FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-3 MCQs

FIA Inspector Past Paper 2019 BATCH-3 MCQs for preparation.

India recognized the provisional Government of Bangladesh on ____?

  1. 14 Dec 1971
  2. 19 Dec 1971
  3. 16 Dec 1971
  4. None

Pakistan recognized the Government of Bangladesh on ____?

  1. Dec 1970
  2. Dec 1971
  3. Feb 1973
  4. Feb 1974

Imran Khan is the ________ Prime minister in the country’s history to seek a voluntary vote of confidence from the National Assembly:

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
  4. None

Kartarpur is in which district :

  1. Narowal
  2. Sialkot
  3. Kasur
  4. Lahore

Which of the following is the current Chief Minister of KPK?

  1. Mehmood Khan
  2. Ali Amin Gandapur
  3. Azam Khan
  4. Akram Khan Durrani
  5. Arshad Hussain Shah

The book ” Friends not Masters” was written by___?

  1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
  2. Liaquat Ali Khan
  3. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
  4. General Ayoub Khan

Ahmadis were declared non-Muslims in___?

  1. 1975
  2. 1974
  3. 1976
  4. None

Pakistan joined SCO as a full member at a summit 9 June 2017 in___?

  1. Astana
  2. Moscow
  3. Shanghai
  4. none of the above

Multan metro bus project funded by____?

  1. Asian Development Bank
  2. World Bank
  3. Punjab Government
  4. None

Light year is a unit of

  1. Light
  2. Distance
  3. Time
  4. All of these

CPEC circumvent which sea?

  1. Arabian Sea
  2. Baltic Sea
  3. Caspian Sea
  4. Red Sea

CPEC will link through which pass?

  1. Khanjrab
  2. Tochi
  3. Maztagh
  4. None

When the first constitution was abrogated and the first martial law was enforced?

  1. January 1958
  2. April 1958
  3. June 1958
  4. October 1958
  5. None of the above

What is the capital of the United States of America (USA)?

  1. New York
  2. Washington D.C
  3. California
  4. None of the above

The Tashkent declaration between Pakistan and India was signed on ?

  1. 10 January 1966
  2. 1 January 1965
  3. 15 January 1964
  4. 1 February 1966

Which Gas is used in the preparation of Soft drinks?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Carbon dioxide
  3. Oxygen
  4. None of these

Atique is the title of ?

  1. Umar
  2. Usman
  3. Abubakar
  4. None

How many head of zakat?

  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 8

The country Panama is situated in:

  1. North America
  2. Central America
  3. South America
  4. None of the above
  5. Asia

Qisas means?

  1. Punishment by causing similar hurt
  2. Forgiveness for Allah
  3. Get money against pain
  4. None of these

In US senate which party got majority ___

  1. democratic
  2. Republicans
  3. Federalists
  4. None of these

The word Quran literally means:

  1. nobel
  2. restriction
  3. instructions
  4. right
  5. recitation

In which Ghazwa the Prophet (PBUH) had to miss four prayers?

  1. Badr
  2. Ditch
  3. Uhad
  4. None

How many Jews were killed in World War II?

  1. 6 million
  2. 2 million
  3. 9 million
  4. 4 million
  5. 8 million

Bird Hud-Hud told Hazrat Sulaiman that “The Queen Balqees and her followers had been worshipping?

  1. Stars
  2. Sun
  3. Moon
  4. Idols
  5. None of these

What is the ruling on the use of miswaak by the fasting person?

  1. Disliked
  2. Prohibited
  3. Farz
  4. Recommended

“To face the music” means

  1. To be on the front seat in the concert
  2. To be greeted rudely
  3. To be offered warm hospitality
  4. To bear the consequences

The idiom piece of cake means

  1. bear the enmity
  2. Easy task
  3. be happy
  4. none

East Pakistan was separated from West Pakistan on ___?

  1. 27 December 1971
  2. 16 December 1971
  3. 14 December 1971
  4. 25 December 1971

Hazrat ____ added 2nd Azan for Friday prayers.

  1. Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A)
  2. Hazrat Umar (R.A)
  3. Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  4. Hazrat Ali (R.A)

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