeting act.

1908 – Bal Gangadhar Tilak (the first leader of Indian independence movement) was sentenced to 6 year jail.

1909 – Minto Morely reform.

1910 – Indian press Act.

1911 – Partion of Bengal is cancelled.

1913- Muhammad Ali Jinnah Joined Muslim League.

1914 – Ghadar party was founded.

1915 – 9th June, Gandhi arrived in India.

1916 – Tilak founded Indian Home rule on 28th April in and Poona. Later Annie Besant started home rule league on 25th September.

1916– Lucknow Pact.

1918 – Beginning of the trade union movement.

1919 - Khilafat movement Started.

1919 – Feb 16, Rowalt Act.

1919– 13th April, Jalliwala Bagh Incident.

1919 – 5th December, Montage Chelmsford Award. Came into operation 1921.

1920 – Congress Non Co-operation movement started.

1920 - MA Jinnah left Indian National Congress.

1921 - Malabar rebellion (August 20, 1921 – 1922 in the Malabar region of Kerala).

1922 – 5th February; Chaura Chauri Incident (3 civilian and 22 policeman died). Gadhi suspend non cooperation after this incident.

1924 - Khilafat movement Ended.

1927 - Simon commission appointed to suggest the future constitution reform.

1928 - Nehru Report (28th August).

1929 - Fourteen Points of Muhammed Ali Jinnah on 28th March.

1930 - Simon commission published report in 30 May.

1930 - First round table conference in London.

1930 - Gandhi Launch civil disobedient movement with his epic dandi march also known as salt march.

1931 - March 5, Gandhi Irwin Pact. Civil disobedient movement was suspended.

1931- Second round table conference in london.

1932 - British PM Ramsay Macdonald announced Communal Award on 16 August.

1932 - Third Round Table Conference.

1935 - Govt of India Act passed.

1937 - Election were held under act of 1935 in eleven provinces.

1939- Congress Ministries resigned. Muslim league observe this as "Day of Deliverance".

1940 - 23 March, Muslim league passed Lahore Resolution.

1940 - Viceroy Lord Linlithgow announced August offer on 8th Aug.

1942 - Winston Churchill announced Cripps Mission.

1942- 8th August, Congress started quit India movement.

1943 - Karachi session of Muslim League adopted the slogan "Divide and Quit" .

1944- Jinnah Gandhi Talks to discuss C.R formula and two nation theory.

1945 - Simla Conference, meeting between the Viceroy Lord Wavell and Indian Parties leadership.

1946 - Muslim League Observed Direct Action Day on 16 August.

1946 - Cabinet Mission came to India to discuss the transfer of powers from the British to the Indian leadership.

1946 - Interim Government of India formed headed by Jawaharlal Nehru.

1947 - 20th February, British Prime Minister Atlee announced that British Government leave India no later than June 1948.

1947- Lord Mountbatten the last British Viceroy and Governor general of India sworn on 24th March.

1947 - 3 June partition plan or Mountbatten plan, Indian Independence Act 1947.

1947 - Indian Independence Act was passed by the British parliament on July 5 and approved by Royal assent on July 18, 1947.

1947- 11 August, Quaid e Azam addressed in the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan.

1947 - 14 August, Pakistan independence day.

Must Read: Pakistan Studies One-liner MCQs and Quizzes

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